Why even bother impeaching the man at this point. Just let him ride out his term and don't vote for him in 2020

Why even bother impeaching the man at this point. Just let him ride out his term and don't vote for him in 2020.

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that image hurts to look at

impeachment is not removal from office. we can reprimand him without actually throwing him out.

Although honestly I think he deserves the boot

He'll be there until 2024

Jews love black cock

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I’m worried it’s going to back fire, like on Clinton (clearly trumps impeachment is warranted, crazy to think the republicans just gave up on integrity and family values)

this is intelligent

To keep him too preoccupied with defending himself, to limit further damage to existing public institutions.

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impeachment would only make more people vote for him in 2020 anyway.he's been great at harnessing the power of his angry white supporters

>removal from office

he wont be removed anyway,he'll just sit and whine like a child.meanwhile,you retards will arm yourselves to the teeth like you did in nevada

Impeachment will theoretically mobilize both sides to vote, sure it is more divisive but fuck it, that's how you win elections. Trump wants this, the libs want this, I want more popcorn.

1) it won't actually lead to impeachment, almost certainly
2) even so, it's the right thing to do; he should be impeached; let the cunts who won't impeach him be on the record as being in favour of keeping this crook in office
3) even if it doesn't lead to impeachment, it might still be a good move politically, cost him voters (mostly independents), and keep him distracted from fucking up USA even more with his agenda


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why bother with impeachment when republicans still have all the people in the party who voted for the guy to begin with

thats something impeachment wont fix

>his angry white supporters

You're projecting, and it's showing.

Clinton was in his second term, didn't fuck with the investigation, and was ultimately convicted on what the rest of the US waved off as a blowjob.

Trump's approval ratings are consistently shit and is self evidently corrupt, out in the open, and cannot tolerate any perceived slight. Him already saying the White House won't cooperate is possibly impeachable.

this would made sense if the orange mongoloid was willing to run a fair race in 2020, but it's pretty obvious that he has no intention to even keep it legal

Everyone knows Clinton lied about a blowjob, his impeachment was presidential harassment

Trump lies about everything, has blackmailed and bribed foreign countries to manifacture evidence against his political rivals, he has pulled in even the AG and his lawyer and has at least 10 counts of obstructions of justice.
Nixon is now the second biggest crook in american history.

US history is more important than just the next election cycle.
It's important to show that Democrats stood up to corruption and lawlessness rather than roll over and take it up the butt, like the GOP is doing.

POS needs to be flayed alive.

That's what his cabinet is there to do. Orange Nero golfs while Rome burns.

You'll all probably feel pretty stupid when he wins again. Which is going to be hilarious for me to watch

Nixon was a crook because that's what I've been told. Nixon's "crime" was covering up a crime that he had nothing to do with. Compared with all the criminal activity of subsequent presidents the "Nixon was a crook" is nothing but a stale meme

Standing up for "corruption and lawlessness" only shows integrity when you address it when your side is involved. Accusing someone who you've been openly trying "get" at all costs whose done nothing worse than what was previously ignored is not moral fortitude but petty vindictiveness.

they want to impeach him because they know he will win 2020. dem candidates are all a fucking joke at this point

>let the cunts who won't impeach him be on the record
this is why people hate liberals

I say leave the man alone and let him do his job:
Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3 percent over the last four quarters.
Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.

Nice try fbi