Anyone know how to make fuck-mates in Prague

Anyone know how to make fuck-mates in Prague
any tips/advices
like how to meet prague girls
i'm studying here (im french)

czech girls thread tips

1. Go outside
2. Hold 5 Euros in your hand
3. Pick any girl you want

yes but please how to pick up girls that are strangers , exemple in metro or something
how to take their number and make them my fuck mates tho? , what i have to say/act


1. Find a girl you like
2. Give her 5 Euros
3. Do what you want with her

i said seriously dude
we both know it will not happen in real life
just advice me/tip me if u have a serious tip

I'm dead serious. Czechia is the home of the cheapest, easiest whores in the world. Literally every woman is either a prostitute or wants to become one.

i met czech girls , i had a czech girlfriend
and its totally wrong

I bet she even said she loved you, while sucking your dick for 5 euros.

she bought me things so she's not a prostitute , but she is a cheater so she's a slut

>(im french)

bathe more

Use Tinder ffs

didnt work , any other solution?

Then you are probably ugly and out of luck

Im not ^^
belive me

In last thread you said that you are Tunisian

People hate muslims and arabs here(girls think that you are all violant backward assholes who just want white girl as a trophy) so sorry you are out of luck

i am not Tunisian?..

Tunisian living in France

I'm 189 cm, atheist, and raised in Swedish culture. I'm also ethnically ambiguous according to when people tried to guess my background. Would I be shit out of luck? Just out of curiosity, I really don't mind if the answer is yes.

meant to reply to

Do you have:
>Either genuine charisma and/or an interesting hobby?
If yes, its fucking easy.
Just tome to some 7-8/10 and use some bullshit phrase like: "Are you the famous actress"? "you are the most beautifull girl in the room", "I like your hair"
The Prague sluts crave internation dick.

>in metro or something
not if you dont want to get pepper sprayed. this is not America

If you are native its next to impossible to even talk to a girl if you dont have 5 common friends, go to the same school and have a real reason to start convo.
But if you speak broken english and look exotic you can get the on the cheezyest bullshit pickup lines.