This is why I'm a nazi

This is why I'm a nazi

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No, it's because you can't get laid.

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I bet those were from their uncles too

You're just a bigot, asshole.
There's tons of science supporting transgenderism, when everyone agrees that something is okay except you, it's you that's the problem.


Nice bait, no-one can be this retarded

>Everyone agrees with mutilating children and fucking with their hormones
I'd burn you alive if it wasn't for prison.

I doubt it, because why would nazis give a shit about other people’s kids? You’re ultimately just going to murder them all anyway right? One more on the gas chamber, oh fucking well. You aren’t a Nazi because you have high moral standards, you’re a Nazi because you fetishize violence and found a peer group that praises you for it.

Because things that don't affect you make you irrationally angry?


>Bigoted Nazi reacts with violence to something he doesn't understand.
No surprise there.

I'm against this degeneracy and I'm not a nazi. You need to get laid.

There also tons of science saying you shouldnt get into sexual talks with your kid that early. Fucking idiot.

I understand mutilating, sexualizing and manipulating children in ways that fuck them up later in life is distilled evil, and yeah I'd immolate you to prevent more of it from happening. Die mad about it you fucking freak.

I see this reported by one publication, and it names no names, nor does it define “transition”. Nowhere in the world do they do transition surgery on children. So the truth is you wanna be a Nazi and found an excuse, probably cause you’re a miserable faggot with a miserable life. Cant imagine being so pathetic...

This is called white knighting, and it used to be frowned upon here.

Tbf in some cases it's because of morals and the want for long term marriage goals compared to the sleazy fuck everyone and catch all the sti or be gay as fuck agenda that's recently being pushed opon the kids today

You don't know the definition of white knighting, go back to whatever hole you crawled from.

Because you trust outrage-bait and anecdotal evidence over actual statistics?

you're a nazi because you have 0 value and need to be told you're white skin gives you some

>fag nazi

I mean you don't have to be a Nazi it's just being a decent human being , maybe you're fault is believing the left rhetoric of if you think different to me you're a Nazi wich is very toxic


i share your opinion 100%. while nazism could be the solution to all of this - i am not on of them tho.

yall just use "nazi" as an way around an actual argument.

Burn them all and let me sort it out.

what does it matter?
peace and love to true believers

Yeah trans kids should grow up to look as ugly as possible instead of as good as possible because you think it's funny.

Instead of growing up to look like kaitlyn jenner, the boy could grow up to look like pic related because they acted soon enough.

By a 4 year old transitioning they are talking about letting the child dress and act as the gender they identify with and take medications, they are not talking about surgery.

If it's all just a mental illness or a phase like you tards are always ranting, plenty of time for the kid to transition back before puberty right?

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41%, 13%/50%, how's that for statistics?

its called not thinking with your dick or not putting pussy on a pedistal, cuck

Get a load of this faggot

>and take medications

Oh, dear.

Oh no! This is going to matter somehow. Actually it wont affect any of us. Who fucking cares?

they are fine from nature, but shitheads like you fuck their minds into thinking they should be different

the average is 13,
so 7 years earlier is 6 years old dude

so it must be your dads fat cock in your ass
no thanks

The nazis are as fagacious as the commies who pull this shit. You're both subhuman savages who deserve each other. You don't need to be a lobotomite bootlicking schizophrenic to see that this shit is objectively wrong.

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So you love Jewish people and blacks and homosexuals then? You can state for us that you believe all ethnicities are born with the same intellect and abilities?

you have noone to blame but yourself for being an incel

That coming from the people who laugh at shot grannies and drown toddlers

this is disgusting and anyone who supports this is loathsome.

>thinking a 4 year old is capable of having any understanding of gender, let alone wanting to change gender, and then relaying this information to his parents and consenting to body mutilation and poisoning
>4 years old

I know this is gutter tier bait but hang youself.

>When a low IQ incel tries to do math

Nobody gets into 'sexual' talks with their 4 year old. When you see that your child is obsessed with being the opposite gender, and is unhappy associating with the one of the body they are born with, and it doesn't go away after years, it becomes pretty clear that they are trans.



>conservatives more likely to wait til marriage
Whoopdy doo

Is that number before or after adjusting for pedophilia?

lmfao vice did this study? proof they have nothing left..

they should do a study on antifa members.... maybe they did but the whole lot = still virgins so no story?

Updoted! Here's some gold, stranger! XD

I don't see what the big deal is. I transitioned into a man when I was like 12-13 and that's all I wanted when I was 4.

>and it doesnt give away after years

Yeah I bet that 1 year old was talking about being trans. You fucking scum.

>look like pic related
Yeah like a man I mean if you seriously can't distinguish a man from a woman anymore you should stop fapping to ur degenrated trap porn.
Fist glance and you can see that this is a man with makeup u faggot

Sp0o0ky Halloween mask owns tHe LiBs!!!



>1 year old


You don't need to be a far right nut job to be opposed to the far left nut jobs.

That doesn't happen. The children find their own obsession because it comes from within.

The mother of Jazz Jennings already had two sons and a daughter. There is nothing wrong with Ari, Jazz's older sister, why would the mother be obsessed with pushing that?

Look up intersex, and maybe you can learn something.

Or maybe, just maybe, they are gay. And when I say maybe I mean that there are studies that show that the majority of people who talked about being trans but didn’t medically transition realized they were just gay. And just throwing out there that most boys claiming to be trans girls at a young age are probably just reacting to the fact that teachers and the media treat boys like they’re defective girls, and tell them they need to disown everything about being male in order to be loved. Society isn’t really fond of male traits and isn’t shy about showing it. Female teachers treating boys like they’re garbage and girls like their angels definitely contributes to this. Not to mention that whenever a boy says they’re a trans girl it instantly flips that around and makes them popular and loved.

how is this 'proof they have nothing left'?

what are you reeeing about fag?

That's what I meant retard. A 4 year old cant have wanted to be trans for years when it cant talk or comprehend how to take a piss

take 7 years from 13, and tell me its not six you fucking incel libtard beta cuck

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When youre so fucking stupid that you think gender and nazi have something to do with eachother.
NA education

My god


The world isn't black and white. You can be opposed to kids "transitioning at age 4" and still believe in LGBTQ rights. Also you are a faggot.

You're a nazi because you think you have to dictate others whats normal and acceptable from your reactionary point of view. Fuck you!

lol at OP
America is the greatest in overdoing everything. Transgender issues? There's one group that lets 3 year old have gender transition, believe anything can be a gender, think being white is bad etc. Then there's alt right/nazi like OP being even more retarded. Both groups like to dress up/scream/fight etc.

Here in Europe we just chill.

Gender no, but most nazis are faggots.

Hes going to grow up and transition back to a guy because "Shes felt like she was actually a boy her whole life growing up"

Kids going to have a fucked up life.

Stay mad :)

if that's what you meant why didn't you type that instead of your initial dumb as fuck response?

shame for you it didn't happen then eh? why are you obsessed with kids?

> kid transitioned into female
> this is why I'm a Nazi

Because believe it or not, there are people out there trying to prevent freaks like you from grooming and fucking children.

I know you're a gutter tier human being, but I never wanted to wear the pretty dresses when I was 4. I wanted to dress as Superman and play with transformers and he-man toys.

You're a moron, so if your 4 year old wanted to be a girl all the time you would probably bash it and call it homophobic slurs until it was too frightened to act like a girl. But it would still be a girl, and always keep that obsession until they feel safe to come out later in life.

Funny how you all only obsess with male to female trans kids, and don't spend much time on female to male isn't it? Almost like old fashioned homophobia.

So before the kid can ride a bike hes getting a vagina?

Yes. IMO kids can wait with surgery until they are 18, but other treatment can be done earlier if the whole thing is properly approved by doctors and shrinks.

Like this tranny from my country. Had to wait until 18 to do the surgery.

I find that a good middleground.

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Just outright lying. Not even making an effort.

That girl is a Victoria's Secret model, and you would never guess if you didn't know. Stay mad.

sure kid

Own over 60 firearms, most of which would be constituted as "assault" by dumbass cucks. Believe in a womans right to choose. Also believe transexuals should have their own sports teams.

lost virginity at 14, before you.

Wheres this?

that's totally not an answer at all to my question, why are you obsessed with fucking kids?

I don't get why people get triggered by this one.


Losing it to your uncle doesn't count bro.

Cool projection. Pedophiles and their enablers like you will burn, and I'll personally light the flames. I sincerely hope you live in fear.

My uncle n aunt taught their girls about sex duper early. Well when we were boys and uneducated on it they were the one taking advantage of us
I always wonder if they did fucked up stuff to them to know that stuff that young

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


Because it's unnatural

how is it projection?

how is this an answer?
why are you obsessed with kids?

Attached: proud dad.jpg (254x247, 11K)

>magatards are all tall, fit and blond

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So is organ transplants and airplanes as well, and clothes, and electricity. What's your point?

Pretty simple, if wanting to protect children from molesters like you makes me obsessed, fine. Just know that you will burn.

Because of a fake article 3 years ago?

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cuz u r dumb?

Because you believe literal fake news?

My finance is a licensed social worker and thinks transitioning children should be a crime.
No medical or mental health statistics support SJWs getting kids to off themselves at age 14
>hurr durr inb4 she's a virgin nazi too
>hurr durr giving cattle antibiotics is basically rape tho

aren't they called vice news? if that is "news" then i don't need it anymore. lol still besides the point most antifa members are virgins. i would say 90% at least.

again, you're just sperging again and again. the kids are safe, away from you and your obsession.

>gets triggered
>says something dumb af