Socialists aren't the problem, there just a symptom

Socialists aren't the problem, there just a symptom.

The problem is people who use capitalism as justification for doing objectively evil things.

Pic for attention

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Profit is inherently immoral; if one is to profit, then another must have been charged more than the thing was worth. As such, capitalism is built for evil deeds.

objective morality is fiction

You solve that with regulation and take the things that people depend on off the table. For the same reasons we should not have private fire departments, we should not have private healthcare.

Being rich is the gayest thing in the world
Oh shit I made too much money
Oh I guess I'm depressed now I guess I need a therapist
I guess I'll invest in some gay shit I don't care about that distracts me from my passions
noooo I dun wanna pay taxes I need a new thing that I could definitely live without
"I worked hard for this money" (Is a wealthy investor that made his money gambling like a degenerate)

how very useless a concept, since absolutely nobody agrees on "what people depend on"

You can debate around the lines but its an objective fact people depend on fire departments and healthcare. If you have a better descriptor I am open to one.

the hard work fallacy is the gayest shit ever too
Most of the richest people in the country are wealthy because they do something completely meaningless. The hardest working people in the country have the shittiest jobs. Republicans lawmakers should be dragged out on the white house lawn and stabbed to death by poor people every time they give us the hard work fallacy. Don't believe me? Read the constitution, bub.

Capitalism cant exist when one or both of the following are in place.
1 currency used in place of money
2 blatant marriage of state, corporation and private central bank
Capitalism hasn't been around on a macro scale for over 100 years.
Socialists are a problem.

I tend to move to the definition of "you are entitled to nothing that requires the effort of others"

not saying that's the "best timeline world" mind you, but "objective fact" requires proof, I see none of that

I worked hard and moved up two classes.. class mobility is absolutely real and hard work is how to accomplish it.

Pea brain take. Is there no value in ironing inefficiencies out of a system? Obviously there is, because this value is what the capitalists collect. I'd argue that when a system is perfected, aka a monopoly forms, the system is then nationalised.

Confirmation bias fallacy

Its a fact that fires kill people if not put out, its a fact that fire departments save lives, its a fact that they are things people depend on.

Its a part of modern civilization that people don't have to worry about the upkeep of roads or who will put out a fire if they need help. To say that is entitlement is a archaic concept.

Found the communist

Found the sociopath

This is true.

There's a reason why "invest" rhymes with "infest": because investors are parasites that are robbing the benefits from the people who deserve them.

Not to mention that most of them were in fraternities, so not exactly the brightest people in the world. Just entitled douchebags.

The single greatest common factor in all wealth stories is generational wealth. Which is what MOST people are talking about when they use the word privilege" and has to do with where you start, not "how much you move". That is mostly dictated by work and luck.

also, not so sure why being a "sociopath" is relevant, most of the population is further on the sociopath scale than they are on the psychopath one.

Which is a good thing since sociopath just means "different from society" which is an artificial construct built on lowest common factors anyway

again, you are making these assertions without proving them

Well thanks for clearing that up fuck face on Sup Forums.

You mean psychopath, right?

The majority of US voters do not understand what true capitalism is since we have been living in a psuedo-capitalist society with many socialist highlighting policies since the New Deal. What the US economy runs on is corporatism. Corporatism seeks to reimpose the chains of Old World feudalism by economic means while controlling government policies through means of lobbying.

Rich individuals are not a problem by themselves, especially if they are an individual who worked for their wealth. The problem today stems from corporate boards full generational weathly individuals who have decided they'd rather remake society because selling product has become a boring endeavor as they have already rigged the game by having 2-3 companies running every industry with little threat of "up-start" competition.

"Too big to fail" is just corporate speak for "too big to control" and government speak for "can't let my lobbying piggy bank die while they make me rich in office".