Why aren't you an Anarchist?

Why aren't you an Anarchist?

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Because I'm not a faggot

Because anarchists in America are the ruling class. They are middle to upper class people who believe they are oppressed because they can't chop their dicks off willingly and believe minorities are so infantile that they cannot be held responsible for their actions and believe white people are demons.
Basically I'm an adult. That's why I'm not an anarchist.

Because, while a classless, stateless society is the optimal, and inevitable, form of human organization, towards which we should all strive to, Anarchists' insistence that it be done overnight is ridiculous. These transitions require time and guidance. But we fight for the same goal, comrade.

Because I'm an adult and I realize that people don't behave in a way that allows this ideal state of being to come about.

We can selectively breed those who do.

What? Analfist? Impossibru.

Because I'm an adult

edgy nazi bulshit

Because I'm not a retard.

Because I like to rule an watch my inferiors with disdain.

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because we live in a society

Because I am not a retarded faggot?

Because I'm rich and I don't want to have to pay for a private army to watch over my cars.
I also want people to be poor, but I still need them to be able to go to work. Under anarchy they would be too worried for their lives and couldn't come to be enslaved by me for a miserable wage.
My entire life revolves around money. Under anarchy, all of this dissapears. Everything I built, the wageslaves I have, the peices of paper that state how rich I am, dissapear overnight. That would suck.

Pretty much.
OP please explain what anarchism means in your definition. How would an anarchist society look like?

Anarchism in my book is the absence of government. People can though still be a member of a tribe of commune or whatever. How this will be an improvement to a democratic society is beyond me. This will very likely result in total chaos and war. Not only in the country itself but also because of other nations invading the countries to colonize the land (most anarchist I know also want no border policy or no borders at all). Most likely guerilla armies or terrorist organisations would want to also take over.

Well I can go on forever but the fact is a government is needed for any country to function whatsoever.

Because I like the benefits a state system provides like healthcare (even if it is stupid expensive) and the police.

kill yourself faggot

I was for a few years. It just sucked too much. No one takes you seriously AT ALL and we never got any closer to a classless stateless society. Seriously I've been in black blocs and I've met John Zerzan in real life.

I'm working on my Masters in Political Science and currently I am a progressive. A lot of things we want to happen are on the verge of happening. I'd like to eventually live in a stateless classless society, but we just aren't ready yet.

I dont want to be killed and have my stuff stolen.

Because I'm not some

Because I finished high school.