I just kicked a decades plus heroin addiction...my gf kicked with me..we moved to a new state...we are breaking up...

I just kicked a decades plus heroin addiction...my gf kicked with me..we moved to a new state...we are breaking up...she is moving out in 2 days...taking half of the stuff...she has new job...more than likely new bf...just stormed out...got picked up by whoever...I met a chix on the subway...she just texted me...she works at a strip club....I literally am in pieces...wtf do I do?...

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Stay clean Sup Forumsro. I'm pulling for ya

Don't let the cunt be an excuse to relapse. Grow a pair.

Get drunk af and smash stripper girl in toilet of strip club then start a fight with bouncer

smoke weed

1) go to strip club
2) explain situation to stripper
3) ????
4) Profit!

Staying clean like a snowball rolling down a mountain, every day that snowball gets bigger and bigger as you pick up more fays then weeks and years. Watch out for the trees though, be a shame to have to walk all the way up that mountain again and start rolling a tiny snowball again

Please do not relapse.

you and i already know you're going to relapse. just do it.

meeting of the minds

We all know that you are a colossal faggot who has no freinds cuz of your charming fucking personality. This guy just did something courageous after decades of hell and is worried about losing again. If you don't want to help him shut the fuck up and go fap to the traps you came here for

u mad bro?

this fuckup came to Sup Forums for advice on staying clean after his gf drops his ass? he's just looking for people to encourage him to make the pain go away, and i'm here to oblige

You're both going to relaose, junky, you know you are. NA has a 2% success rate and it aint gonna be you two faggots.

I don't want to relapse

You should use this as an excuse to relapse and let heroin ruin your life. That'd show her.

I have been clean for about 6months...I want to die not get high...sounds cringe af...but this is way too much...

You are a literal faggot


I don't want to date the other chix because she is a stripper...it would be and already is a literal game of garbage...

Okay 1) hurrah,that's awesome of all you guys
2) you're only sympathetic to your own experiences in shit and the little kids don't know how to copy your well poised shitposting that although sarcastic, sounds serious. They have no idea real,non asshole people exist

OP did you quit for this girl, or did you quit for you? I'm sure dope numbed a lot of what was probably toxic. You didn't love eachother after...no surprise man. You quit for you...to be better. What you do is take a pussy or three like a man to break the funk. TRUST me get laid three times and you'll feel right as rain .

Only thing i ever been addicted to was cigs, which i quit but i doubt that is the same as i was more addicted to the whole process of smoking. It also gave me something to do in public situations. Id say the strip club might trigger some things. It would probably be best to find some more wholesome activities to occupy your time and meet new people.

Forget about the bitch.

Do you like to play any sport? Find intramural leagues around your town, or start one up yourself.

Do you think about life a lot? Yoga might be the answer for you. No, Yoga isn’t just stretching your body. Read “Inner Engineering”, try to follow just a little bit. I think your life will turn around.

Good luck my friend

98% of people who go to NA sit there and wait for something to happen. Quitters go to AA, a bunch of bikers aren't going to listen to fake whiny shit skin scratching flakes.

Life closes some doors and opens others. Wife left me for Texas Mexican she met on the internet. Admited she hadn't loved me in 20 years. Took better part of a decade to heal but the self evaluation I did lead me to real peace and relief from a life of suffering.

Don't have to date her. But you do need to fuck her brains out. Like now.


Oh shut the fuck up. If you can't not drink in a bar, you can't not drink anywhere.

oh man how i fucking wish. i WISH i didn't have the experience.

i'm happy you can say platitudes like go fuck some other people so you can feel right as rain but frankly you sound like the clueless asshole who says "just make a gratitude list!"

fuck 'em all OP, you want to get high, get high

When did i ever mention drinking? You sound like a sad man. Have you ever thought about why you are trying to belittle random people on the internet?

AA success rate is under 5%, about the same as cold turkey. You can sit in a circle and yell "cop out" at each other all you like, stats don't lie.

Seriously thx for the encouragement...I literally quit because in my old city my gf ripped off a drug dealer with fake money...he pisol whipped me like a month later...so I left and we came to another state with help from MY family...we both were going to die...I needed a skin graph from damage I did to my legs from shooting up..two places...we both got clean and she got a new job and I am back on school...as we have lived together sober all we do is fight... idk wtf is going on...the chix I met was on the train...I got her number this morning...fantasized about her all day in class...she text me later and through texting...hr plus apart for replies...told me she is a stripper...it was like the icing on the gaf cake...it fuxing was awful...then me and my gf went to a bar...came home and we got into it...plus again she took all my shit...I have so much homework...I have all this BS in my head...she is taking the tv...she bought it...but I paid rent for the entire time by myself...I have ps4 but fux that...I am not the type that can get list playing games..I get way too bored easily...I literally don't want anything...

Download all of her nudes from her phone. Make backup copies. Post nudes of her on here.

Why idgaf about dumb net shit like that fr...

He said "I don't want to" genius.

Number 2, he is a guy. We aren't fucking complicated.

You sound like an over educated hipster test that needs something super explained so he can "think" about it for three months instead of just do it. Doesn't work when you get older. He loved her, he doesn't want to hear "the bitch" and fucking another piss is the easiest way to dissolve that bond in your mind. There's your science shit Einstein.

Because you're stupid as fuck. You ever hear of a comparison or metaphor? I'm angry and mad because every know it all child that is STILL FAILING at life is just like you...yeah mannnn fuck that bitch mannn...try some chaga it's holistic. Fuck me.

Be a bro. Remember, b has always been here for you, time to pay it back by posting her nudes.

Bro's before ho's.

Why the fuck would you want to visit your train wreck on that poor stripper? Pull your head out of your ass before getting into another relationship.
Moreover...find a better school... one that will...show you how to...use ellipsis correctly.

I totally understand that...I just literally don't even care to...maybe on don't share post in the future...

Actually. It's anonymous. And it's quite a bit more successful otherwise there would be no such thing as a court ordered attendance. You ever see "court ordered Suboxone" even though drug assisted treatment is the most proven effective method? No.

You're google stats and e knowledge lack any perspective.

All you guys go ahead and keep devil advocating. OP will find what applies to him and use it, not just whoever says "u mad?" The most.

This. You come to us for aid, pay the toll.

Fux you mf...idgaf wtf you have to say...don't read my type then faggot mf...

>That poor exotic dancer used to leering men, booze, and drugs

She will be fine asshat

Alright OP. Time to ditch the thread. You aren't going to get anything but a bunch of psuedopysch 14 year olds comparing dick size

Take the fuck her in the pussy advice and go be a new man. Gs.

Everything will be ok.


Inverse reasoning. Just because a court ordered it doesn't make it effective. They ordere inpatient rehab, too, and that's innefective.
The 5% figure comes from the one study AA allowed before realizing someone might call them on their bullshit. Look it up.

been clean 10 years. it does get easier with time. whenever i feel the urge i just do kratom. its a weak high in comparison, but enough to keep the demons at bay.

You let outside factors affect you. I do too. That is why I try not to judge people too harshly for the choices they make.

It's actually just going to get worse. Mathmatically if you shake watch pieces in a box, theres a possibility you'll open the box to a whole watch.

But we both know the more you shake that box,the more that shit turns into metal flakes and powder.

You be hopeful. I'll be cynically prepared

Truth hurts don't it. Beta bitch

Exactly. She's got all that shit goingon, why throw a junky on top of it?

Stay clean, stay away from the stripper, most will just try to get you to do drugs with them and let you pay. Trust me, I used to work in a few jiggly bars. Stay clean and get you a good girl, check library or take some classes to meet new people, get you a new job too and just start over. The only way to stay clean is surround yourself with different people. I had to move 2 states away to kick my habit.

I tried it doesn't work...but I pray that things work well for you in recovery...

No. I went through the process. With my eyes, ears, and everything else. Google never tops blood, sweat, and tears. And if you can't understand "reasoning" we are done here

You can do it user, stay clean. Im 5 months clean from years of speed addiction. you got this Sup Forumsro


Lol dude your edges are cutting everything. Once you finish puberty you should be able to think a little more logically. You can’t reduce life to a bunch of analogies.

No one...can read...your shit...pigfucker...pull your...lips off...that pipe...and learn...some fucking...english!

Because she does it. It's the life she is okay with. And he isn't a junky. You're a little shit.

Literally just got this text...2 hrs later...but I already knew fr...I even gave her my text now number... something told me to...

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What i am saying is shut the fuck up with your negativity for other people when you can’t even change yourself enough to lead a happy life.

Your probably still inside the recidivism window. Give it time.

Kys faggot...gtfo off of my thread then...

Yes. You can. Wait until your memory goes and you have living a comfortable life down to seven or so truths. It is not complicated. Analogies are very useful for people who can't simply be talked to, because you can't argue them. They're true. If you can't understand why things like idioms, fables, and analogies are important, I doubt you're past 22 mentally.

Fuck dude she is INTO you. Be smooth. She already wants to fuck. Make it a fun time. Be young. Fucking slick man slick.

Lmao. My life isn't unhappy because of my choices and my environment. It's unhappy because the world is fucked. Being sane isn't an illness. You shut the fuck up right back. Two lefts don't make a right.

Y'all always relapse. Don't worry, I'll be there with the narcan if someone calls 911

Of couse he's a junky. And that stripper probably has a kid. You fucking dope fiends need to learn there's more in life than self-gratification, regardless of who's hurt, cockgobbler.

the core value you 2 shared,,was getting zoned to other planets on the heroin ride,,it is gone,, advice is to,leave girlies alone for a year,,yes,,i said a damn year,,same for her,,no nooky no males in her life older than 12,,no,maybe nine
for a year get healthy get a gig,put money away,,stick it out,,no cannabis either,no drinking,, self control of the scab still there in your head wants to be fed,the wall of determination crumbles after a couple drinkies

Analogies can be used to break a mindset, i agree with that. But living by ones that sound clever is no better than living by the word of the bible

Okay kiddos I'm out. Wait until you're 50 and tell me how happy hoppy life is.

Privileged little snots

How?... someone told me the fact I met her outside of the club was a plus...but still...chix like that literally feed off men...idk if she is trying to set me up for god knows what...prob money related...but the one thing I have going is that I will NEVER go see her at work...

You don't know what I live by. So far you know how I EXPLAIN one little ten seconds slice of life. Have a good night there Amadeus

I use to have a problem with pain killers for almost a decade myself. Its been almost 2 years since ive had anything.
Find something to keep yourself occupied, take your mind off of her and drugs.
I remember like a month after i quit i started playing this dumb minecraft game. I had a hard time sleeping for the longest time, id just stay up smoking cigarettes and building shit on this little laptop.

You aren't OP

You are unhappy cause you choose to be and this is the life you created for yourself. If you accept that, you might have a better shot at escaping the spiral

Stfu...go make Jew hating post no pussy getting mf...I'm sure they will take you far in life...

Oh boy! Impress her...with your....english.....and....drug-taking...skills!

Cigarettes and coffee are the shit for being sober.

I agree with you. Its fucked that somebody would say, "just relapse faggot" and its all over this thread. Youre a good man user

Idgaf if you don't believe me... literally git...


can attest. been to a bunch of both meetings. junkies are whiney slimey scumbags. booze bags are based scumbags that keep it real.

Dont relapse user. I believe in you goddamnit.

Oh boy, everything is in my mind. Here I'll just listen to what you said and hum really hard and..OH GOD you're right! The world is roses! Dumbass.

Newage bullshit low-key designed to make people feel guilty about everything


No........I'm staying........to help..............your junky ass............to learn.........english............your welcome!


Grab your balls and go be a man.

I also started growing pot. It keeps me busy. I like growing this high cbd weed, its relaxing

Hive insult kek

Yes! The dexterity, the calm practiced movements, the fresh air, the YOU time, the work and then payoff.

THATS fucking therapy.

Farther.......than that........crack pipe took.......YOU, Junky!

Get a shitty motel room, get the stripper, get a bunch of meth. Have fun!


Alcoholics are literally the grossest...most shameful of all addicts...junkies take 95percent of the damage on themselves... alcoholics are scumbag mfs that beat there spouses and kids...drink dish washing liquid and shit...a junky will steal money...an alcoholic will steal your soul... literally the most annoying lot of mfs...

Stfu... annoying no pussy ever getting edork...

>I have to say the opposite of everything
>trust me

I trust alcoholics. Junkies will rob you blind. Alcoholics hate themselves. Junkies rationalize. Shut your whore mouth.

Yeh...but at least....alchys like...Faulkner, Bukowski and Hemingway...knew how... To use...ellipsis!

Stfu... annoying no pussy ever getting edork...

Most likely? Relapse. Which is also what she is doing right now, btw.

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Everything is you lol. Sit down quietly and think about it for a while.

I am not trying to say it is easy but you sound like such an enraged person it makes me laugh that you are so dismissive of any possible way out of your current mind set

i didn't say they weren't scum bags. but they do keep it 100