I need to gain more insight, tell me secret things about this world

i need to gain more insight, tell me secret things about this world

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No because they’re secrets faggot

you are the creator of your problems

If the myans are right about time and death we're doomed to repeat this for eternity.

Women don't do what they do to impress men.
Women do what they do to impress other women.
Men don't care about shoes and clothes, yet women obsess about them.
Men don't care about hair and makeup, unless it's stripper style designed to give them a boner.
That's why women dress sexy but then get pissed off when a man ogles them -
they didn't dress up to attract the man, they got dressed up to make other women jealous.

Jimmy Hoffa is buried under Giant's Stadium

I only have one butt cheek

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is one of the biggest expansions to the franchise yet! With loads of new guns and armour, your guardian has never been more customizable! Along with the season of the undying season pass, new loots and quests await everyone; premium or not. New raids and story missions along with new strikes to keep your PvE cravings at bay and new multiplayer maps to keep the kill streak going! There has never been a better time to hop in the game m with the newest update; New light! This allows any new or returning players to experience all of year one content and decided whether our product is worth your; and did we mention new light makes the game free?

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no way..
i like this
whos jimmy hoffa

around Ridgewood, what people seem to think is. he's stuffed in a barrel buried in the marsh by Jersey transit.

is destiny 2 free?

nobody actually puts in 8 hours of work a day

Jimmy is a nobody now.
Being a dead snitch is his legacy.

Reading is seriously based and you'll be less confused as a young person the more you read, specifically non-fiction, philosophy and classic literature.

Not really a secret just underrated advice. Also, wisdom comes from patience and empathy, curb your weaker impulses and try to understand other perspectives and you'll be better for it.

Still not worth the time to download or the storage space.

9/11 was an inside job. Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

Otherwise you end up wanting desires that are always fleeting for the rest of your life

It can but only if put in a focused burn. Most of the jet fuel blew out in a firey plume upon impact. The color of the smoke said it was a dying fire, there was no reason for the building to collapse... especially in a controlled demolition style fall... especially the 3rd tower which had minimal and mostly cosmetic damage.

Your vices will catch up with you so use in moderation as to enjoy them your whole life.

If you don't you'll just end up misdirecting your attention, passion and anger your whole life. Better to figure these basic beliefs out earlier rather than too late.

Coffee is bean soup

you seem like a very insightful person, tell me more


this upsets me every time I think about it

Don't worship heroes and idols as you'll only degrade your freedom and become less of yourself.

Anything specific you'd like to know?

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The Mayans are right about time + death, but they missed out the important thing that only the English language could give them: SLEEP.

Time + Death + Sleep = Chaos

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God is real, and none of the religions are right about it. Jesus knew, and tried to explain it. The Gnostics also knew. Which is why they got hunted down and murdered by Paul's goons. Christianity is built on lies upon lies, as is Islam.
Being a Christian won't hurt you though, and can still connect you with god.

“Main thought! The individual himself is a fallacy. Everything which happens in us is in itself something else which we do not know. ‘The individual’ is merely a sum of conscious feelings and judgments and misconceptions, a belief, a piece of the true life system or many pieces thought together and spun together, a ‘unity’, that doesn’t hold together. We are buds on a single tree—what do we know about what can become of us from the interests of the tree! But we have a consciousness as though we would and should be everything, a phantasy of ‘I’ and all ‘not I.’ Stop feeling oneself as this phantastic ego! Learn gradually to discard the supposed individual! Discover the fallacies of the ego! Recognize egoism as fallacy! The opposite is not to be understood as altruism! This would be love of other supposed individuals! No! Get beyond ‘myself’ and ‘yourself’! Experience cosmically!”

― Friedrich Nietzsche


Being ANY of them won't hurt you, dipshits.

God = The Broken Man

God is always 'the broken male' or incel or whatever. He is the lowest rung on the ladder because there is always 'lowest rung'.

Doesn't mean God is unhappy or unwilling, just all of you keep trying to bury me alive just to test the theory and it can take a while for me to drag myself out of the grave without going full nuclear on everyone.

Proving immortality is boring and pointless, proving everyone as an irritating waste of my time-devoted creation however has its perks. Just curious if anyone has spotted the Donald J. Trump joke I left for y'all.


The individual is a phallus. Gotcha.

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My critique of the christian heaven would be. Are there goals in heaven? If hope is the defining virtue of humanity then is there despair? A little hell in paradise. No emotion or feeling after all goes without its binary opposite. And if it's just a pure stream of cosmic dopamine to the soul, then pleasure relative to what?

Personally, I find the idea of a divine hamster wheel just as scary as nothing. A cosmic scratching for an itch that never goes away, a sine wave of bliss and displeasure into profusion. There's something comforting in a final rest, an eternity of any waking existence to my mind would result in insanity. Certainly not everlasting peace.

do you believe that nikola tesla came from venus?

Only if Edison came from mars.

double digit iq

Then feel free to call me the eternally happy divine hamster, oh divine and immortal audience of mine.

>waking existence
If you woke up this morning, then welcome to an eternal and perpetual waking existence!

Bean tea would be more accurate I think

Soup is more accurate. Coffee beans are more like 'chicken stock' or any sort of particulate you expect to ultimately diffuse into the water.

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We're a goal driven species, does God just have angelic carnival games and obstacle courses up there? Some slotmachines that dish out divine brownie points?

What, need to summon help to fight a boss?

Git gud

People don't wake eternally... It's called death.

>particulate you expect to ultimately diffuse into the water

But thats literally what tea is, suspended particulate as opposed to solids.

Chicken stock has suspended particulate, chicken soup has chunks of solid chicken.

What kind of bean soup doesnt have solid beans in it?

>never heard of pureeing soup with an immersion blender

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God gently holds the limitation of your imagination, and nothing else. Some people get grumpy about that truth but it is the only thing that allows people to go up and down between 'boo hoo' and 'tee hee'. Everything else is your PARTY TIME or HEARTY TIME.

*sigh* okay, and who would tell you that you're dead after you die? All you guys know are mourning ceremonies, any first-hand experience of death is just a lie/smoke-screen I use on groups of humans that break my own 'personal exposure boundary'.

Think of it as wet weight vs dry weight. A coffee bean has wet weight, a tea leaf has dry weight. A tea leaf 'sweats' and a coffee bean 'stews'.

Can always count on Gordon Freeman!

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what if i tell you that ayys are angels sent by god, and that they are made of tangible form (blood and bones) in order to be able to interact with some of us, to help us evolve?

>Pic related

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already beat the game, noggo

do they have holes we can fuck?

the chicago bulls logo is a robot fucking a crab

Then are you ready for the real one?

>Men are Light Lovers
>Women are Light Discoverers

The eternal gender game everyone!

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GBAs huh? So you believe heaven is a /physically/ elevated place?

Because I have always figured the IMMENSE space between us and what we can tell is more numerous than grains of sand but can never travel with any kind of propulsion was kinda meant to hint that once we were able to see it.

I'll go first.


You mean like ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN?

That is an interesting point, but you dont generally strain the solids after pureeing for a soup do you?

>A coffee bean has wet weight, a tea leaf has dry weight.

Who in the hell uses wet coffee beans? both are virtually always dehydrated before brewing

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If we get to the point where A.I can predict human behaviour then freewill is a lie. This means everything in our physical world can be broken down into maths, meaning we are living in a simulation.

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>A tea leaf 'sweats' and a coffee bean 'stews'.

They both steep, neither stews.
How many ingredients do you usually remove from a stew after theyve steeped?


Your gubberment is fucking with you and always will be. They have more power than you know.


Bookfag back again. Don't waste your youth watching youtube videos and playing video games. They're just scamming you out of your money and time with sparkly toys built to take advantage of your brain.

Get a degree in a science or technical field and self-study the humanities in your spare time. I'd much rather hear someone that's knowledgeable in a difficult and rigorous field postulate on greater truth than some pseudophilosophical stoner.

Meditate on great art and try your hand at a creative field. Making music/art/poetry even if it's bad builds new pathways in you lr brain structure.

Well accepted wisdom is usually adjacent to the truth, be a critical thinker and apply first principles especially to what's well-known.
And finally, everyone self destructs in their own way, addiction, neglecting relationships, anger and avoidance. Find out which one you gravitate towards and why you're doing it. Then research tools to deal with that psychological crutch.


To explain it to a layman, without any futuristic concepts, yes. But it only appeared as a mountain and in full, was more like an apple completely eaten to the core. Very fragile, easily able to break at the weak middle as the world is discovered. We can only perceive the one half, with earthquakes time, the approaching cycle they say the sphinx once marked when it had a nose, that mountain crumbles to nothing.

having tons of secret knowledge tends to drive one mad

Wet weight doesn't mean it is wet, it just means it has more moisture in it.

Some people can predict human behavior with an erection. Your point?
>Also, the physical world can be broken down into mathematics. It's called, "+1" I now curse you with +1 FOREVER!

All the inedible ones or those that were added purely for flavoring.

Okay, so you'd prefer A over B enough to tell other people that they should also pick A. Fascinating stuff.

Mountains crumble into other mountains as stone itself is a wave that crests and crashes, given enough time.

Even a little bit of the right knowledge.

And it does little to nothing for you to know.

what if i dont have the moneys to get a degree in science or technical field, i also live in a 3rd world cunt

No, having tons of it and keeping it a secret drives you mad.

Then just game/stream and profit off the stupid 1st world 'abuse their children because they have money' reality and get the young ones to pay for shit.

I believe peoples memories are going to be severely fucked in the future from all the screen time. The days go quick and the years feel faster because you never remember the time you spent on your screen. Do you ever see your screens in your dreams? besides when youre at addiction level with a video game. If you're smoking weed at the same time good luck reminiscing in your old age.

What if I knew were undiscovered monuments were, but I knew I would never be in a position to discover them?

Hypothetically, what would you do?

Wouldn't it be kinda nice to KNOW for sure something like that and just hold it with a soft grin to see yourself correct as they were discovered naturally?

Why would I fucking waste my old age thinking about when I was fucking young?

I would say you feel unappreciated by your existing community and are looking for some 'ego story'.

Well you did not answer the question, and gee you really have no hope, do you?

I'm just giving advice that I prefer because it tends to work. What would the alternative be, ignore your psychological issues, get a useless degree, don't think critically, don't read, waste your youth playing video games and to top it all off never be creative or find a passion? The dude asked for my advice.

What am I supposed to have hope for, from your perspective, given that you are the one wishing to present me as having that identity?
>If you can't interpret my response as a genuine answer, then you are just being a child and rejecting information if it doesn't match your story of entitlement.

Maybe use some imagination and construct a scenario C where you can present to people the idealized outcome/interpretation of what you believe your path should have given you already, but someone else may have been waiting for you to be their guide and share with them your honeyed footsteps.

He just bein a shitter

Language is the key to every single human mind.

Focus on the sound behind the language when speaking to anyone and you will uncover their world, not just the world they choose to show you.

Remember, we're all human in form. I.E. We're all on windows. Master the software, because all the hardware needs is to be put together. You didn't do that yourself. If you're like most, your parents didn't have the manual either.

Master your language as an individual. Know what you're saying. Explain nothing, ask questions about every detail your brain presents, and listen to your body once you've found an answer. You will always know when you've gotten the right one.

You don't have to go to college. I was simply saying the sciences are a better option if you have the choice.

seems like you're a very lost person

I asked about a situation in which not sharing might not make you nuts, credible or no...and you jumped the track.

An answer, is not answering the question. Hope that something like that COULD be possible...an assumption of truth so that you can concoct a realistic answer

You did neither of these and now you're trying to light up an argument, shitter

My honeyed footsteps lol. I'm speaking from my mistakes and wasted time. I'd like to see you give a better third option than what I suggested.

Retarded asshole.
Heat does indeed weaken and warp steel.

>Wet weight doesn't mean it is wet, it just means it has more moisture in it.

Im pretty sure tea and coffee have the same moisture content, if anything the coffee would be drier.

Won't. Just shit.
>All your opinions are bad but you can't see mine

Study harder.
The "3rd tower" was an unreinforced structure with a lot of glass. It was damaged most easily.

What books do you recommend my fine man?

Can't MELT.


You're coming across as a midwit with that wishy washy conjecture. You also gave no tangible alternative.

Can too.

Yes. It was an unreinforced structure in the middle of a tight knit Domino ready concrete jungle that regularly experiences blast gusts off the tops of buildings up to 70mph that can flip cars

Flo.jpeg (happens all the time!)

Study metaphysics and natural law for big answers.

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I have an idea for a movie. How do I make it? Where do I get the money? How can I make a lot of money fast?

Slag steel temp? Max temp of air mixed JP5-7?

I'll wait.

I have this book. Found it in the kids section lol.

Okay, so now you want to define/identify me. Why would you require someone to ultimately be 'a shitter' in your reality, or why do you believe you'll always encounter someone that does that?

Correct. People just normally freak out when they realize that they are the center of the Universe. Essentially the universe is governed by communal solipsism.

And you would say this because? I answered a question, I didn't make a personal judgement as to the question former. Do you all normally allocate so much emotional attachment to your query -> answer paths of inquiry?

Okay, then technically one day aliens will discover Earth and they will be the ones to describe the qualia you describe.

Feed your local pigeons, dance to some music in public without needing an audience, and enjoy warm food + conversation with a stranger every now and then. That doesn't really fit in with the western ideal of a bank account though. No fame, no fortune.

How to explain this one better... I care because the language to me is always interesting when it comes to this specific thing. Normally it is because the word 'bean' has more than one connotation and 'leaf' can be a bit of a bugger. It's like the difference between fats and oils. To process a coffee bean so it can just be submerged in hot water takes more than a tea leaf.
>How oddly interesting a topic to try and explain to user.

*shrug* okay, how is feeding the local birds and all that not tangible? It's an act you can physically perform. Advice is 'suggestions that lead to success'. Fail to see how I haven't provided that, but I don't mind you telling me once more that I am wrong. Everyone needs to get that out of their system at some point or another in their growing/learning experience.

Wow man. There is something wrong with you that it is way to early in the morning to figure out

I do already. I study the effect of weed entering my system when i smoking a blunt. Its dope yo. Seriously fuck off with your science shit its too high for me the average american. I dunno but is our fastfood really dumbing us down?

well i do not have said choice

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So you have some sort of intellectual limitation on word content or time values?
>user is the genius of reality

Nah, it ain't the fast food. It's everyone wanting to scream at everyone else about how they should use their pleasure vessel.

America will collapse within the next 5 years trust me. We will have Anarchy and production comes to a halt. When it comes down to the core and the fabric of society ends, we all gonna seek refuge in our kind, in our race. Be prepared
