What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. Not considering birthdays and big life events and such

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. Not considering birthdays and big life events and such.

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Someone said hi to me the other day


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Someone didn't fuck me over using my autism against me once

Mom said I am handsome

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QT 3.14 from uni smiled at me.

Coworker gave me a great blowjob and didn't even want one in return.

Ever done? Lemme think on that, but just yesterday a women handing out food on a platter at a hotel made sure to tell me I looked really nice.

I told her thank you, you never know how a nice comment can make someone's day, and you made my day.

The last prostitute I had actually didn't laugh at my penis

Lol ok here's one:

My one lady friend comes by gets wasted and gives me some pussy. The next day she brings her friend by, who gives me some pussy. She did this with 2 other girls, at least. (Over a year)

She brings me guitars to keep. I have 3 from her. She gave me a huge vinyl records collection, at least 200 vintage stuff like Journey, Johnny Cash, Etta James, Miles Davis, etc

She has a boyfriend!!

Two weeks ago she came by and gave me some pussy and another guitar that a guy bought her as a bday gift.

I tell her all the time she is amazing and the most generous person I know lol. She never asks for anything except for a cigarette or some booze.

That ho is a saint

I get prize on the regular from my friends and family for being a good man, good father, good co-worker.

Honestly don’t care about the praise. All I want is for my children to grow up happy and healthy, and live productive lives that have meaning.

It’s the only thing keeping me going. Without them, I’d have offed myself years ago. And while that’s a good thing, once all those boxes are checked, I don’t see any reason to stick around.

Everyone thinks I’m great, but other than my kids, I don’t feel loved. Just needed.

It would be really nice if that were different.

So how many of her cats are you looking after now?

That's life.

None! She just drops in, parties and leaves. She's the best. I have said several times that every man needs a woman friend like her.

I seriously treasure her friendship.

Damn bro. You got really lucky

Gf ruined her body to make a kid for me

Man, at least you are loved by your kids. They are clearly the only thing that matters to you.

The other day, a waitress brought me what I ordered!

Must feel so great to finally get the 10 cheese burgers without pickles you really needed so bad!

They’re the most important by miles. I just don’t feel like I’m valued as much more than a resource to my wife and extended family.

When people need me, I’m there. When I need people, I have to look inward for comfort. Wife doesn’t. In-laws don’t. Parents don’t.

It’s just me for me, and me for everyone else too.

I don't have kids, but I do know the feeling of just being a resource to family and friends. It's tiresome to always be there to help people, and going the extra mile only their sake. Only to be left behind and ignored when I need help or comfort.

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Nice picture.

And yeah. I’ve considered therapy but, surprise surprise, my wife isn’t thrilled about the idea. I’m kind of still processing that.

Honestly. If you are considering therapy you should go. It might actually help you being able to process the situation and give you some actual tools you can use.

Your wife should really be supportive in regards of your mental health. Does your work offer therapy consultations?

Good question.

It’s something to look into for sure.

I wish you good luck dude. It would be a good thing for your kids, if you feel valued and good about yourself.

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