Just got back from seeing pic related

Just got back from seeing pic related.

Overall pretty good. Well done, very tense fine acting, interesting alien.

There's one thing that really bothered me though. It's another case of dull Hollywood creature design. "But user, you just said the alien's interesting." I did. And it was. Early one they established that every cell of the alien is a nerve cell as well as muscle cell. The entire organism is a really strong brain. That was really cool. It had no defined shape, it was kinda flappy, it had no front or back or anything like that. It was just an organism where anything could be anything.
But then, because Hollywood thinks the audience is retarded, well maybe they are, they decided to give the alien later on a very clear head and face to make it look like an evil bad guy! Oh no! Bad guy monster! Here's the head and there's the body!

Fucking why? Just keep it as a mass that gets bigger. Like a bacterium but huge. That's way more strange and alien than turning it into a squid looking thing.

Aside from that the film was pretty cool with lots of tense parts.

I agree, but it's possible that was just an immature or adolescent phase. All we see of it at the end is an absolute mass of sticky strands in the capsule.

Not a bad movie, didn't feel drawn out, had some good nail-biter moments and is a decent, somewhat plausible, modern take on Alien for those that haven't had a chance to see Alien for some reason.

Props to them for ending on the "bad" note. More movies need to go with that instead of the happy ending. Gave you some feels for the poor astronaut girl getting hurled into deep space while screaming.

But did it make you feel....empowered as a woman?

Kidding. How would you rate it out of ten, Mister OP?

The movie was average as fuck and all of the super smart characters made dumb decisions at every turn. Shit happened just "because", like the air vents that had to be closed one by one. There was clearly a lot cut from the final product. Black science man clearly had an obsessive relationship with Calvin that ended up on the cutting room floor. That's why he didn't notify anyone that it was wrapped around his leg - half of his characterisation was missing. It's the same reason why Gyllenhaal's reading of the kids book and implied intimacy with the woman scientist seemed to come out of nowhere. The ending was predictable as fuck also.

That being said, there were some good scenes. Calvin's handshake, Reynolds' death and the drowning in space scenes were all memorable for me.

So should I take my step son whom I don't love to see it or...?

For what it is it's pretty good. Can't really rate it because even though for a tense horror film it was well done, in the great scheme of things it's still just a quaint horror flick. But I enjoyed it and don't regret buying the ticket. So if you enjoy sci-fi and space horror, horror in a zero-g environment that this movie is perfect for you. A lot of cool and tense moments.

He didn't notify anyone because he was paraplegic. They had an entire dialogue about that (and also subtly explains his obsession with Calvin because understanding his all-purpose cells could be the key to cure him).

He didn't tell because he couldn't feel ot and he didn't know.

Pay attention goddammit

I know and remember that his legs were fucked. It was still impossible for Calvin - at the size he was at - to attach himself to him without black science man noticing. Clearly a lot had been cut. In the scene with the fault in the lab at the beginning, Reynolds' character has a go at black science man for repeatedly fucking up. But we didn't see him make any mistakes up to that point. It wasn't even implied. Black man's characterisation was ripped from the final cut.

I wondered about the cephalization as well—it wasn't consistent with the description of the alien having all cells as simultaneous myocytes/neurons/photoreceptors.

With that said, I thought the movie was pretty terrible. Flat acting; abundant dialogue for immediate simplification of the preceding "scientific" statement; lack of tension; flat, unsympathetic characters (the most depth anyone had was liking being a loner--Jake--or having a baby on the way--Jap guy). Even the ending was eye-rollingly predictable.

The alien design was the only redeeming factor for me.

4/10, wait for a torrent.

Didn't he say something along the lines of, "Calvin isn't evil, he kills to survive. That's why we have to die"

I interpreted it as him sacrificing everyone so Calvin could grow, because of his obsession with it.

He clearly didn't think very far ahead if he thought Calvin wouldn't be nuked soon after it breached the atmosphere. But hey, I guess I shouldn't expect my world-class biologist characters to have any semblance of logic to their actions; it's all about the totally-not-stereotypical sympathetic God complex.

Yep, that's the thing that bothered me the most too

The fucking thing was threatening as it is with that starfishy blobbish form, I don't understand why they needed to give it a fucking mouth and shit later on

I usually like endings that take a twist turn for the worst, but this one annoyed me, I'm not sure why

I wouldn't expect much from any movie that puts Ryan Reynolds among a team of "scientists"

Why did that Jap dude rushed in to the Soyuz that docked with the ISS, was he trying to buy himself a ticket back home in the Soyuz?

I'm pretty sure they tricked Ryan Reynolds into believing this was Deadpool 2 or something because he definitely acted like it

Yeah, he mistook it for a rescue ship because Rebecca Ferguson didn't tell anyone she had planned for the ISS to be pushed into deep space


Or maybe he was just explaining stuff, voicing his thoughts, just as the female scientist went with "I know it isn't scientific, I know it doesn't make sense, but I hate it.

I don't buy the "Calvin is love Calvin is life let's sacrifice the whole crew and all life on Earth because user wants to feel smart and see a cliche where there isn't one".

I dunno what you're trying to say, but it was a pretty mediocre movie and you're gonna have to deal with that. Sorry, pal.

Not gonna say it was memorable, just that playing armchair screenwriter is kind of stupid.

Nothing wrong with stating what you may or may not have found enjoyable about a movie. Get over it.