What should I expect from my first LSD trip Sup Forums ? I've never done anything other than weed before lol...

What should I expect from my first LSD trip Sup Forums ? I've never done anything other than weed before lol. I'm very nervous. Will be tripping on Saturday by myself (I've read that doing it alone decreases chances of a bad trip.)

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Where the fuck did you hear that? Bad idea.

Depends on the person. I have tripped alone a thousand times with no problem. I have never had a trip where I wanted nor needed anyone to watch me. If you want a friend to be there for you, that's cool. Just make sure you don't pick a dick friend that will make you feel uncomfortable. Tripping is all about a comfortable environment, not about needing someone to baby sit you.

I did it alone my first time and had a great time, I had my friend on a skype call for a bit ready to talk me down if I needed it but I was fine. Make a playlist of some music you really enjoy, watch a relaxing movie, and you will be just fine. If you ever get nervous, just remember you took it on purpose to get that feeling and it won’t be there forever, you are more in control of the trip than you think.

Thanks for the advice user. What should I expect from the trip though? For example, I've eaten an edible before and I tripped out hard, and freaked out and embarrassed myself. I felt paranoid, had severe anxiety and just all around out of control. Is this what the LSD trip will feel like? Or is it a different experience altogether? Thanks again.

A good idea is to plan out exactly what you will be doing and exactly what you will need. You probably wont be eating but have some snacks you like. If you're going it alone make sure you're in a safe place, close to nature ideally.

Once you have your setting all prepared, your mindset is the key. Be relaxed, enjoy the ride.

just know theres no turning back. have 8-12 hours of shit ready to do.

enjoy your journey brother..acid was the greatest experience of my life. took 3-4 tabs and tripped out for 22 hours. all the dots become connected. everything makes sense. have a window with a breeze, nature is so much better. i enjoy being nude and in nature on acid. its a good time. clothes are a barrier. houses are a barrier. be FREEEEEEEE.

Tripping is a roller coaster. The trip ramps up, you peak, you come down. Just sit back and ride the coaster knowing you will come down. It's a challenge of ones self to learn about you. I recommend being outside just sitting in the grass with the wind blowing, birds chirping, ect. Nature is fuckin awesome when you're trippin balls. Do not stay inside the whole trip or you will be missing really cool new perspective of nature.


Don’t go to Sup Forums fags for drug advice, they’re just a bunch of fat nerds, but dont expect anything man, it hits everyone differently so just enjoy it and submit to the trip, don’t fight it or else you’ll have a bad time

Really appreciate the advice guys. One of the reasons I don't want to go outside is because I'm terribly afraid that I will lose my mind and get arrested, break into someone's house, attack someone, etc. Another reason I don't want to go outside is because I've always been an indoor person, a nerd who loves computers and video games. I figure that this is the environment I'm most comfortable with, so that's where I should be tripping.

Watch some live music sets on YouTube acid is fun af just everyday things become fascinating be prepared to become engrossed in the most mundane objects become incredible I remember tripping and just admiring the pattern on a towel for like 20 minutes

Those are 10 doses
100ug each if the LSD is basic.
That means a total of 1000 ug LSD

It is not lethal. If you want to come down, drink lots of water. 1 liter of water should do it. Don't take benzos


Oh I will user :) . Going to be listening to my favorite band Future Islands entire playlist.

It's all about the mindset you're in when you dose. It's best to have someone around, especially the first time, that you trust implicitly

same deal. i've tripped with friends and alone a couple times. video games are fun as fuck

Cool. Tripping is giving up some control of what you perceive as reality. Don't fear acid, respect it. You won't freak out or go on a murderous rampage. 1 hit will not bring you anywhere to that level. If you are worried, take half and experience some trails and you will feel and think differently and not have any intense visuals. Fuck anyone if they say take the whole thing, blah, blah, they are not you. If you think you're not ready for a whole one, cut that fucker in half and see if you like that. If not, then there you go, if you like it next time drop a whole one. It's all about your trip, your experience, not anyone else's. Think about it.

Hell yeah bro get some headphones and a long playlist, even if you start feelin a bit crunchy coming up slap on some tunes and get lost in the music. You will be flying in no time.

Keep in mind that tripping on acid is not at all like smoking weed. If you take a sufficient dose, you will completely lose your ego as a human being. There will be a point when you think that you have gone insane and that you will never be back to normal. This is false. Remember that you have taken a drug and that it will wear off.

"There will be a point when you think that you have gone insane and that you will never be back to normal."

What do you mean by that? That's kind of what I'm afraid of lol. Perhaps I'll reconsider.

just to add to my reply, I always felt very warm and every part of my body gets extremely sensitive. It's a very nice body high. Also your brain will think it's in a time loop sometimes. Personally I always get very empathetic when I'm tripping so I like to talk to friends online.

Maybe just start with a half tab and see how you feel? Don't have to be a hero your first trip.

I have never had that happen to me on 1 hit. Now you start taking 3,4 the mind can really go anywhere. But, big different in thinking about shit like that tripping and actually doing it. How many murders have you heard of was committed by a tripping hippy? I mean, come on, that user is just a morbid fuck or he can't handle his acid. Just sayin..

Yeah that's a better idea. I'll probably just take half. My friend who sold it to me (basically gave it to me. Didn't charge much) also tried to sell me xanax. He said if it gets "too crazy" then take a xanax and the trip will "end." (quoting him.)

I first took LSD 5 years ago. Took a 400ug dose, sat on my couch and read books and watched youtube.

I legitimately ended up going vegan the day after - and have stuck with it ever since.

You're not gonna go insane lol. He said you think you will which I agree with. What he meant is you'll start to think that you might feel like that forever, mentally. It's hard to explain in words but I get what he's saying. The hours you're tripping feel like a long time at least for me. Losing your ego is a really good thing though, makes you feel extremely humble. Pretty much just have strong willpower and you'll be fine. The next day your brain might feel exhausted but your ego should be gone and you'll be a better person for it

>take a xanax and the trip will "end."

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I know what user meant, I have been there many, many times. My point was I have never felt that way on 1 hit of acid. And he's scaring the OP from trying it.

You're right. If he's just taking one hit then that shouldn't happen.

Yeah basically I don't want this to be me lmao


Different tabs can have different amounts of acid on them, most I ever took was three tabs(three strip grip) was too fucked up to play video games but watched Akira and Ghost in the Shell which was pretty wicked. No ego death no freak out. Just no sleep and a long after glow watching movies well into the next morning.

OP listen very carefully.

Don't expect anything. Be aware of whatever is possible, but surrender yourself to the experience entirely when you take it. When you put LSD in you, you acknowledge that you are going to embrace whatever you experience for the next 12 hours.

This doesn't mean, go with the crazy idea, it means, experience yourself having that crazy idea and try to understand where it comes from in your mind. This doesn't mean, everything you experience is true, it means, everything you experience comes from some process in your brain and it's some insight into yourself and the reality beyond you that your brain perceives but you are never exposed to.

Weed does have some aspects of an LSD trip itself, very mildly. Taking LSD is very likely to change your weed experience somewhat, letting you see some of the more psychedelic aspects of weed that have always been there but you just didn't recognize. It goes both ways, if you've taken LSD and never had weed and try weed like a few weeks after taking LSD, it sheds new light on your trip. Use your perspectives and experiences in the past.

If you feel paranoid, understand that these kinds of feelings are always there in your daily life, but they don't flood into your consciousness, and LSD removes most of these restraints from your brain. So what you experience is basically a barrage of experiences that are always there, but you are just never exposed to in daily life.

Take the experience as such.

also, don't expect to hallucinate or for anything crazy to happen. If you're just taking one hit, at most things might just look weird and you'll have some slight visuals but nothing major

Do it with a friend you trust as a trip sitter. Avoid meeting new people and set ul fun shit ahead of time (whenever my trips get intense I play Smash to distract myself from perseverating or intrusive thoughts). Listen to music, go outside with others during the afternoon, watch the sunset.

If you're that worried, start it off with a half or a quarter and see how you react to it. If you liked it, do more the next time. If you didn't, then the trip won't be as bad. It will put you in a better head space since you're already paranoid of the effects

yes dude smash is so fun on acid. I'm bias because I still love it sober but playing melee on acid is fucking insane

Acid is really cool. Shrooms are still my drug of choice, but acid is extremely good.
You should be nervous. Just take one hit and enjoy the ride.

The biggest mistake I see people make when they do drugs especially drugs they've never done or rarely do is take a large dose they can't handle and have a bad trip. Be smart and learn your limits before diving in head first

I agree on the shrooms. I prefer a great shroom trip vrs acid. They both have fun qualities and I'll do acid on occasion, everyone has a preference. I just enjoy the kind of trip shrooms give me.

A lot of hippie shit around here, I'm not a drug person but I'd really recommend a controlled environment like your home and everything important should be prepared beforehand as it's apparently really unforeseeable what it will be like for you. You can get more daring anytime.
Also being aware that you did this trip voluntarily and wanted this is probably a good idea by some other user. Now I don't know why you would risk legal trouble but if you're gonna do it at home where you can't hurt anybody wouldn't care either. Just be safe

I'd first like to say thanks to all of you for the advice you've given me. But after reading this thread, and watching videos of experts talking about tripping on LSD, I think I'm not going to do it. I'm an extremely anxious person, officially diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and from what I'm reading online: if an individual is prone to anxiety, then they are going to have a bad trip, or at least a mediocre one. I personally don't want to risk this. I will be giving the LSD back to my friend, as it is obviously stupid to waste it by throwing it away.

Another thing that really does look like multiple units. I guess you're aware as you paid for it but really consider what dose you're taking.

Bro just have half and live alittle. Clear your schedule for a few days after and enjoy yourself dont let your anxiety rule you outright thats lame your over thinking it.

user this is the best song ive ever heard

If your unsure of the dose like literally eat this corner, very small amount.

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I'm pretty sure it's 10 tabs. When I walked into my friend's house he was sitting on the couch high as fuck and he said "just tear a strip off." So I took that off and I asked if I took too much, he said no. But yes, I'm aware that it's multiple units. I was only planning on taking one, IF that.

I have anxiety and I've had awesome acid trips, mushrooms on the other hand, stay away from those lol

That's cool, good on you for doing your research

Experienced psychonaut here. Stay hydrated, kick back, and enjoy the ride. I can recommend music for the road. Also a trip sitter if its someone you trust 100%.

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Have snacks and things to do prepared ahead of time. You're basically a childish version of yourself as you are now, with fresh, unpruned synapses. That is what is really happening, temporarily undoing years of synaptic pruning which allows consideration of things in ways literally impossible without those connections. Having a friend definitely helps. But if they are there, eslecially sober, they are effectively babysitting your childish ass, so don't be a dick to them. Go for a walk or something, don't try to interact with strangers too much. Listen to some music and watch some funny show, but don't waste the whole trip on it. If you plan on smoking too, wait until you platteu. The come up can be rough, and being high/paranoid does not help. If things get weird, remember that you are high on a mind altering substance, and don't do anything major or permanent. Remember to drink water, you'll sweat a lot.
Also protip: Poop beforehand. You will almost definitely have some nausia, and if you have already recently pooped, you can be reasonable assured it's just from being high, and not from needing to poop.

>(I've read that doing it alone decreases chances of a bad trip.)
only if you're the kind of person that ALWAYS has to be around people and socializing.
if you like your alone time then you're fine. turn off your phone, dont access social media. you dont want access to any of that shit when tripping, arguably even the internet.

a trip'll generally be 10-12 hours. take 1 or 1.5 tabs your first time, i recommend 1.5.
have light beers in the fridge ready, like 2 or 3% beers. they're delicious when tripping and sipping one or two'll calm you down if you're nervous.
if you smoke cigarettes make sure you have those ready. if you smoke rollies you dont want to be trying to roll that shit when shit's kicking off.
dont smoke weed during your first trip. it'll intensify it too much and add too much of a random aspect to your train of thought. a small puff or two should be ok once you're decently into the come-down though.
eat a light meal about 40min before you trip. you wont feel hungry for the duration of trip, but have some healthy light snacks handy, fruit is best. grapes, berries, oranges are the best. try to avoid overly processed or junk food, tastes like trash when tripping.

timeline: expect the trip to go like
>2-3 hours of come-up, rising
>3-4 hours of peak
>5-ish hours of a really comfy and relaxing come-down. get a blanket, smoke half of a bowl and get comfy

if you're a musician, get instruments ready. if you're an artist, have art supplies ready. sometimes it's fun to write down your thoughts when you're tripping to look back on when you're sober. wear loose clothing that's easy to layer on and off. if you feel tense or like "something's not right" try turning a light on or off, sipping water or taking a piss.

Lastly and SERIOUSLY, read up about "set" and "setting" on websites like Psychonauts, Erowid and 420chan before you drop.
Shit's really important.
90% of a good trip is your headspace going into it

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Real shit never comes on colored tabs, test that shit first bro

you have good taste in music, especially if you're going on a trip. i find music with synth and good bass lines are ideal for acid

to add, you wont be able to sleep for the duration of your trip so choose what time you'll drop wisely.
if you drop at say, 8pm you wont peak until 11pm and will be awake until dawn.
personally I always drop around 2 or 3 in the afternoon so the peak hits around sunset, which is fucking stunning when you're tripping balls.
dont drop acid if you have important or serious shit to do the next day, you'll still have a sort of afterglow feeling and you might be reflecting on the trip still. the day after is a good day to just stay home and play vidya.

DONT DROP until you're 100% sure you wont have any random interruptions during your trip. You dont want like.. a random housemate or family member to screw something up. You dont want say, an angry girlfriend to come around or a sad friend to show up and start dumping his drama & bullshit on you.
This is often why people go camping innawoods when they do acid or shrooms, just to get away from any bullshit that might interrupt or ruin the trip.

music is a big part of a trip. often it'll dictate your mood.
even if you're not paying attention to the music, the vibe it gives will affect your trip.
listen you a mix of your favourite songs, classic songs and some new shit. generally try to avoid nostalgic songs like "that one song that reminds you of your gf" or the song that reminds you of that time you and a long distant friend hung out. you dont want those sort of thoughts coming up during the trip.

on that note too, emotional baggage is a big thing before dropping.
we call it a "trip" because shit's so long it basically is one. you spend sometimes weeks preparing for an upcoming trip (because you need to dedicate basically a whole weekend without interruptions to it) but sure as shit, if something like you break-up or have a fight/argument with a friend/family member etc, CANCEL the trip and reschedule after that shit's sorted.
I generally drop after something good's happened.

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user I have done my weight in acid and I urge you to heed my advice. Acid is really fucking fun, probably the best drug out there in my own opinion. Rule of thumb, NEVER listen to reddit about drug advice. They'll tell you to bring crayons and stupid shit you don't need. The things you enjoy in life now, you'll have alot more fun with while tripping. Play some games, watch a movie, music with headphones is a must (your audio perception is changed and music sounds orgasmic), go for a walk, things like that. Tripping along is alright I guess but it is so much more fun with friends. Try seeing if one of your friends wants to try it with you? When you're coming up you will get anxious. It's an effect and everybody gets it, don't think about it because that's how almost all bad trips start, people just focus on that anxiety and think they're having a come up to a bad trip and end up revolving their trip around it. When you're getting anxious and get a slight feeling in the pit of your stomach don't worry instead rejoice that your about to trip. The first time I did acid was the best day of my life without a doubt, and it kind of changed who I am as a person, for the better.
TLDR; do what you normally do, bring a friend, have fun

My first trip was 4 years ago with a group of college friends but only two of us dropped. I started to go down a negative thought path but said to myself "I don't have to feel this way" and I was okay. I felt control over my emotions for the first time in my life. This realization actually improved my life dramatically with my anxiety and PTSD. I no longer have panic attacks when a man yells in my vicinity.

It basically rearranges the furniture in your head to a different place. Mine was a great, permanent place.

Also to add to my post, when people say you'll trip for around 12-14 hours they are almost always wrong. Unless you are extremely underweight and also 12. A trip for me is usually wore off and on a comedown by 6-7 hours.

Not necessarily. I'm 6'3", 190lbs and I did high school varsity sports and was the first guitarist in five years good enough to play in the jazz orchestra at the massive university I went to.

Not everyone is a fat fuck on here.

Well, imagine the worst thing you ever done, you are going to tell whoever it’s with you.
I wouldn’t do lsd when family members.

There would be no random interruptions. Ill give you the back story: I'm from New York, and am currently living in one of my dad's rental properties northern Maine. I'm very isolated and only know 1 dude who's my dealer, which is where I got the LSD from. So I will have the whole house to myself, and a 100% guarantee of no interruptions.

Shrooms cured my depression and is being studied as an effective treatment for depression. Why would you tell them that when it's just your bad experience?

Also, I would love to walk around in the deep Maine woods, but I am unfamiliar with them, and I can already envision a fucking disaster waiting to happen - as Northern Maine is known for people getting lost in the vast woods. This is why I'm going to stay in the house if I actually decide to trip.