We all agree this is the best Bond movie overall?

we all agree this is the best Bond movie overall?

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No. But it's very good probably 2nd

we all agree this is the best scene in the whole franchise?




That's not FRWL

Got the first four characters right but wrong body part

thats not The Spy Who Loved Me. try wasting weeks of your life on repeat viewings of every single James Bond movie. then and only then will you understand that The Spy Who Loved me is the perfect Bond film.


I enjoyed the simplicity of Dr.No. The book was very different, and a lot more violent.


>Comfiest old europe setting
>Best Bond girl
>avant-garde score
>Best Blowfeld
>Best romance

>they left out chiagrus

Bond got put through the ringer,and that giant octopus. You mean "Chigroes?" That casual attitude towards the term split my sides. There was a nice bit of motivational speech from Dr.No about ambition. He gets a pile of shit dumped on him.

>You mean "Chigroes?"

Yeah, it's been a while since I read it. Was it Dr. No where Fleming described a girl as having a posterior like a teenage boy?

What always struck me about Fleming was how he wrote race-mixed individuals as being rotten.

It was Honey Rider, and she was completely nude when she came out the water. She also can speak to animals, was raped,poisoned her rapist,and wanted to become a call girl to fix her busted nose.
>What always struck me about Fleming was how he wrote race-mixed individuals as being rotten.
Same. Dr.No was part German and part Chinese. He had a interesting back story which he gave in a very detailed monologue.

Completely miss read your question. Oh and Dr.No was a manlet that wore lifts.

You Only Live Twice was always my favorite, but I have a soft spot for blofeld and I'm a weeb.

It's a safe choice. I am not an afficionado but my personal favorite is YOLT, partly due to my weeaboo history and also partly because it has cool sets and outer space and stuff, also we see Blofeld.

I heard great things about Thunderball for years, finally saw it and I remember being underwhelmed esp. compared to the other two. FRWL is also a bit slow but has nice atmosphere, real spy stuff going on with the sewers and the train and such.

>we both cite same flick, Blofeld and cautiously acknowledge our weeb status

user, are you me?

I had the exact same reaction to thunderball as well.

yeah, Fleming was definitely racially aware.

Thunderball was pretty great

Thunderball starts good, but turns into a huge mess after 30 minutes

>not liking the big navy underwater fight at the end

pretty cool shtick

polite disagreement. I guess the jetpack opening was amusing but then it's just beaches and boredom. Both its previous installment and its sequel give us villains and stuff to actually care about.

Yes, IIRC Thunderball is Connery's personal favorite film. Making the movies and then consuming them is totally different from simply consuming them; the filmmakers can be legitimately blinded to their own work exactly because it is personal; exactly because they by definition cannot conceive of the work only on its own merits, but will inevitably remember also how good or bad of a time they had in the making of the work, and then confuse same with the final product. This is how creators can and do mis-evaluate their own work.

I'm working my way through chronologically and I just finished moonraker.
What i don't get is why Austin Powers didn't get made 15 years earlier

Roger Moore Bond is already a parody

unpopular opinion
i think A View to a Kill is good

I enjoyed Zorin mowing down the mine workers. Funny stuff

It's easily my favorite Moore movie, but that's not saying much.

I unironically love Roger Moore Bond.

Skyfall should be on that list tho

why do people think this is the best bond film? it's fucking trash compared to the roger moore

i like moore, but the bait it's so obvious it hurts

From Russia With Love is better.

As far as Connery is concerned,
From Russia With Love > Goldfinger > Dr. No > Thunderball > You Only Live Twice > Diamonds are Forever

License to kill and Living Daylights are unironically the best ones.

Moore is best Bond.
Moonraker is best Bond movie.

I'm pretty sure this film is the definition of jumping the shark.

The Bond concept is inherently ridiculous. You can't be a secret agent if you keep getting into spectacular action scenes. A real Bond would have been fired after his first mission. So you might as well have fun with it and not worry about realism. Moonraker gets it right.

>OP hasn't seen Tomorrow Never Dies