Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson

Attached: God's Gonna Cut You Down.png (607x567, 288K)

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A guilty pleasure of mine. Just streamed his new cover of Johnny Cash like 10 minutes ago actually.

ngl, love some Marliyn Manson now and again

the way he blew up in the 90s is inspirational

I hope he is doing okay. Last I heard he doesn't like the drugs and the drugs don't like him much either.

Deeply seeded mental issues and cringeworthy , mediocre at best as an " artist"

big gay

ahead of his time
love him

Still better than faggstein

If you'd seen him live in the 90s you would be a believer for life.


Way better. Better than Nine Inch Nails too I think.

Trent helped Manson find his sound. But I have to agree that Manson ran with it and did it better IMO.

nine inch dicks

>Better than Nine Inch Nails

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NIN sucks

Found the sixteen year old " Satanist " edgelord special snowflake.!!!!!

Learn how to respect other people's opinions you flaming faggot.
Just say you don't agree with what he said.
You don't have to be a dick about it.

Attached: 1554888212008.jpg (480x214, 12K)

t r i g g e r e d

What a tool

fuck tool

he is totally devoid of talent


Attached: trick or treat.jpg (449x314, 35K)


marilyn manson looks disgusting and "his" music is shit

> i wash myself with a rag onna stick and i can't play any instrument

You're too young to be on this site

Fuck you asshole that is his fucking opinion. Jesus. You dont have to comment on ever post you dont like.

Oh yeah, kys


I consider my self a Manson fan, but I lost faith around the Golden Age of Grotesque... haven't really listened to him since. Been sticking with the old stuff. Antichrist is the pinnacle, to me. But strangely on par with all work before Golden Age, imo. But... hearing this song, his voice is fucking amazing. Tell me, what have I missed out on? Give me the low-down on Manson since I sat out.

You haven't missed much, I'd say his music may be on the upswing for his next album though. Everything after GAOG is pretty shit besides a few tracks.

i c wat u did thurr