Why isn't Australia attacked for not accepting migrants?

Why isn't Australia attacked for not accepting migrants?

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Australia has accepted plenty of chinks.

Its a chink colony



Australia should be 40%Malay, 30%Chinese, 30%Indian, and 0% Wh*te

the fuck? australia takes in a butt fuck of refuge's.



i think half of australians are either immigrants or 1st generation immigrants

fuck off with your memes canada, australia and new zealand have less then 5% chinese each.

Because we all know they're full.
Japan on the other hand is empty, is what I keep hearing.

t. Chan


Because no one deserves to live in Australia

we are regularly criticized for our off-shore concentration camps it just doesn't generally grab international media attention

And also you're full.
So there's that.

inshah allah, brother.

he's talking about accepting syrian ones.


that could've happened, but malays thought everything south of them was cursed

We have a lot.
Look up how many Australians are first gen immigrants. Lots of people want get in, and frankly the country hasn't got much water.

Our government has copped a lot of flack over how it has been dealing with thoroughfare and processing of refugees/immigrants, for good reason.
Maybe it didn't take up much airtime back in your home country of America, but it has been an international talking point over the past few years.