Nigger vs chinky. What do you pick?

Nigger vs chinky. What do you pick?

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chink isnt a nigger and is based

I believe the correct term is 'niggerly'

Chinky. I don’t really have a problem with Asians but they can be weird sometimes

If this was a YLYL thread then I would have already lost god damn

she wasn't even using the slur, chink is a real word for slit

Asian girl is prettier anyways

And therefore in the right

LOL don't need to defend her. she meant what she meant. even if it means slit, she's not using the word as a slit

is this a rekt thread lol

I'm asian and I would never want to be with an asian. You're an idiot if you do.

If you even consider blacks your brain is fucking fried.

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Are u retarded? It is a slur because it means slit. use ur fucking brain

No, it is a slur because 200 years ago the higher ups called the lower train track builders chinks.

Self hating much lol

I guess slit is also a slur since it too means slit right?

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Sick burn. niggers gonna blames whites still.

>i'd rather go for 2nd place when 1st place is easily available

Mental illness

define based please

its because alot of asian women are anti asian male.

No it's the same thing as nigger, the reason it's a slur is because of the history of the word. If you think chink isn't a slur because it means slit, nigger isn't a slur because it means black

I always side with the brash assholes that accidentally trigger people over the triggered. Even if they're niggers.


Black chick looks better lol

You know that Asian chick probably spends the rest of the time shitting on white people anyway.

Who am I to judge if harambe makes you hard.

What's the matter, and asian girl cucked you? I've never seen that happening.

No, I really don't like black people that much, I just don't unconditionally side against them in every single scenario. Now please don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

You mean a slant? Also checked.

No that's slope

I just looked up that Asian chicks Twitter. Holy fuck the cringe. Asians trying to act like they are black.

thats good more tight pussies for white BVLLS

But user, race mixing is bad. Don't muddle your genes with the inferior tiny bodies of Asian manlets and baby dicks. Do you really want your future son to have a baby dick and be 5'7" postpuberty just so you can smash some sideways faux-anime pussy?

Asian girls: usually petite, all the best food, often really into the same otaku culture I am, get along well as long as you listen to them and don't fetishize them.

Black girls: usually curvy, all the best food, often
appreciate great music, get along well as long as you listen to them and don't make stupid assumptions.

White girls: usually entitled. Put weird shit in food all the time, such as cheese in cornbread. Usually think good music is lame and otaku culture is for kids. Will crush your spirit in ways that send you to the psychiatric hospital just for kicks.

I'm guessing you suffer from acute micropenis to the point where only prostate stimulation can get you off.


t. Israel.


Be careful with prostate stimulation, user. It can indeed produce intense orgasms even in white nationalists and other sufferers of micropenis. But there is at least one case where a 63 year old man stimulated his prostate with a vibrator in order to drain it, and ended up having nearly constant orgasms just by lying down. I'm not making that up, by the way, to a search for "so many prostate orgasms he couldn't stop."

Ugly man pencil is long

calling someone a nigger

the chink didnt use a slur either, nigger is a real word for black