Westworld made me wonder, is there a single actress who aged worse?

Westworld made me wonder, is there a single actress who aged worse?

Tons, but for example Lara Flynn boyle

Lohan. Compare her to McAdams, Caplan, Chibert, and Siegfried.

Tara Reid.

She looks sexy, especially for her age. Does you trigger you because she's black and a woman, OP, your two deepest fears combined?

nicole kidman is downright creepy looking nowadays.

Yeah but eat your soul during coitus creepy not slowly being melted by meth creepy

>compared to what we have in the park she's a 6/10
>every whore in the park except maybe dolores and pissfu is

I swear the only film she's ever been in where she looked attractive was The Mask

>44 year old woman
>20 years after her era as a "hot actress"
>doing best work of her career
>doing highly acclaimed work

I'm pretty sure she won user

She "aged" well, be her face scares the shit out of me.

Not if you look at her tits or whatever you call those things on her chest.

Her tits are awesome and screencaps of them were a big factor in why I decided to watch the show.


The fuck are you on about? She's stunning.

That's just the intense concentration from her mentally repressing all the things Cosby did to her.


Looks like an ugly whore and that makes my peepee glad

those years of whoring herself out to a man triple her age to get roles must've taken a toll

Black don't crack tho

I like her banana tits. I like them even more when she's wearing her red dress.

I never understood people memeing about her throughout Westworld's run. She's objectively good looking.

the major source of ire was that there were far more interesting characters to follow and her plotline seemed to be just LOOK HOW FUCKING SMART I AM, never mind by the finale it turned out she was dancing on strings too.

Her smugness was so damn authentic.

cigarretes and drugs do that

The hairstyle they gave her did her no favours whatsoever. Other than that I think she looks good for her age.

Did she have a boob job?

>tfw to smart to arouse virgins

You mean is there a single actress that aged better right? She's fucking 44 senpai, and she's real fucking good looking for that age.

>cropping out the feet

It registers that she is ugly but muh dick is still diamonds.

Can you get nipple surgery? Why are her old nudes COMPLETELY different from her Westworld stuff?

Can you de-puff nipples?

What do you mean user?

Dash had some kind of emotional trauma. Looks hot as fuck though.

Gal Gadot

She's the sexiest chick on the show imo