Why does this make people hate muslims? Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades

Why does this make people hate muslims? Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades.


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War of Defense


>during the crusades
This is the key phrase. Christians stopped murdering people over religion hundreds of years ago and has undergone multiple reformations.

Islam on the other hand has waged incessant jihad for fourteen hundred years and will continue to do si.


Mudslimes believe in all the bullshit the Crosskikes do, plus a whole other boatload of crap.

We have cell phones now, and fly planes don't give me this shit, they called it the dark ages for a reason

This is some edgy shit right here.

Crusades only happened because muslims invaded christian lands so much.

crusades were defensive. The crusades against the muslims never went to a place that christianity wasnt present before muslims turned up.

fuck slimes, lets party

only if you are a little bitch. Which you are

dead baby jokes are old hat

Crusades were a response to a muslim Jihad. You dont see chrstians doing that anymore. And they didnt kill over 300 million people in all thwie history.

only stormcucks and muzzies get triggered by them

>Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades.

In response to Muslims doing the same stuff and worse while invading Spain and Anatolia

Notice regular people ignore these jokes.


Pics or didnt happened

cos they hate slimes

cancer has to be cut out

>Why does this make people hate muslims? Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades.
Because the crusades were half a millenium ago.

they want you dead, and you get offended by this shit. What a fucking faggot cuck you are

Because you're still doing it, dumbfuck.

Don't you have a hospital to bomb or a goat to rape or something?

Real talk tho crusades were centuries ago when everyone was backwards uncivilized troglodytes.


>500 years of muslim invasions and occupation
>somehow a couple of battles after/during which equals this

Around a 1000 years ago, versus right now, along with the crusades being a reaction to the attempted Islamic conquests of Europe.

Palestinians want Jewish zionists dead, not white christians.

Jesus (nor Buddha for that matter) never fucked 9 year old girl.
Read fucking Dune, you faggot. Islam is more a military doctrine than an actual religion.

The crusades were defensive in nature to halt the spread of child raping savages into Europe.

Is this what autism looks like

because they are doing it to us!

we don't care when it's us doinf it to them

are you complete moran?

haha youre a total faggot, what a fucking cuck

imagine believing a mudslime

yeah true, only an autist would make that shit pic you made. Didnt even bother enlarging it, ya autist

And the Muslims were doing that stuff before the crusades.
Either way that shit is generations removed from today.
Quit defending murderers with ancient history.

all muslims need to die, no matter what size

How many shekels are you on?

>worse during the crusades.
No they didn't. Plus, the Crusades were a direct result of Islamic aggression.

Because they were doing it before we were doing it.
When they first did it, we had to stop them in France.
When they did it again, the Byzantines begged the Pope for help and got it, starting the Crusades.
Today, they're still doing it. We're the ones who stopped.

Bad call.

But there's an important word there:

Sure. Christianity may have stood for alot of bullshit back in the days. But the worst they get up with now is hold anti-gay posters at funerals.
Christians ain't bad in modern society.
Islam on the other hand, is.

And to say this is not a bad thing because chrisitanity may have been worse back then in the day is shit tier logic.
Basically your argument boils down to:
>Yeah, so I beheaded a few tens of thousand people, but how is that bad? Have you forgotten that Germany caused millions deaths back in the 40's?

I do this for love


Yeah but they did it on mudslimes

The Crusades were in defense. Muslims took over christian lands and cities. They fought back and took hold of strategic areas. It's one of the only reasons the muslim hoardes didn't expand well into Europe.

Why are people so historically illiterate?

Reminder that Hitler wanted to unite the world under Islam and the dude spamming edgy maymays is literally a Zionist.

Love, of money.

>cry why we hate muslims
>refer to a series of wars caused by hundreds of years of pillage, rape, slavery, and economic blockade
>which killed just a few thousand, to boot
Fuck off, mudslime.

Crusades were self defense. Self defense is good you pussy.

Only for the time being fuck em all, jew can stay but need to be moniterd, blacks can be subject to slavery. and the EU america and britain austrila and shit i dont know. all unite under christain values while imploying some changed jewish ones, slavery to mud people

>Crusades were bad meme.

If somebody punches you in the face, you better swing back twice as hard. The Crusades were a response to attempted Muslim conquest of Europe, and they succeeded in their primary goal, the kebabs were real fucking careful about messing with Europe, they're only back now because the western world has gone soft.

Honestly another crusade would do wonders for putting them back in their place.

Why do people think historical actions excuse current actions?

le crusades mememememmeme xDDD

>le Crusades false equivalency meme

Hey there, newfag.

>jews need to be monitored

It is them who monitor us.

I want muslims out, but tbf I wouldn't let Europeans from the 12th century into my country either, desu.

>twice as hard
Muslims took the entire Iberian peninsula, then we took a tiny bit of the Levant, then they took the entire balkan peninsula.

>Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades.



>Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades.

YEAH? and when was the last crusade you stupid retarded muslim scum

Christians eventually realized they shouldn't kill people just so they could spread their religion. Meanwhile sandniggers still execute people for dismissing Allah

some of the people changed, but there script never has, until it can be changed, they are a liabilty, muslims need to keep withing there muslim boarders and have there muslim state to rot in, build a wall around them

Kill yourself, muslim faggot. Right now.
Crusades were reactionary, you mudfaggots ALWAYS throw the first punch.

I don't know man. Islam is the easiest way to snuff out feminism.

Castration is a partcular Islamc passtime since hundreds of years uptil today.
More than ten million slaves were castrated by Islam

that why we need to monitor them, make em all wear a star on the jacket

>Christians stopped murdering people over religion hundreds of years ago
A christian wouldn't murder ever, what that was, was either self-defense from muslim and jewish slavery, invasion, or it was legit murder but by fake christians, aka catholics and other misled deceivers.

Then reconquista took back Spain, and the only thing we lost were the Byzantines who were destined to fall anyway. It also marked the end of Muslim aggression for centuries, allowing Europe to flourish during the renaissance.

C'mon Britbong, your King Richard spent the best years fighting for a free and unmolested Europe.

The Crusades were a fight to retake formerly Christian lands. Muslims want to take non-Muslim lands.

Haha Muslims do that today at times of such enlightenment. The few crusaders who did such were barbarians, but they are history. Muslims throughout history (including Moe), up to today are barbarians and Islam deserves resentment far more so.


The relatively few brutes of the Crusades were still Christians. It was war time. They committed sin because of a brutal sense of revenge or tribalism, but they hopefully repented for their sins.

Don't commit the no true Scotsman fallacy. Not only is it dumb from an objective point of view (free of religious bias) it also gives approval to Muslims who commit the same fallacy when referring to Jihadists. Though it's far clearer that Jihadists are Muslims than it is clear that crusadering psychos were Christians.

A moment of silence for the hero we never asked for.

But we got him all the same.

>Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades.

That was then, this is now. Back then Christians were the niggers.

Who dat?

From the catalog I thought that was a girl with long fluffy blonde hair. Should've known beter.

more like
>why did the Palestinian child cross the road?
>to shield the Jihadist from Israeli bombs

because we're not in the fucking crusades. stop using the past to justify horrific actions today.

makes me hate islamists because it was done expressly because of their religion. moderate muslims can't seem to get control of shit, so it's gotta fucking go. I was tolerant, I was understanding, I was lenient, now i'm fucking pissed.

>Why does this make people hate muslims? Christians did the same stuff and worse during the crusades.

See pic for detials

Because Muslims are self righteous easily butthurted violent faggots who gang up on people who oppose them with harsh penalties for the simplest of shit.

Muslim here, I should know.

the crusades were a good thing
sadly, they fucked up and left some of this scum alive

I don't get it. I am not robot.

>Muslim here, I should know.

ما شاء الله بارك الله فيك يا أخي

Its true though and you know it.