This is not bait. I seriously want to know what is wrong with our Nubian brothers and sisters

This is not bait. I seriously want to know what is wrong with our Nubian brothers and sisters.

As I watched a young bIack man cross the street a few days ago, I was struck by how consistently deliberately difficult they are. The guy stepped off the curb right when the light changed but instead of stepping back onto the sidewalk, he slowly shuffled his way across 4 lanes all the while on his phone.

This dynamic I had, of course witnessed many times, once I even watched a young bIack woman crossing a moderately trafficed street with a young child while on her phone with essentially her back to oncoming traffic not turning her head even once. Yeah, she crossed a street right in front of an oncoming vehicle and never even looked once.

Anyone ever notice this? Or how bIack people seem to move very slowly when you're waiting for them to just get the fuck out of the way?

I was in a grocery once and paused to wait for a bIack woman and her 3 kids to vacate a spot in front of the dairy coolers. I waited, waited, waited, and watched as she camped out there blocking 2 cooler doors for literally no reason. I waited and watched for so long that she actually noticed me watching and gave me stink-eye. I eventually gave up and came back later.

Which brings me to the universal attitude. Why is it, most, and I mean most, bIack people have a sour disposition around whites? I almost always have to deal with side eye, attitude, and just a generally disagreeable demeanor every time I'm around them.

I asked a bIack guy working the counter at an eatery what the soup was and instead of just telling me, he motioned to a specials board behind me. When I deal with whites in the service industry, they are almost always helpful and professional to a fault. Of course there are exceptions, but why do I always get the impression that I'm putting bIacks out when I ask them to do their job?

And what's with able bodied young bIacks riding the complimentary mobility scooters in stores?

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Other urls found in this thread: down peddling

They can tell things piss you off and their moving slow or being unhelpful pisses you off. Guess what? It isn’t just black people. You come off as an entitled piece of shit people resist. The only winning move is for it to stop bothering you, regardless who they are or what race they are.

Huh I wonder if they can sense you hate them from your faggoty demeanor and maybe they treat you like shit in kind? Naaaaaaaaaaaaah

>You come off as an entitled piece of shit

Yes, people can definitely tell I am an "entitled piece of shit" while I sit the fuck in my car in traffic or just normally go about my normal business.

>they can sense you hate them from your faggoty demeanor

Except that I don't hate them. "Hate" has nothing to do with this, at least on my part. Try again.

>As I watched a young bIack man cross the street a few days ago, I was struck by how consistently deliberately difficult they are. The guy stepped off the curb right when the light changed but instead of stepping back onto the sidewalk, he slowly shuffled his way across 4 lanes all the while on his phone.

Back-peddling is psychological phenomena. It always causes stress. You can notice it in yourself any time that you try to back-peddle, retract, or take back anything that you say or do. Physical or verbal.

>Anyone ever notice this? Or how bIack people seem to move very slowly when you're waiting for them to just get the fuck out of the way?

Yup. You're right.

>I was in a grocery once and paused to wait for a bIack woman and her 3 kids to vacate a spot in front of the dairy coolers. I waited, waited, waited, and watched as she camped out there blocking 2 cooler doors for literally no reason. I waited and watched for so long that she actually noticed me watching and gave me stink-eye. I eventually gave up and came back later.

In that particular situation, had you said thought the words "fucking nigger" in your mind, could it have made sense and would she have mind-read at that particular moment? She probably thought that you were thinking that even if you weren't.

>I asked a bIack guy working the counter at an eatery what the soup was and instead of just telling me, he motioned to a specials board behind me. When I deal with whites in the service industry, they are almost always helpful and professional to a fault. Of course there are exceptions, but why do I always get the impression that I'm putting bIacks out when I ask them to do their job?

Sorry to say, but whites are shit when it comes to retail service. White people will say "good morning" and "how are you?" all day long, but they have the most nervous break downs in customer service or returns and go postal the most often. As people pleasers, whites are fairly "friendly". While being paid

Yes, they can. They walk slowly across because it’s their right to do so. And it pisses off people who feel entitled to their moving quickly. Like you. So your choice is to shit on an entire race or get over it and not let it bother you.

no this is typical nigger behavior they dont fit in with humans

OP, African americans are by far the most racist people in the U.S. I think part of it is that they've been told since birth that white people are the devil. They're probably pretty salty about it.

I've met Africans right off the boat from Africa, and they're generally pretty good people. They also generally hate African Americans because of this bs. Hard to say what causes it for certain.

because they blame everything on whites
the police, govt, bad service at the DMV
they don't know how to deal with any part of the establishment so they go after whoever is vulnerable

>it’s their right to do so

So it's an issue of "rights?" Interesting...

I could be an obstinate piece of shit also I suppose, but I must be completely crazy for being considerate of other people's time and space.

I'll add that I've only met a few of these Africans right off the boat, and the ones I've met have been either in retail or working as independent businessmen. So, my sample size is small and biased. Can't really take much from it.

niggers are always crossing where they shouldnt so no it is not their right retard
they just cross wherever they want without any regard for anything but themselves

>Back-peddling is psychological phenomena. It always causes stress. You can notice it in yourself any time that you try to back-peddle, retract, or take back anything that you say or do. Physical or verbal.

I don't understand how this in any way applies to what I said.

And they sense you thinking that and piss in your Cheerios. Be nice and polite to them and guess what they'll be nice and polite to you! :)

It means you're gay OP.

>I've met Africans right off the boat from Africa, and they're generally pretty good people. They also generally hate African Americans because of this bs.

Yes, they are completely different people. I have a friend who is a substitute teacher at a public school and she refuses to teach the native kids, preferring to work with the immigrant kids for this reason. The regular black kids are violent, and disagreeable while the African kids are just the opposite.

thats some bullshit

But that is not really friendliness. Secondly, white people are notoriously fake, constantly complain about it, and have a problem with divorce and making friends because of it. So you can knock that white-supremacy shit off. Humans are in pretty shit shape and white people are too. All across the board.

Secondly, it sounds like you are the one with a problem. You seem too rational. The thing out here is that you need to baby-walk most people's hand if you are smarter than average. That is what smarter than average means. Not average. Unexpected. People expect the normal. People don't expect the not average. And you seem smarter than average.

Based on that, your above-average grammar and your problem with communication, it sounds like you are exceptionally smart and socially awkward. But hey, you are on Sup Forums. That's fairly normal here. Or it was before the summer-tards swamped the place. But you get the point.

>, they are almost always helpful and professional to a fault.

I get the feeling that you are suggesting that they are too good. That is not what "too a fault" means. To a fault means that the environment is in fact hostile, customer service is brutal and nervous break-downs are common, and white people have a problem with being fake. Not to mention with divorce and being fat. So in this dysfunctional environment, don't blacks have it worse? Of course they do.

They expect insults and conflict from the environment. Not from you personally. But this is environmental. The environment sucks fucking ass. It's pretty fucking bad and if people seem nice then take the time to think who is getting paid while being nice and how people act when the person in front of them is being paid while they are not....

You've never tried being genuinely nice to minorities. There's no way you could possibly know.

>they sense you thinking

Oh, so it's my fault for merely thinking I'd like to get my shit done in a timely manner? Gotcha.

Point is, negroes do have a problem and you are right in what you said. Your problem is that you are internalizing it too much and don't realize that they are well suited for their environment. The modern negro is fit for the bottom of the social ladder and so the settle in to a pattern of animosity, hostility and insecurity. And rightfully so. They will always be near the bottom of any social ladder. Even if they graduate from Harvard, they will have a white boss or will be part of the black firm as the bootleg counterpart to a white firm.

That's just business.

>I don't understand how this in any way applies to what I said.

Once they step of the sidewalk it's a land-mark and stepping back on the sidewalk feels like they made a mistake you dumb fucking bitch. It's not rocket science. We all have an intuition of what human psychology is you fucking idiot. It's called "doubling down" you dumb fucking tard.

When you're standing there on fire inside looking like an internet while a woman is wrangling her children and grabbing milk in your way for 30 seconds, yeah you're being a faggot lol. Take a breath or politely say EXCUSE ME I'M IN A HURRY I GOTTA GRAB SOME MILK. This 'problem' is easily solved by opening your pussy mouth.

I've seen white people doing all of this shit, OP. The majority of people are annoying as hell. You probably just fixate on the blacks because you're a fucking racist.

being nice to these subhumans only make them take advantage of you
these are not people

>I get the feeling that you are suggesting that they are too good.

You're assuming an awful lot of shit, user. In none of the anecdotes I recounted were my social skills ever displayed to the bIacks I encountered with the exception of my attempt at humor (which was funny as hell).

With respect to complete strangers, I am neutral, regardless of their race, age, or gender. I've encountered bIacks in the service industry who were totally cool right off the bat. Problem is, they are a drop in the bucket.

And I don't understand where this "white people are fake" shit comes from. Is it that hard to believe that white people would just show a reasonable degree of respect and humanity to strangers?

Never seen a monkey do that. Sorry dude you're just wrong.

Nah dude, it's not a coincidence that the countries that are predominantly full of brown people suck ass.


Being upset about 1 thing, then creating another problem because you're distraught about the first problem

double down
Originally a term used in the card game blackjack, where a player doubles their original bet in exchange for exactly one additional card; most useful when the remaining deck is offering extremely favorable odds of making a total of twenty-one.

The term is increasingly used as a media euphemism when political figures tell bald-faced lies and when confronted with contradictory statements, the politician not only fails to retract their claims but instead expresses an increased certainty in their truth.

> down

Trying to take back something said or done, usally done by altering it or changing it, in an attempt to change a viewpoint or to save face. The term backpeddling refer to the motion someone does on a bike to use a brake, moving the legs in another direction, sometimes going nowhere.

> peddling

I'm not making this shit up. It's common knowledge. Don't get mouthy with me bitch.

>The modern negro is fit for the bottom of the social ladder and so the settle in to a pattern of animosity, hostility and insecurity.

That's interesting. But what of the inherent overblown sense of entitlement they all seem to have? I suppose that could be a manifestation of the hostility.

>Nah dude, it's not a coincidence that the countries that are predominantly full of brown people suck ass.

Try not to get Nuked by Russia you fucking faggot. Back to country you Hillbilly.

>stepping back on the sidewalk feels like they made a mistake

I shudder to think of how twisted the psyche of a person is who would rather cross 4 lanes of traffic while on the phone instead of taking 2 steps to not cross 4 lanes of traffic while on the phone. Wow.

look, some more bullshit
no offense, but you have no idea what I know
There are white people in the US who spend their lives trying to help their black friends
And they get spit on and robbed along with the rest of them
I've met some cool people, some of my best friends even, through school/work etc
but the majority of them just want to sucker punch nice kids that aren't trying to fight back
as if that will solve the problem of the police
good luck kiddos

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Even my dumbass mother can over-generalize, and she is a fucking tard. The income disparity between the U.S. and Third World Countries is about the same. Back to your work, bitch. Germany and other Western European Countries don't like you dumb ass Americans and Socialism and Atheism is working out better for them than Capitalism and Christianity is for Americans. How stupid can you get, mixing Christianity and Capitalism? Fucking tard.

>posts a bunch of bullshit

I mean at least Russia has the technology and capability to produce nukes... Back to Somalia for you

>I shudder to think of how twisted the psyche of a person is who would rather cross 4 lanes of traffic while on the phone instead of taking 2 steps to not cross 4 lanes of traffic while on the phone. Wow.

Dude, are you even American? You must not be from around here.

Are you always considerate? Or are their occasional situations where you are a jerk? The only behavior you can change is your own. So don’t blame an entire race (which still leaves you upset) and just don’t let it bother you.

you can say whatever you want
but this problem will not go away

Yeah, you're assuming all the wrong shit, user. I was 35 feet away standing there with my shopping cart and she was there for a good 4 or 5 minutes before I gave up. She wasn't "wrangling" anything. She was standing in front of and blocking 2 full cooler doors with her able bodied children not budging and apparently not considering the fact that people could not access 2 full cooler doors. Ya know what I do when I need to pause in a grocery store? I put my cart in a place where I'm not blocking traffic. Is it really that hard to be considerate?

Other races never do that.

I don't have a problem lol. You do. And it's a problem you're devoted to creating for yourself. Have fun!

>you're a fucking racist.

I guess that settles it then. Thanks for your thoughtful input.

Nobody stood in front of a cooler for 5 minutes. Is your mouth sewed shut? Can you say EXCUSE ME PLEASE I NEED TO GRAB MILK? That's literally all you need to do. Assert yourself politely, tough guy.

He's right and you know it too lol. Why would you argue the fact that you're racist?

You fool!

Baaaaw people don't get out of my way or read my mind and do what I command them toooooo

pointing a gun at me for no reason and asking why I'm so upset

>Other races never do that.

That's actually true. I rarely ever see whites drag ass across the street while traffic has the right of way and I've never seen Asians behave this way.

I’ve had that happen with other races - fucking idiot wanted to read the label on every single item and then decide. After 20 seconds, I got other stuff. Five minutes later I came back and the dumb fuck was still there! Finished my shopping and he was gone. I don’t blame his entire race... but I did think something was mentally wrong with him.

>Nobody stood in front of a cooler for 5 minutes.

Too bad they in fact did. At least, 4 or 5 minutes in fact. I gave up, left and came back later, so it could have been 10 fucking minutes for all I know. And how I interact with strangers is my fucking business. I could definitely make an argument for the idea that I was being overly considerate in not asking her to move the fuck out of the way.

Soo...nice one Elon...!

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Ya know what happens when you call someone a racist now? Yeah, you lose ALL credibility.

You're welcome.

Oh. Oh no. My cred. What will I ever do. You racist piece of shit lol.

>I was in a grocery once and paused to wait for a bIack woman and her 3 kids to vacate a spot in front of the dairy coolers. I waited, waited, waited, and watched as she camped out there blocking 2 cooler doors for literally no reason. I waited and watched for so long that she actually noticed me watching and gave me stink-eye. I eventually gave up and came back later
You could have said something like
"Hi, excuse me but I just need to reach past you for a second here."
Maybe even offer a smile or something. To me it seems like standing there staring at her in silence is rude. The street runs both ways, op

You're overlooking the fact that I've (and others) have seen this same behavior many, many, many times. It's typical but not exclusive of bIacks in my experience.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you can't say three words to a stranger and you're complaining about how whole races are broken. ok duder.

Uh oh, you've just stumbled across the reason why segregation should be reinstated. Very rarely will other races ever get along with each other

I keep forgetting that the world revolves around op and we must all do his bidding exactly to his standards

>Maybe even offer a smile or something. To me it seems like standing there staring at her in silence is rude. The street runs both ways, op

I was fairly far away as I waited which was my prerogative. You seem to be saying that I need to offer something to someone in order to get them to be normally considerate. Is that how it works?

I get along fine with everybody. Maybe you should be segregated to autism island with the rest of the aspies so we can live in peace.

You're right bro. I hear great things about India. How about China that sounds like a great place to live. Or maybe you're more into Pakistan or Turkey, sounds nice over there too. Gotta say just about any country in Africa or South America looks fantastic.Which of these paradises do you live in user?

Sometimes we're wrong about what master wants and he refuses to tell us. It is our job to read the tea leaves and bend to his will. If we do not, he will curse our entire bloodline for eternity. We do our best OP please have mercy on us.

You only lose credibility from in-denial racists. And who gives a shit what they think? They're intellectual lightweights with no moral compass.


It matters not what race she was. If white or Asian, I would have acted exactly the same way. I don't like talking to strangers in general. It's not my duty to offer gifts to people just to get them to be considerate.

That's the most blue pilled thing I have ever read

You sound like the type of asshole that went to college

Fuck you

uhhh obviously?

>t. worthless nigger

> what is wrong with our Nubian brothers and sisters.
>Why is it bIack people have a sour disposition around whites?
firstly, you are not black
the root of the issue is an American issue, not a ''white'' issue, there is a cultural deep ingrained racism that exists in America, other places that didn't have slavery don't seem to have the same types of cultural divisions that exist in the U.S. between blacks and whites

Propinquity and group association obviously still happens between in-groups and out-groups, but the event of slavery lead to a friction between white and black americans for obvious reasons, the resentment and bitter feelings carried on as blacks were treated like second class citzens and segregated into shithole communities and policed with a double standard and ostrasized

this has improved over the years and no people that were enslaved are alive today, but plenty of black people were still alive to experience being segregated and quarentined, told where they could go, where they could live, where they could sit, where they could hang out, where they could go to school

and everything they were quarantined off into was a much shittier version than what white people had access to

if they had a problem with it, they were just thrown in a cage, beat up, murdered or a combination of any of the aforementioned

this has softened over time, but the resentment has been passed down through generations

this happens on the white side of things too, creating a long standing condition of cultural racism and division that still exists to this day

you can see the difference if you go to canada and meet some black people from just a small geographic distance away that have completely different attitudes, don't live in run down abandoned shit holes, don't live in areas police and white people just can't go etc. etc.

it's because there was never that division to begin with and no one fucked over anyone's parents or their parents parents

Have you ever been to those places? Some of them are amazing and would be fantastic places to live.

I can honestly say I have. Usually it’s dumb fucks on their phone unaware of their surroundings.

Uh oh Morpheus tell us more about the red pill from the tranny brothers movie XD

>It matters not
wewlad you talk like a retard

I've known niggers to have anti social tendencies but staring at them when they are in your way isn't going to make them move retard

People normally segregate themselves based on race, and I am 100% ok with this. I happen to live in a suburb that is about an 85/15 mix of white/bIack although I suspect that many bIacks drive out of their own neighborhoods to shop at my predominately white, upscale grocery store.

>be nice to childish niggers or else they act like complete niggers


I know exactly what you're talking about. One time while taking a left turn, a big fat gorilla mom and her 4 shitlets were about to cross the street where I was turning. Now granted pedestrians have the right of way so I stopped and let them go. Most people would observe this and politely hurry up and cross to let you turn - maybe even quicken their step to a little jaunt. No, not her. She strode by at the slowest, fattest, entitledest peace possible, with her shitlets in tow, single file, spaced out several feet between them, so as to altogether take up 20 linear feet or so and pass at the slowest pace possible. And while doing this she too turned to give me the stink eye. A stink eye of supreme entitlement.

A friend of mine in high school was outspoken anti-racist. He would slap people for making racist jokes. Then he joined the military and moved to Georgia and now he fucking hates niggers. He says he ccs an extra mag in case a pack of them try to rape his wife. They'll walk through his neighborhood and say "fuck this white people grass" and throw their 40oz bottles on peoples lawns.

I live in an 80% majority white city and I can assure you white people do that shit constantly.

I concur. I went to Istanbul a few years ago and loved it -- friendly people, great food, very cosmopolitan. I think it'd be less desirable now that Erdogan is becoming more and more autocratic, but the U.S. has the same problem with its wannabe dictator.

So you don't personally live in any of those places either?

what a load of autistic crap

If you would like some consideration then offer some consideration. I'm not sure why this is a difficult concept for you. You might be part of the problem. As the old saying goes, "if you're surrounded by assholes, you might be the asshole."

>be nice to me or I'll impotently complain about you on the internet

you spelled constantinople wrong turklover

a strong post that brings truth to light
underrated but strengthened by the power of trips
most likely written by a chad
a weak post that attempts to cover the truth in darkness
essentially this is an attempt to brainwash and mislead, if not outright ignorance
most likely written by an overweight virgin

The supermarket incident happened to me earlier this week. Two young female niggers were blocking me out while chatting. I waited there with my gf for a full minute mere feet away, waiting for them to move while they chatted in nig speak. Granted, I could have asked them to move or immediately commited to trying back later, but it pissed me off to have to remind them to be courteous or forfeit immediately without a word. After a while of just staring at them, I just loudly said "holy SHIT" to communicate my displeasure, at which they looked up but probably still didn't even realize the situation they were causing. Our backs were turned before they could respond and I circled back later. Gf was not too happy lol, but it was fine.

It’s probably bad access to schooling and systemic poverty.

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That's the thing Americans don't understand. Like Istanbul for example. It's a massive city with everything you have in a city like Dallas or whatever. It's not like a dusty shithole without crazy massive buildings and nice parks. Same could be said for everywhere basically. You just see pictures of the poor people a d think that's it.

Well, if I'm sitting there *waiting* for someone to move their ass, what am I supposed to look at? When I'm in someone's way, they're generally looking right at me also.

Look, theres a reason why Africa is fucked.. it is the people!

As someone who has worked in a supermarket at night,I can say all the teen trash like to ride around on the handicapped scooters regardless of race. But the "minorities" do so far more and far older. They will even ride them out into the parking lot and leave them in the rain. OP has observed the Entitled Arrogance some generally low class people demonstrate. It reaches across all ethnicities but somehow feels more concentrated in places of concentrated ethnicity.

You're supposed to look at HELP ME I'M AUTISTIC card you carry around. Show it to them and say eckthcuse me i need miwk and they might even hand it to you!

The truly entitled horror of leaving a mobility scooter out in the rain. Imagine.

It's a bonafide phenomenon. I don't recall ever seeing bIacks "pick up the pace" when the traffic light changes color. It's always that same slow-ass pace. Always.

Autistically shouting out "holy SHIT" and expecting people to guess what you're thinking is totally courteous. Glad you managed to get a girlfriend, user