Sam cucked again.

>implying sam isn't a 6'8" mutant

he's only short because he has no health insurance

Do people not realise that during their phone argument, Tim was taking the piss the entire time. He wasn't saying "my daughter has a cold" and that sort of stuff with any sincerity whatsoever, in a effort to get sam's back up.

Hyde can't be measured in human units

nice inspect element, OP

it's not altered, it's a joke

Didn't Tim's wife leave him

5'6" and under is manlet. Sam's fine

He's actually just under 6'2". The guy looks 6'5" in every video.

>make something up
>lol we were pretending

you have to go back

t. 5'8 with shoes on

Tim is literally a handsome chad. Just look up his college videos. He got fat so people would take him seriously as a funnyman

>it's real
Holy shit


I've noticed the drop in samposting lately, did he find employment?

Sam looks like he's about 6 feet tall in his videos tho, either this is bullshit or Sam must secretly be wearing five inch lifts in his shoes.

Sam is a fucking giant.

Sam is at least 6'3", dudes pretty tall.

No you stupid fuck, it's a joke by Sam or the guys that edited his wiki page.
>Put manlet height even though I'm 6'4"
That's his sense of humor.

MDE need to do something big soon before this cuck's impression becomes too prophetic

he finds other manlets and assimilates their mass

>american """"""humour"""""

U dumb

Not unless posting Sup Forums stuff on twitter all day and begging people to buy his book counts as employment.

top fucking kek

Seems like he just doesn't give a fuck any more since WP's cancellation, and who can blame him

>get show cancelled because people say you are racist
>deny claims of racism
>post racist stuff on twitter 24/7 once it becomes clear you arent getting your show back ruining any chances of getting another big chance because you are so entrenched in the alt-right sewer that you think this kind of public persona is acceptable
Sam is really riding the JUST train all the way to the end of the line.

Makes sense, he was only an inch taller than that chink in the hwndu stream

Sam Hyde is the ultimate example as to how the white race is doomed. He's a fat, pudgy, disgusting manlet who just pokes his superiors until they get mad and slap him. THEN he cries victim

>it's another "sam @s another youtube star who gets called a racist and begs them to do a collaboration but gets no response" episode
Which one is your favorite?

has he deleted those tweets?
