Remember nips

Girls visual ranking

Rusia(high class in europe)>France(middle class in europe)>portugal(low europe)>japan>taiwan>british>china

Japanese are uglier than western.

Remember it


The hell ;_;

do you think where is this

Seoul. Isn't it

why you built this stupid thread then

You are probably true japs and koreans, you do sound like one of those

Who is this semen demon?

I've heard that japanese think white are ugly chubby

no such thing and you have never heard, you just made up it

You've never been to europe

I've been lisbon,paris,menchester.

What is wrong;(



But I am ugly and chubby.

but you are american
americans are not ugly and chubby

Delusional Japanese are our only friends

>it's another thread by r/asianmasclunity fag with white women fetish

Some chinese are pretty cute

>China lowest

couldn't say it to his face but at least the message is clear

>Rusia(high class in europe)
Gosh what the fuck I read shame on u for spreading myths.