Now that the dust has settled

Can we finally agree he did a shit job?

>doesn't look like negan
>doesn't act like negan
>isn't reasonable like negan
>isn't funny/fun like negan
>leans a lot for some reason
>always treats everything like a joke even though Negan is a pretty serious guy for most time
>when he's not joking around he's completely fucking pissed there is no between

It just sucked.

He's completely fine as Negan, the guy can clearly act. If anything blame the show writers.

source material has nothing to do with the show. fuck off.

>reading comic books

grow up user.

As a reader of the comic I'm mostly ok with the casting, but couldn't he have put on a little fucking muscle?

Half the time he's trying to intimidate people, I'm wondering why people are scared of an old anorexic guy.

I stopped during their shit Governor, and I'm sure this guy is doing a shit job too.


he created a strong character, it's just the writers made 'TV Negan's character' shit

>it's a Negan licks his lips episode

>their shit Governor
the Governor on the show is a LOT better than the one in the comic. it isn't even close.

Strong disagreement. Not arguing that he's particularly well written, but I actually had a sense of foreboding with the comic Governor. Basically everything in the show is the after-school special version.

Didn't read the source material, huh?

Why do none of you retards understand how tv and movies work?

He didn't write the character or the script

he isn't threatening in the slightest. that's the biggest difference between negan in the show and comics, he's an edgy man baby in the comics, but he was much more threatening.

in the show he's just a jackass. i dont know why anyone would follow him.

Didnt comic gov rape Michonne and cut Ricks hand off? Makes him much more 'drastic'. :3

Yeah, he iirc he kept her chained up and raped her for a few days, cut Rick's hand off, and killed Rick's wife and baby when he stormed the prison. He didn't fuck around.

Nope, he did a completely great Job as Negan. He came off funny, yet intimidating to the main cast.

JDM is a good actor, not his fault the writing sucks donkey balls. He's doing the best he can with what he's given.


You go fuck yourself my man, Show Governor was a fucking docile dog

Comic book Governor is a one dimensional edge lord Kirkman made to see how much he could push the envelope. That whole arc really is just Kirkman "out-edging" himself, it's pathetic

>The baby completely takes the bullet
>Lori looks completely fine

I mean, Kirkman could say she was killed by entering shock of losing her child and walkers surrounded her while on the ground but what are the possibilities she's alive and well in New Woodbury but with amnesia?

I'm sorry user but I always thought that the cannon ball went trhough Lori stomach, killing her and the baby

>always treats everything like a joke even though Negan is a pretty serious guy for most time
What the fuck are you on about?
Dude has been serious like 4 times in the comics. He was put in jail for >5 years and he was still making jokes after

omg, can you even tell a difference between casting, acting, and writing? All the points you make relate to something other than the actor himself

What's a neegan?

Doesnt make it any less true

>He (JDM) did a shit job
>here's facts he literally has no control over, at least one is completely retarded that literally does not matter

someone post the huge lean from last night

Really depends on your feelings toward relativity.

Since the comics are shit, and the show is shit, I'd say he did a bang up job of staying consistent to the source material


Yes, he's shit but so is everyone in the show and the show itself.

>best part of the shitty show

I guess so, but he's the least shitty.

someone plz

He is doing a fine job with the shit he's given, you people think he has free range on how to act? That's not how it works, blame the producers, directors and writers.

This is like a 1 out of 5 show, right? I hate it so much. The action sucks BIG LEAGUE. I hate the characters, I hate their problems, and most of all I hate the writing. Why do the trash people sound like cavemen? HELP ME Why do I watch this, how do I stop.

this season was terrible. i liked season 6 the best

>mmgoin out
>whatit matta
>then im coming with you

Jeffrey was looking a bit weird in some episodes, but looked hot as fuck in the season finale.
Daddy YES.

Hot dog diggity ding dong Rick, looks like we got ourselves a war

I think they should have cast Joe Rogan as Negan.

This is probably the Sup Forums post of the day.

what shitty type of weapoon is that?

and why would you put a snipe scope in that if it is for close fire??

Why would you scope an uzi? It's a 40 caliber automatic weapon that isn't going to hit the broad side of a barn at distance anyway. It's one of the few guns in the world that's genuinely made for spray and pray.

*block your path*

>thinking AMC WASN'T going to water down the character


Probably just a homage

The irony of Snake Plissken carrying this weapon is that it was supposed to be a 1981 idea of a "Future weapon" Even though it looks like an uzi it was supposed to be a theoretical weapon that didn't exist yet.

negan, remeber the basics of cqc

*middle finger*

He looked his worst in a couple mid-season episodes like Hearts Still Beating. They were filmed in the middle of the summer, so it was probably as unbearably hot out those days on top of having to wear that jacket all the time. The last few episodes were filmed when in late september/early October and he looked great. Plus he grew some stubble back, that man should never be cleanshaven.

He looked man-gorgeous in this scene where he's shit talking Rick before releasing Sasha.