News is Unnatural

Obviously users of this board pay a lot of attention to world news like I do, but I've been having a thought lately. I feel like news, especially world news is unnatural, and many humans are not able to cope with all that information in a logical way.

Let's be honest the news is not really the news, it's mostly a list of all the bad or controversial things that happened that day, which makes sense because that's what's interesting to most people. If you're like me though, hearing a list of terrible and frightening things happening all over the world everyday can get to you once in a while.

When I read about the truck attack in Nice yesterday something broke in me. I can't fucking take it anymore! I didn't evolve to constantly hear about all the terrible things happening on Earth every fucking day! I know the world is not really that bad and tons of good shit and advancement is happening all the time, but that's not what the news tells me. The news makes me feel like the sky is fucking falling 24/7!

What do you guys think, sometimes I feel like I need a major break from the news.

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News is owned by the Jews

That's because the news isn't news. It's entertainment. Their only purpose is to make as much money as possible and they get more viewers (can charge more to advertisers) when reporting bad shit

>I feel like news, especially world news is unnatural

Can you clue us in on your classification system? the opposite of natural is supernatural, are you saying the news are literally work of demonic entities?

thank god for capitalism

You should take a break every now and then m8
Will do u some good
Globalism is unnatural

I mean unnatural as in not existing in nature. If I meant supernatural I would have said supernatural.

>I mean unnatural as in not existing in nature.

Everything humans have ever created/built/synthesized is 100% natural

You know what I mean you retard. I'm not getting into a semantics argument so fuck off.

>tfw just desensitized now

It is almost as if there is an excitement to a terrorist attack now. Kind of weird to admit but you feel detached to what's going on. Hardly seems real.

I just get into news when there's a happening or whatever, for the mostly morbid entertainment value

I think it's normal not to really care about anything if it's not happening on your doorstop

That's how I felt for a long time too. Basically I grew up desensitized and still am somewhat, but there's a frustration building. I just don't think I should even be hearing about this stuff, it's not even happening on my side of earth let alone my country or state. There's basically nothing I can do about it and it doesn't directly affect me in any way, so why should I care about it or even really know about it. Yet people get so offended when you aren't up to date with the latest "tragedy" and you're not #PrayingForX. It's not socially accepted to be uninformed, but the only real reason for being informed about shit that doesn't affect me at all is so people will think I'm smart for being informed. It's fucking bullshit. Why the fuck should I be informed? It does nothing for me except provide depressing entertainment and social brownie points.

I'm not trying to argue against the the ability to get information from around the world, I just feel like humans are not evolved to really understand that information. It is a globalization problem like said.

Social Hyper-stimulation likely makes you more susceptible to the 'behavioral sink' (the negative mental and societal effects of overpopulation; think deviant sexuality of all sorts, stress disorders, violent rampages, complete social withdrawal, mental sterilization.) The eventual result of experiments in uncontrolled population density was complete social and reproductive collapse, followed by extinction.

The most primitive and obvious way to do this is just to jam you into a super crowded city block or something and force you to navigate packed streets and living spaces, but you can most simulate a 'filled social space' with social media, world media, ect.

That's pretty interesting, and yeah that sounds like a bit of what I've been going through. There's just too much information in the world for one persons mind. It's making me hate globalization more and more.

I feel you I remember the night of the Dallas terrorist attack watching the stream having a bit of whiskey I couldn't take it anymore I had to go outside.
I poured the last of the whiskey into the earth and said 'here's to those who won't be able to drink tonight" then yelled "I'm sick of this shit" and threw the bottle into the trees. I couldn't help but think why am I still here I don't have a family I'm just a neet

get a job

I feel this way too. The way I see it is that living beings pre-modernization were only concerned with their immediate surroundings, what they could see, hear, and experience in a given setting. They didn't give two shits about what was happening miles away in another continent. Now it just boggles my brain the amount of people there are in the world and all of the pain and suffering that goes on. Makes me feel like something can happen to me any day now.

Go pick up the bottle you littering nigger

>The way I see it is that living beings pre-modernization were only concerned with their immediate surroundings, what they could see, hear, and experience in a given setting. They didn't give two shits about what was happening miles away in another continent.

This is what I mean when I call it unnatural. I don't think humans are evolved enough to wrap their brains around the whole world. There's just way too much going on and way too much complexity to even comprehend. It almost makes me want to reject any news beyond the local level as inconsequential, even though a big part of me says that isn't a good idea. It's really a problem of mental exhaustion and frustration.

ask the man in the mirror.
