Why is racism and xenophobia so rampant within the right?

Why is racism and xenophobia so rampant within the right?

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>implying racism and xenophobia are bad

The biggest racists are Leftists anyway

you have to ask?
this is what you get when mental health is considered ultra-low-priority
crazy fucktards running around like rabid chickens

Also Trump is a racist.

Democrats created the KKK and the BLM movement

Because leftists defined the words to mean anything they dislike.

Hate facts.

Why is homosexuality and transgenderism so prevalent among the left?

1 post by this ID

The far left is the most racist. "Xenophobia" is just the lefts buzzword for "Won't let Jamal fuck your wife for reparations."

Because the left uses words like "racist," "bigot," and "homophobe" to describe situations that have nothing to do with said deep character flaws.

Because the Right opposes the Left.

>>implying racism and xenophobia are bad

explain how racism and xenophobia are good then.

Why should any country cater to outsiders instead of the people who actually belong here?

Do you think it's acceptable for muslims and other people to just show up and expect the country they come to to just adopt sharia law and their customs instead of the other way around?

why is xenophilia so rampant in the left

It isn't.
The left searches it out and tries to exagerate and put a spotlight on it where they find it because they have no redeming qualities themselves.

Their only option is to try to make the other side look bad.

They stabilize and strengthen the national racial identity which gives greater unity and purpose to people.

>Democrats created the KKK
>conveniently forgetting about or being ignorant of the Southern Strategy.

I'll give you BLM however

Who is not racist and who is not xenophobic at this day and age? Cannot trust the sandnigger.

Because biological differences between the human races are real and important. This documentary which aired on Norwegian state television is a good introduction to the topic:


Why is racism and hatred of your own nation so rampant within the left?

Keeps you safe and alive.

Uneducated, emotional bigots that hate everyone flock to the right.

Because a country is supposed to IMPROVE their citizens with immigrants. Current immigrants only drop IQ and increase crime. Sorry to burst your bubble that people with massively divergent ancestors and environmental selection factors behave in ways that more appropriately suit society.

See you at the deportation.

Then honestly why are most liberal causes based on appeals to emotion? What is it truly that you hate about Right wing politics?

>not leftist

Sure, sure you beta liberal fag. Rightist follow common sense and it's alwasy lefties that go by emotions.

>southern strategy
>forgetting Robert Byrd was a Democrat senator till 2010

When will this meme die?

It's actually the left that is the racist one, particular the far left.

The left, the liberals, the Democrats, have a tradition of racism far greater than the right. It comes out of the tenant that the State should provide or govern closely the individual. Focusing this more and more to one group you have a radicalizing effect. Some examples of far left groups.

White Supremacists think the government should solely support white people and exclude blacks and Jews.

Black Panthers think government should be solely in the hands of blacks excluding Jews and whites.

The far left is racist because of its nature to focus towards a particular group at the expense of all other groups. Hitler was far left. The KKK is far left. Isis is far left. BLM is far left. Communists are far left.

If you believe that one of the most important duties of a government is to manage the needs and wants of the people, that the State should provide for the individual needs of everyone, then you are in favor of a liberal, left leaning government.

And if you were to focus this duty to a particular kind of individual, a particular kind of people, you would be going farther and farther left.

Because the fiscal conservatives got last pick on who to pander to for extra votes.

because they make sense

why is White hatred, White geNOcide and xenophilia rampant on the left? because they hate their own kind and wish to be eradicated?

> right wing

This is my compass. My current view are:
* Interracial mixing should be tempered but not outright forbidden. I would normally just rely on people's good instincts and forbid certain groups from promoting reckless interbreeding for nefarious purposes.
* Borders should exist, denying that people outside your country's bounds wish to harm yours is naive.
* Extensive intelligence metrics should be applied to everyone, and this should factor into one's role into society.
* Immigration caps should be implemented - stricter ones being applied to immigrants from "developing" countries.
* The country should have the right to keep any trouble group out, like one that serves as an incubator for those who perform massive acts of violence on random civilians.

> no white people in South America
> people actually believe the memes

Hitler was economically far left but socially far right.

Because they're right.

Because diversity and lack of ethnic, religious, and cultural similarity or at least assimilation can ruin even the strongest societies.
pic related

it built and still shapes the modern world

>the biggest racists are leftists anyway
Studies show the opposite. You comment shows the opposite. Just admit it.

The left accepts them.

Racism is natural, everyone is a racist, there are simply varying degrees of racism and ways to demonstrate racism. You can't just throw race or ethnicity out of the window by calling non-white folks "people of colour", that completely undermines their history as a people as well by grouping up every person that isn't white and being defined as 'not white' instead of their ethnicity with their own culture and mannerisms

I don't care about xenophobia though.

also im a chink :3

The racism of lowered expectations. Anyone who doesn't think the rates of black-on-black crime and fatherless homes should be addressed before other disparities in the African American community is a complete hypocrite. They can't help themselves, we white people have to fix all their problems for them.

If that's what you want to call it, then, sure.

See Japan.

The biggest racists are and always have been in the Left in the US.
>Southern Strategy
Republicans never supported or even ignored the KKK. They were always anti-KKK, anti-segregation, anti-Jim Crow, etc.

For the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 80% of Republicans voted for it while only 60% of Democrats did. Of those Republicans who voted against it, they did so specifically over concerns of Title VII violating freedom of association.

Republicans started making inroads in the South through support of law and order and religious freedom, both of which Democrats moved sharply against in the 60s and 70s. Even then, Democrats held most Congressional seats, Senate seats, and governorships in the South all the way until the 1990s, long after Jim Crow was dead. Why did Democrats hold onto power in the South for so long after the civil rights movement? Because the same segregationists who voted Democrat in 1950 voted Democrat in 1990. Democrats only lost control of the South when the segregationists died off and were replaced by new generations who had never supported segregation or the KKK.

Democrats are desperate to re-write history because it's not pretty for them. The reality is that Democrats have spent all 188 years engaging in identity politics, whether to play on white antipathy toward blacks, black antipathy toward whites, Hispanic antipathy toward whites, feelings of guilt among whites for what other whites did in the past, or anything else they could use.

At the same time, Republicans have spent 162 years fighting for individual liberty for all people, plus years prior under different party names. They fought slavery, they fought segregation, they fought Jim Crow, they fought lynching, they fought everything the KKK stood for, and they fight disparate treatment by government to this day. Republicans do not distinguish between disparate treatment for whites and disparate treatment for blacks; all disparate treatment by government is bad.

It won't. The Marxist Left will lie all the way to their graves.

Because cuckness and faggotry is so rampant within the left.

action - reaction, polarity call it what you like, cuck

“I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson

The neocons are globalists, so encourage no borders to lower wages.

Quebec is more left than anything you will ever see in Burgerland and they insist you speak French and follow their cultural rules if you live there.

If identity politics is such a blatantly bad argument, why has it been effective?

Haters gonna hate.

That is just a sensationalistic buzzword. If you use it unironically you ought to kill thyself.

If by racist you mean "somebody concerned with the specific interests of his own race" then so are Black Lives Matter, and not being a racist is essentially advocating cultural and ethnic suicide.

Can I get some info/sources on the democratic party creating the KKK?

For fucking lefties up purposes :)

I didn't know the BLM was on the right OP.

It's worth noting the actual right-wing racists on this forum are considered the fringe within the Republican Party and rejected by virtually all Republican office holders. BLM support is mainstream among Democrats. Elected Democrats went so far as so hold a temper tantrum on the floor of Congress supporting BLM.

Seconding this.

Because we're not stupid.

That is because they believe they need BLM to win the election. Look, even though I think the liberals and Democratic party politicians are fucking cunts, I know they're probably intelligent enough to realise that BLM is a ridiculous, out of control Black supremacist movement masquerading as civil rights.

The Republicans on the other hand, also think that they need to pander to minorities in order to be popular.

All this has landed us in this mess.

American is a white country. Created and built by Whites, made great by whites, and now slowly being killed by the self-administered poisons called "multiculturalism", "diversity" "affirmative action".

Why is slavery and theft so rampant in the Left?

>2 posts by this ID

And what shitty posts they are.

The Southern States which seceded were uniformly controlled by the Democratic Party. After losing the war, a handful of former Southern leaders, all of whom were Democrats. The most prominent was former General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Forrest dissolved the KKK when it was getting out of control, but a second KKK was founded in 1915 by William Joseph Simmons. William Joseph Simmons was also a Democrat and managed to get his pro-KKK viewed in the White House by Democrat Woodrow Wilson with Wilson's full support.

To see the influence the second KKK had over the Democratic Party, look up the 1924 Democratic National Convention, nicknamed the "Klanbake". The second KKK was supported by a number of elected Democrats in the South, their membership comprised almost entirely of Democrats. The only known Republicans to ever be a members of the KKK during this period were Strom Thurmond, who was in fact a Democrat while a member of the KKK, and a handful of Republicans outside of the South. There were virtually no Republicans in the South because the party strictly opposed the KKK, including explicitly opposing lynching and segregation. The Democratic Party, however, could not even manage to officially oppose lynching until 1928.

Only in recent years has the KKK become associated with right-wing politics or conservatism, this being entirely a fabrication of Democrats and academia. The only marginally significant Republican to have been a member of the KKK since was David Duke, who won a seat in the Louisiana state legislature as a Republican in 1989. He left the KKK in 1980, but did not leave the Democratic Party until 1988 after running in the Democratic Party Presidential primaries that year. Every elected Republican uniformly rejects David Duke.

After losing the war, a handful of former Southern leaders founded the KKK, all of whom were Democrats*

William Joseph Simmons was also a Democrat and managed to get his pro-KKK movie, Birth of a Nation, viewed in the White House by Democrat Woodrow Wilson with Wilson's full support*

Sorry for the errors. I need to go to sleep.

Based Jap

If you'd like to know more, look up Nathan Bedford Forrest, William Joseph Simmons, Birth of a Nation, Klanbake, the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill, and the history of the KKK.

Also compare the official Democratic Party platform with the official Republican Party platform for every year (they're produced one per four years, on election years) up until the 1960s.

cheers my man!

Pretty sure the political landscape of country will change if given a century and several decades, you fucking retard.