Ask a moderate conservative anything

ask a moderate conservative anything

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when is it okay to kill a police officer?

how does it feel when even 16 year old girls can refute everything you believe in?

Post your political compass cause 'moderate conservative' means nothing in the modern world

is it ok to abort toddlers?

How long do you think you can hold up justifying exporting manual labour to third world countries before capitalism's complete disregard of human rights catch you back?

Why does Barack Obama look like a moderate republican now? And is there even one person worth my vote?

>>how does it feel when even 16 year old girls can refute everything you believe in?
Says the rapist pedophile

>Says the rapist pedophile
i think you might be projecting there mister

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are you a Zionist?

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not an answer

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Too boomer to realize radical change is needed, too pussified to go full maga-hat, huh?

what needs to change?

Plenty, but to name a few:

Healthcare availability

Wealth Inequality

Housing affordability

Moving away from dependence on fossil fuels

Gun regulations

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Fuck does moderate conservative actually mean these days anyway?

"Yeah Trump's a sinking ship, but AOC's annoying and my daddy's my uncle, so I'm still republican."

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>Gun regulations
I agree, we need our rights back

How does it feel seeing your daughter getting fucked by a Negro?

Imagine, what could be next? Having register to drive a car?

You like feet pics?

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Hey, you said it, not me, friend

>Wealth Inequality

how do we fix that?

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Not him but the big source of people getting "extreme" about a lot of issues is the wages not catching up to inflation in the last 40 years. People just can't stretch their budget for essentials like they used to.
That really is the big deal. You can disagree with raising wages, but otherwise you're looking at eventually more government control. It'll happen if shit for the populace can't get sorted the right way.

With a wiggle of my nose and a sniff of my toes.

I think the idea of taxation of the income over a certain amount per year is a good place to start. But wealth inequality's a much more complex problem that'll require attention to a lot of issues that serve to cause this to spiral out of control.

Making a minimum wage that ensures that anyone who works 40 hours a week can afford to support at least themselves as an individual, perhaps.

Better public education programs, and higher pay for teachers?

There's plenty of opportunities to work on this gap. It'd take someone more qualified than me to compile them into an effective combination, and exclude the ideas that wouldn't work.

is this you? you're cute

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so you don't know right?

what do you think about yang?

You know, there's a certain type of person who does not state their views or opinions, and makes no solid stances whatsoever, thus making them immune to critique. This person then presents themselves as intellectually superior when the person, or persons, they talk to find them as tiresome and pedantic as they truly are.

That's you, you're doing that. I'm not going to go into the detail, and quote my sources on everything I say because you sent me five words with a question mark along with a (you)

How about this? Tell me what your opinion on the wealth gap is. Are you defending it? Are you saying it's untenable to consider fixing it? How would you fix it?

Then I can flick a few low effort responses and lean back with a smirk. Sounds like fun, yeah? Go ahead, I'll wait.

nevermind I have work tomorrow and I don't give a shit anymore, but go fuck yourself okay.

inequality is simply a part of nature, btw im not op i just asked a question.

let people live in reliance of their families, they live better this way. if they cant? take care of the poor and lonely while give them something useful to do. welfare is by and large a failure and should be cut back, to rely on the state is to lose the fundamental of being a human being.
we will never be equal

you so smert

Why does modern conservatism negatively correlate to gdp? Why do democratic states have a higher GDP?

ports, population for the most part

I guess I don't then

i cant blame you, i dunno ether

Are a basic bitch Republican that'll suck the dick of any jew who asks?

What's your opinion of child sex dolls? Should they be legal or illegal?

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>the rich have too much wealth and power
>please take away our guns

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>believing in being able to settle human differences in a civilized and structured manner


yes. fuck that.

>thinking we can solve corruption playing by their rules
You have way to much faith in the system you slave

Nazi here
Only if they're not white

you are not a NAZI.

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who did you vote for in 2012