>Season 1 Penny





thanks feminism

What went wrong?


>white woman looks a lot better at 21 than at 31

This is a groundbreaking discovery

exaggeration. If you watch the new episodes she's still pretty hot.

It went very wrong very fast.

She has that retarded Alicia Silverstone face

She peaked in the season where she gets addicted to MMORPGs.

She still looks fucking fantastic at 31. I'm a year older than her and have never fucked a women anywhere near as attractive as she is now.


Blunt bangs make any woman 2x more attractive.

her face looks pretty botched there

hurr durr I'm a fat 35 year old virgin who is going to judge people on their looks when my fucking acne ridden face is dripping sweat

Who the fuck cares about this show

The first two seasons are pretty fun. Then it turns into Friends.

do you know where you are?


It's just a bad frame caught during her speaking.
A little bit, but she was cute in S1

I prefer brandy harington

TBBT is easily the most offensive TV show in years, it reminds me of something that would go out on ITV in the 70s. Its like a cheaper version of On The Buses.

Not in an interesting way, not in an edgy way, but in a shit way we were glad to get rid of.

Find a single feminist who will say a word against it however.