What the shit happened?
What the shit happened?
someone made a shitty photoshop? I don't know what you're implying here bud
Dafuq is this even from?
The 2019 version looks like some bastard ripoff mobile game version of the original though, drawn by someone who has a DeviantArt account.
SJW-ism, feminism into vidya games.
Enix grew out of the 90s anime esthetic and uses modern character design.
Big animu eyes and oversized tits would look too cartoonish nowadays.
Bad photoshopping happened.
If anything this design looks like it cranked up the weeb by 9. A 10 woulda kept the boobs
>some bastard ripoff mobile game version of the original
An accurate assessment of the upcoming remake.
Actual, factual autism.
>Big animu eyes and oversized tits would look too cartoonish nowadays.
>Everything needs to look what current Tumblr trends.
I fucking hate how so many of these companies think faggots like you are the majority in their target customers and pander to them.
Imagine being this autistic over the design of something. Can't wait to enjoy this game while you cry on Sup Forums
The design was altered to pander to the whims of an insignificant minority that don't even play video games but they have far too god damn much political power in the United States.
Breast reduction. She was having major back pain, made Final Heaven a real bitch to do.
I'm not a fan of it either but it's not that big of a deal
Yes it is a big deal. This is the unnecessary alteration of a character for the sole purpose of appeasing a group of perpetually pissed off assholes that love fucking with everything to feel empowered. Fuck them and fuck the companies that pander to their political agenda!
Japan doesnt give a shit about sjws
japan as a whole doesn't, big companies that try to appeal to a western audience get advisers and other crook that tell them to skullfuck artistic integrity.
You're way too paranoid. Japan cares about japan, the west comes second and has no say in "artistic integrity" ie: your desire to see big anime tiddies
wrong, i remember some artist for one of the recent tales of saying he had to tone down one of his character's outfit because of the west.
[autism intensifies]
Trump voters?
You're fucking stupid if you think that the big corps do not want to make money outside of Japan.
>"They gave muh vidya waifu smaller boobs and more clothes, now I can't masturbate to them while playing :ccc fucking feminist sjws"
aww is the rule 34 quality gonna drop? must suck so hard for you whaa whaa
Dumb ugly feminists who can only get attention by ruining others fun creating outrage that then gets them attention.
This is why any publisher who alters their characters for muh feminism or muh political correctness gets black listed by me for life, I won't even buy their products as gifts for others.
A bit like soy razors- I havn't bought one since and never intend too.
feminists didn't update the tifa or release the game
corporations did you stupid faggot
you right-wing shitbirds are so fucking stupid complaining about the effects of corporate domination of society while supporting corporate domination of society
>eat a dick to death