Is it okey to fuck a 13 year old girl who look like 17-18 if you are 20?

is it okey to fuck a 13 year old girl who look like 17-18 if you are 20?

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No. That's disgusting.

I would. Even if she looked 13, lol. Who's gonna stop you?

According to the law ; mostly no , depending where you are...

Vikings sure dropped in quality lately.

Why is it disgusting? It's not a pig, it's a tight bodied teen

Of course!
Better if they're 5 or 7, they usually say yes and who cares if they don't...

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No. Are you fucking retarded, It's the job of some chad 14 year old. What are you going to do for an encore? Kick box a baby?

5 yr olds are very, very capable of feeling pleasure...ask me how I know. ;)

>Who's gonna stop you?
The deal is in ten years she is definitely going to virtue signal her rape because that's what thots do and you are getting sued, maybe going to jail...better enjoy that pussy because before it's all said and done you are going to be the pussy for tyrone and bubba.

How do you know??????

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4 girls & counting Pepé; gotta get to them when they're younger & you're the one introducing them to their first "pleasure" experience.

Lol, isn't it obvious?

Nope. Did you google it or something?

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It was cute when I stopped because she gave me a kiss on the cheek; was definitely her first time feeling "good"

What the bloody hell are you talking about?

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Oh, (^_^)


Dude, I don't want to sound like a white knight cuck. But PLEASE let this child live a life that isn't permanently tainted by an inappropriate sexual relationship. Human beings deserve better.

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good job posting cp retard

Those "guess her age" videos on YouTube leave me amazed actually. These 10-15 year old looking 18+.
Would smash either way.

How about you fug off dumb gaping anus haver?

in some countries yes, in others no

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You must be new here

How old is she?

but only if a 13 year old look like 18, she will still act like a kid?

where can we find more Amber?


old enough to get implants

She's impossible to resist user. There is absolutely nothing more amazingly soft & perfect than what's between their legs.

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Some 18+ year olds act like kids user, what are you getting at?


Continue... more pics

This thread about to get nuked

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Maybe in the Middle East.

I know you are i said you are but what am i?

>13 year old girl

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Why, no nudity at all. This is an image of a girl you'd see an abundance of at a pool...

if you know? no. If you didnt, sure.

Miss bee?

No. OC

if u meet a cute girl and after 3 dates she tells u she will be 14 next month, what do you do?

Arent you the red neck from youtube that does dip shit?

Breed her. Obviously.

This is the most disturbing thing I've seen all week. Don't pride yourself on that. I've seen some really sick shit this week, and this beats it.

Me after reading this

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Finding something disturbing is the individuals issue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If I'm sexually active with a girl that's under 17 & you have an opinion about literally means absolutely nothing. Would much less change it from continuing.

kek kys pedos

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Fuck both just to be sure.

whats OC?

No 13 year old looks 18 hth, pedo

Big gaping anus puss jizz stank

Some 11 year olds look 19 Pepe. YouTube: guess her age challenge. Kys.

orange county u idiot

No 11 year old looks 19, pedo. And I'm not interested in your weird child porn thanks dude.

lol no post an 11 year old that you think looks 19 so we can call you a pedophile

It means more than nothing. I'm in the 95% of people who think details matter. And probably 100% of law enforcement who really get bugged about it. Sooo..

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Means less than nothing because whether or not anyone has an opinion about it; it's happening.

It's okay Pepé, I hate being wrong sometimes too, lol.

The youngest you should go at 20 is age of consent where you live, and that should raise every year you age as well so when you’re 25 the youngest you’d date is say 20.

what r u some kind of faggot

I think he is mate

Doesn't matter what I think. I'm just telling you what pretty much everybody thinks. And then, when everybody finds out, everybody decides what happens next. Maybe not today. But, however long you live. And this is why you cannot fuck children. Because, forty years from now, somebody might hit you in the head with a brick. And not for the first time. I choose not to live like that. Be a man who nobody would ever want to hit with a brick.

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morally? i don't care, its your consience.
logically? hell no. I've yet to meet a female who can keep a secret, she will invariably tell someone.

If it doesn't matter what you think, why would it matter what "everybody else thinks"? That's the point I'm making: whether or not the entire world thinks something is wrong, it will absolutely have zero effect on preventing me, or anyone for that matter, from doing what they're doing; in this case... fucking "children".
Outcome will remain the same: the enjoyment of tasting & cumming into pussy that is under 17.

It matters what they think because if they find out then you are getting lynched

Please don't

By the cops. Again, not my call. Just what happens when it reaches critical mass.

The way I think.
An adult prefering highschool girls to 18yo+ is an ephebophile.
An adult prefering midschool girls to highschool girls is a weirdo or a pedophile.

Big if. I literally can't wait till they legalize sex with a consenting minor. Not that it's currently stopping me, lol...but because anyone with an opposing opinion matters even less.


Is it really that easy to get away with? Are you even a pedo or just being edgy?

Opportunities don't always present themselves; but when they do...& you're intelligent about it, it's an unforgettable experience.

Is it bad to eat rat poison if its shaped like an apple and im a vegetarian?? Serious question please answer

ocular crust you retard

>human beings deserve better
Up until then nothing sounded white knightish or cuckly but come on man. Thats an incredibly subjective statement. I would have went with something like: no person that age deserves to have their life ruined by some lonely no game having retard who lives on an image board ran by aspies and neckbeards and zionists.
Bur thats just me.

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Why would he ruin such a fine couch? fucking loser should kill himself.

i think ur retarded

See that’s your problem. Having sex with anyone is gonna be the same, and if you specifically look for minors, that’s fucked up to me man. Where I’m from age of consent is 16. If you happen to find someone you like who is 16, cool. If you actively seek out people who are 16, that’s creepy to me.

Disgusting too old

Yes mr fbi it was this post right here