Be me

>be me
>20 year old virgin
>fooling around with qtpie i know
>she sucks me off
>i go to return the favour

>look at her pussy
>start trying to stick my tongue into her pussyhole
>she was pulling back of my head into her
>I was rubbing my face around and licking all around
>she asked me to stop

>Am I retarded?
>I have no idea how to perform oral sex on a woman.
>had to read up on what a clitoris is

Attached: no-idea-whatimdoing.jpg (630x394, 17K)

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fyi I have mild aspergers

sure buddy

well fuck it's not like i'm just suppoed to know what i'm doing... am i?

Thank me later

Use your tongue to form the alphabet from A to Z on her clit and pussy lips. Then start over with A again till she squeals. Use your hands to stroke her body as you lick her.

Why didn't you use her hole to masturbate? Fag

I'll watch but I wanna redeem myself. I don't know why but I haven't been able to get a hold of this girl since OP occurred.

>Am I retarded?
yes. you are. watch a fuckin video online. I thought you fucking millenials were supposed to learn about shit online all the time holy fuck.

That sounds like a lot of work. Can't I just do random tongue movements why do I have to spell the whole alphabet?

I have never thought about performing cunnilingus though it just sort of happened and I was unprepared. I'm not gonna research something unless i'm preparing to do it in the near future.

>I'm not gonna research something unless i'm preparing to do it in the near future.
oh so I suppose you weren't "preparing" to have sex in the future? user, do you know how to put on a condom? id go buy a few and try it out at home before you have another embarrassing situation

I know how a condom works i'm not stupid

Bear in mind that every girl is different. The video that posted is great but may not work in all situations.

The trick to it is paying attention to her body language a bit as you're performing. If you hear her moaning and she begins to grind against your face, keep going at the same pace. You're doing great. If she's pushing you away for whatever reason, take that as a hint that you should either 1) try something else or 2) stop.

The best method to eating pussy in general is to suck her clit, lick against it with your tongue and finger her g spot. To find the g spot (I believe the video also shows that) stick a finger or two in, the pads of your fingers pointed up and feel for a bumpy surface about two inches in. Rub against that in a "Come here" motion.

MAKE SURE YOUR NAILS ARE TRIMMED AND HANDS ARE FUCKING CLEAN. Its game over if ANY sharp parts hit the clit or scratch up her vag. Hit those nails with some nail clippers and file it down. Also dirty hands will give her a yeast infection/uti.

So yeah, Gspot fingering and clit sucking. Maintain your pace, speeding up or slowing down will ruin the orgasm, unlike with guys. There are plenty of guides out there but the main thing that'll save you is communication and paying attention to her body language.

Attached: g-spot-labeled_large.jpg (480x450, 61K)

>The trick to it is paying attention to her body language a bit as you're performing

I'm really bad at reading body language and social queues so I don't think this would work for me.

I like the clit sucking and fingering method you suggested. my nails are always trimmed so I should have no problems with them.

Well fuck dude. It seems like your just whining about fucking up and not actually trying to get better.

Helps you focus and also adds variety rather than just constant licking the same way all the time.

I have mild aspergers and she does to. I have a really hard time having normal interaction with other people. I have a hard enough time reading someone's social queues when they aren't a fellow Aspie like me. So I don't think going off of her reactions would work.

I understand that, with asperger's that makes it pretty hard. Sometimes in life we get dealt a weird hand. But if you've made it THIS far with a woman, clearly you know what you're doing man. So don't get too bummed out if you mess up with a girl once or twice. You're literally 20 and you'll probably be fucking well into your 80s.

Just do your best to pay attention to your partner as you're fucking. If she's cool enough, you guys can have a conversation about what she likes and what she doesn't like. Relationships, friendships, situationships are dependent HIGHLY on communication. So its okay to talk before you guys have sex to ask her what she likes, what she doesn't like. If she's cool you might be able to open up to her about your issues reading body language. "Hey, sometimes I have issues being able to tell how you feel during sex, so let me know if something isn't right. If you're happy, I'm happy".

Also side note, this is probably the BEST advice you'll get on Sup Forums. You're better off asking on /r/Sex on reddit if you want to sift through less shit and trolly answers.

She has the same condition as me. We both had a chat and agreed that we should be sexually active.

I'll discuss this communication method with her when she stops ignoring me

Okay man, good luck. Give her a bit of time to cool off. Don't spam her inbox lol.


I have not been spamming her. I messaged her two times and have been waiting on her response

Also pull her outer lips up with two fingers (reach with your arm around her thigh) so the clit will stick out for better sucking

>I have a really hard time having normal interaction with other people.
you know why i fucking hate statements like this? because they make absolutely no sense. how about you define "a normal interaction with a person"? you'll soon see that it doesn't fucking work

Where you are able to effectively communicate your point without having to over explain anything.

I always end up explaining things too much and appearing condescending, which isn't how I mean to come across.

Yeah..... Find the clitoris.

That's basically rule #1.

>explaining things too much and appearing condescending
then you are hanging out with people that are a lot dumber than you. smart people don't care about shit like this. imagine if someone like yourself explained something to yourself. would you consider them condescending? you need to learn how to talk to stupid people, which is the majority

to add on, they're driven primarily by emotion, and not logic. just remember that in your interactions with them.