Florida Thread

Florida Thread

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Britney from 904

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Lydia 407

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Where my 386 Sup Forumsrothers at?

area code?

Shyanne 813

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Anyone have Katie from 904/850?

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Bumperino for Big titty bambinos



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Anyone know Brittnee B 352?

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Omg fucking disgusting

850 Pcola

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Any 407 folks with kik?

Bump! Post those Broward/Dade sluts. No one wants to see those northern trailer park hoes

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904, Ashley

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Bump for ucf sluts

Any Miami sluts?

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Any 239 or cape hs?

813 Tampa here

Any one have windermere girls



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813 also

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more 813

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Who is left and more pls

Middle is gorgeous

She was a server at a local restaurant here. Amazing tits.

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904 checking in, any other guys with riverside girls?

would love to see some 904 St Aug

Would love some 904 Nease HS grads!

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Usfsp bump

Nice tits. Face?

same 904!

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I have her too

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Any more 407


anybody got Brooke from Jacksonville?

I would shell out good $ for some nudes of Morgan Clare

Kaitlyn bush 352

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Hot. Rest of body? Ass?

Darby beach 352

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Married slut Jenny Henry 904

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904 Hotwife

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Hot I’m in 904 also

do you have anyone from nease?

What year?

More? Details?


Nope I have 07

looks shopped. phone has random ass angles

Seen her on imig nude

904 Hotwife

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OMFG I KNOW HER thats Cheyenne, where'd you get that?

She sends pics to everyone dude

Got kik?

She's my ex lmfao

yeah if you are girl lol


She’s a mega slut. Sucked my cock for weed multiple times.

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have you more

I do. Why do you ask?

want to see

Because I want to see them

Mmmm, where did you find this beauty? I want to put it in a headlock. Mmmhm then I'd drag her into the riptide and we'd get pulled out into the ocean. Mmmhhhhgm oh yea then we'd, ya know, consummate our newfound love over a bowl of meth oh yes yes yes

Depends on who you’ve got

Im surprised you haven't posted her nudes tbh but like, if you know her you know her situation, i wouldn't man

wrong user, user

Lmao srry, yeah u, im surprised u haven't posted her shit but like, her living situation is horrid man, she's really struggling. I feel bad the way i cut shit off with her, like i dumped her but, i knew i had to and all but still

user i posted my cock on here and then i laughed because she sends her nudes to everyone..she is your ex.. was she sending nudes while you anons were together?

Hhmhmmhmh oh yes then after the meth I slam my 9" deformed cock into her mouth. Oh yes. Mmhmhmh and then I give her some nice and LONG and SLOW and POWERFUL and FLORIDIAN thrusts right betwixt those sharp ass teeth. Oh yeaaaa she loves it. I LOVE IT. Mmm then I summon a swarm of mosquitos to come and suck us. So many of them land on my big hard cock but it's so grossly engorged with blood and sexual energy they they explode in an orgasmic explosion of pleasure the MILLISECOND they suck the blood from my dick. Mmmmhmmm oh yes!

hot, got any more?

Nah, at least i don't think so. This was back in like high school, like 2017-2018. Dated her about 9 months but she had so much social anxiety that she barely ever spoke unless it was just us alone and, if you saw the way she was living you'd probably understand why. Her mother died when she was 12 and the entire house basically should be condemned. Her dad pays the bills but doesn't come home, so she lives in this shit house thats been flling apart for years with dust bunnies the size of your fist covering every surface. The way i dumped her kind of sucked because my best friends gf had come over WHILE I WAS DUMPING HER because they had gotten i to a fight and I'd been friends with both of them for years so she's coming over crying and shit and she's walking out the door while this other girl is coming in. Lmfao, fuck. I still feel horrible about that.

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Thats really sad.. I would adore her and she would adore my cash and nice ass place.

Not user you where replying to.
Issues like the ones you described are a recipe for a whore in the making. You did good by running. She’s gonna have drama and issues all her life. Probably already fucks for either cash, drugs, or attention.

Mommy is dead and daddy is never around?
I would put money on her dating and cheating on someone 10+ years older then her by the time she’s 26

Any good 941? Bradenton palmetto area?

Are you the dude with all the tats i saw pics of her with? Lmao you guys started dating a literal day after we broke it off, i always assumed she was already talking to you but i never had proof so i never held it against her lmao

So can we get her nudes or what?

Any shit i had of her, which i don't think i have any more, would have been when both if us were 17 so im sure i deleted it. Sorry bro, not op btw