Cheating on my gf again tomorrow

Cheating on my gf again tomorrow
Can't wait

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cheating is best

So you're cheating on your right hand with your left hand???? Fuck off jew

Feels good man

you samefag'd this thread all up

How does it feel to cheat, thinking of cheating on my gf of 6 years because im tired of fucking the same pussy

You feel a little "out of our it" while you're cheating. That goes away after the 1st time though

Sometimes it makes your relationship better. You get to release that tension that's inside you, in your case not having a different partner in a long time, and you can go back and continue to enjoy your relationship.

As long as you're not the person to get full of remorse over anything then you should be fine.

At first you might feel a bit off after you're done fucking your side piece. You kind of don't know how to feel but if you just roll with it and don't stop to contemplate it then you just get used to it then you can fuck someone else again and feel fine. It's almost like you let an alternative personality take over, and you come back to yourself afterward

If you think you can pull it off without getting caught then try it.

Do you let your sidepiece know that you have a gf?
What about if you dont live in some big town and everyone knows you have a gf

Post pics of gf and side piece so we can compare user

I've been in situations where I didn't tell the side person that I was in a relationship, I've had a double life having 2gfs, and currently the person I'm fucking knows I'm in a relationship

I recommend you don't tell them (the side person) just because women don't like to be the person that you cheat with.

If you're going to cheat, don't cheat with any of your circle of people that you know. Go out and find complete strangers to talk to. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere where there's only 1 public school, 1 gas station, 1 grocery store then your town should be big enough to meet strangers

If you want the other person to know you have a gf then try looking for older women. Look for divorced, or other older women also looking to cheat. Younger women don't really like that cheating thing too much.

Don't have 2gfs unless you live alone and at least 30min away from each of them

Forgot to mention. One of the best parts about cheating is the rush that you get of having multiple pussy to pick from. It just feels really good and your confidence spikes

Lol ur a piece of shit


2nd this request

I'm in an open relationship, so cheating on my wife just doesn't come with that same thrill of sneaking around. It's easier to get women to cheat on their SO when they think I'm cheating too, however.

That's the best of both worlds, to be honest. The thrill of sneaking around without the worry that your relationship will end if you get caught. I once had to hide under a bed for 30 mins when her husband came home early. Nothing beats that rush.

Don't have pictures of side girl. I don't take pics of her

Just become a swinger like I did. Makes everything easier.


Also, unless you live in a big city the chance of getting caught is too high. Just rent some pussy. If you’re on the right sites you can find clean, hot hookers who will always keep your secret and not get attached. Pay $300 for that piece of mind and get get your rocks off, you’ll go back to your significant other without nagging them constantly for sex and everyone will be happier.

The chance of getting caught is always there but that goes for anything. You right now have a chance of dying on your drive to the grocery store, but as long as you're not a fucktard and do some fuck shit to get you killed you'll be fine. Same with cheating, as long as you don't get too comfortable and take the necessary precautions all the time, every time then you're straight. Obviously erase all communication evidence every time, don't save any photos on your devices, pay cash, wash your clothes that you had, look for women of similar hair color and similar lemgth, if not then always always always check your clothes for stray hairs before washing them, etc

Yes because you don't have a gf
