Liberals and redditors of Sup Forums

liberals and redditors of Sup Forums,
Why are you ok with this?

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This is what Capitalism dose

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Well, not so much okay with it as "don't care". Like, if any of those kids parents care, they'll sue, and they'll probably win. I don't see why i should care about it at all.

It's a well documented fact that, there's nothing more effective in helping against transphobia in kids than watching a transgender's groins.

>why should I care about society
it's idiots like you that cause the collapse of civilizations

It'll fix itself. The existing mechanisms in society will solve it. Y'all are just busybodies.

Yea it's absolutely disgusting and the leftist elite will stop any charges coming his way

Public execution with the kids watching. Problem solved.

Yet you vote to support it. So you're an uneducated hick.

Don't worry most of those kids won't make it to adulthood thanks to republicunts and muh rights

Thats a pantyhose, the kids could see nothing. Its like a barbie doll down there.

>Supporting trannies


another politically incorrect fake news source...

>I'm too stupid and lazy to do anything
That's cringy as fuck

this is how mentally ill people behave

It'll fix itself you dumb shit. "Why don't you wanna do anything" Why would i fucking do something about something that isn't a problem?

>I don't see why i should care about it at all.

You bought a Sup Forums pass so no one cares what you think.

This is why a boogaloo is needed, not only for an oppressive government. But also for the sleezy disgusting shit society has become

Why does no one see that telling someone "no one cares" is a self-disproving statement?

Just like believing politically motivated rags with easily debunkable "news". The whole story is a fabrication meant to rile up people like you.

>far right conspiracy bullshit blog pushing bs like trump's retarded spygate

nothing to see here

No one is okay with that. Also, post a source that isn't utter garbage next time.

This is what humans do, you commie turd.

Too soon, Overlords. Society needs to be sheepened up more before you put this plan into motion.

when u r a man and sit in public with your legs opened, u r flashing crotch to others too

are you expecting me to believe a drag queen "flashed their crotch" and someone also somehow snapped a picture of it
>24 shares indeed you sad faggot

getting so triggered kids saw some pantyhose. why are you cuckservatives such little bitches? kids didn't even complain.

>sleazy disgusting shit society has become
>/btard saying this


Does anyone have any info or links about the drags? Or about the event happening?

>still doesn't know how to search online

You clearly don't neither, none of the news sites give any information about what happened and if it did really happen. The pictures could be fake for all we know. It wouldn't shock me that conservative/rightwing media would lie about it

Shut up you autistic fuck, there's even a video of a drag queen doing a strip tease for kids. There's a lot of these with PROOF, and you just deny facts.

Errr.... user....

>Well, not so much okay with it as "don't care".
> I don't see why i should care about it at all.

Irony. I bet you bought a pass so you could frog post easier.

>Dumb frog poster

Come on, CUCK. Give me all your facts and proofs. No, not just fucking pictures and videos. Information explaining each situation and why it happened.

They have kids that dress up in drag. It's their way of making sure the trannies thing continues cos they can't have kids. It's a bizarre attempted at reproduction. Abuse kids so it fucks up their minds and they continue being fruity homos that sexually abuse kids.

Cool stdh OP!

HAHAHA you're actually that dumb? "Why it happened" Why doesn't matter when you're showing your ass to 3 year olds, stripping to music. I'm not even gonna entertain you with the sources since considering how braindead you are, it doesn't matter if you are presented with facts.

Sup Forumsrothers, look at this man. This is what our current society creates, people who will literally ignore the actual reality, and instead create their own reality that they live in. This applies to a lot of current problems we're having these days.

that little girl is looking right at it. she's going to be scarred for life

Why is there a flaming faggot in the library telling stories to kids? How did someone think this was a good thing? Minnesota just seems to be a stronghold for stupid ideas.

OP asked why i was okay with it. I was answering HIS question.

Nothing happened. You're worked up over nothing.

I see you are an aficionado of fake, doctored news. This is a picture of someone with their crotch completely obscured by pantyhose bending down to pick up a book.
I'm sure if you look closely at all your proof you'll see they are blurring out already covered body parts you dick

cuckservatives are just triggered they can't pull off drag. cuckservatives can't seem to grasp creativity.

Post video then.

It never happened.

>tales from the gloryhole

tl;dr: I'm a fat lazy shit, I can't sauce, I don't study

>I'm not even gonna entertain you with the sources
it's like tard talk for I can't find a reputable source I'm just reeeing please leave

you're a tard.

>Pass user since 2012

Fuck me you're pathetic.

This shouldnt even be a thing. Why are traps even putting themselves in this situation.

Like you do realise the history behind crossdressing right?

This Drag is clearly wearing clothes that's covering the crotch, it ain't blurred out.
You people are desperate to demonize anyone

You SEVERELY underestimate how resilient someone homeless can be when it comes to not dying.Trust me, every generation thinks their homeless will never die. But they always not die or stop being homeless

but baby wanna reeeeeeee...
This is just one of them, there's worse.
But that doesn't matter, what matters is the message you give to the kids. You, who think this is fine behavior in front of little kids are the minority, why? Because most of the people despite being easily swayed by the media, are able to use common sense to see that this is really fucking disgusting and counter productive in growing a child. I am a gay guy and it disgusts me how we spread degeneracy with our pride walks etc with horse cock dildos jiggling everywhere as we walk through the streets, screaming "Love another" when the truth couldn't be further from what your message sends. You spread degeneracy and expect to be accepted? Be fucking normal, be an adult who handles their shit, instead of letting their mental illnesses control them.

From hating drags to hating the homeless. GG annon, you totally understand life

I am neither for or against.
But as someone from a mozzie background, I can 100% guarantee when underage girls AND boys get married and have sex, they absolutely do not complain. 99 % of the time they enjoy it as boys and girls can get orgasm from a young age, and often more intense ones. You decide if it was ok or not.

as a black man reeeeeee.

Not a single piece of clothing removed during that strip tease. hmm, why are you so triggered you little inbred?

fake news made up by the deep state to keep you under control

Oh look another shoop and a made up story from a made up post to prove conservatives are just trying to save the society liberals built for them. Anyone dumb enough to fall for this should be deemed unfit for adulthood and lose all the privileges that come with being one.

Please KYS, all conservative countries are shit holes, it's not a coincidence.

1) My kids aren't there. Other people get to raise thier kids how they want.
2) My community wouldn't hold DQSH. It wouldn't fly here. Other communities have other values.
3) If genitals were flashed to children then it is a violation of law and they should go to state ass pounding prison. Statistically many more "normal" sex offenders flash kids at school or church or wherever because there are more normal deviant pieces of trash than tranny pieces of trash.
4) You don't like it, don't go. You dont like news about? Nearly any button on the radio, TV or web browser will solve your problem.
5) your culture war BS is a distraction that is ruining society by allowing the politicians to keep us agitated about trivial shit while they rig the system, pick our kids pockets and run the country into the ground. If you are worried about kids how about not saddling them with $140k of debt when they pop out the cunt.

1) it ain't a stripping. The drag took off a piece of clothing that would have prevented them from dancing. That's it, one piece of clothing, and it seems more of a dance routine for a talent show or whatever
2) where are the fucking kids?

I removed my coat once in front of a child, according to triggered cuckservatives I flashed a kid

>Why are you ok with this?

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You sound like one of those deviants that sees any situation involving kids and immediately thinks about sex.

If you're searching for something inappropriate, you'll find it whether it's there or not.

most child molestors are conservatives. why are you okay with that?

Typical leftist attitude... when trans people want the rights to do the rest of their shit you act like activists who strongly care, then when our supposedly slippery slope claims of stuff like this happening actually happens you feign ignorance like you don't care and ignore reality.

>ignore reality
except you're claims aren't happening at all. muh fully clothed strip tease. oh but slippery slope is the argument of actual fucking retards.

Well ya see, we don't HAVE to care. Because existing systems will fix it. Y'all act like this is an evil unfought. ANY OF THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS CAN SUE.

And they'd likely win.

If they care. I don't have to choose to do anything - they have to choose whether they care.

On the other hand, trans people have many rights not afforded to them that will never be fixed if we DON'T care.

t.pedo detected

I'm triggered because manchildren are trying to bring their degenerate orgies to the public. No public decency whatsover

I'm triggered because these people are not realizing how much destruction they bring with this behavior, drag queens in libraries, pride walks etc. They are letting their mental illness control them instead, making the life of "normal" homosexuals worse. "We" are in a good spot now, we have been accepted to the society, but that's not enough, "we" want to corrupt it.

Your sexuality is not some public highlight spot, what you fuck should stay in your private life. I fuck guys, but I don't force my faggotry ways on others. That's disgusting.

I would have got shims number and sucked that dick

Oh look, it's fake.

Fancy that.

Alternative facts are just make believe for people who don't want to grow up. Conservatism is a mental illness.

Conservatives: Always thiinking of the children to keep the body counts up at their mass shootings.

Pass users would have that same clover mark next to the date, just like you do.
>Imagine being this fucking new
>Dumb frog poser
Reddit trash detected.

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tl;dr REEEEE AM TRIGGERED. only one mentally ill is you faggot, such self hatred and obsesion is unhealthy.
>No public decency whatsover
oh no some guy wore makeup, how ever will our delicate feefees cope. kys.

Yeah but this happens at pride parades and it's accepted... If was to say take my cousin to the strippers i'd be arrested. If I was to take my cousin to the pride parade to see the fruity trannies I'm celebrated.

>take my cousin to the strippers
obsessed with imagining kids in sexual situations: check

Actually i have to put something in the email field to display clover.

So i'm not just a pass user. I'm an attention whore. ^_^

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Basically this. Why should I give a fuck about you being mad about a fake story? You’re easily emotionally manipulated and you bias causes you to get led around by people who want to turn you into a reactionary drone. If someone flashed their penis at a class full of kids they’re already in custody. Take your hand wringing “muh society” shit and cram it up your ass, henchman.

It's not self hatred, it's facts. I love myself and I love dicks. You see me humoring myself as me hating myself, lol. Wanna know what else are facts?

Homosexuals make up 2% of the population and commit 45% of sexual assault against children.

The 1972 LGBT platform demanded lowering the age of consent.

Currently, Pedophiles are being recruited into the LGBT cause at alarming rate.

The only reason why it's not categorized as a mental illness anymore is due to the "Accept-and-love-everybody" society we have now.

Stop living in your denial dream world. Suck dick, enjoy it. But don't let your mental illness bring harm to others. Control yourself and your life, and strive towards greatness with other aspects of you, other than your faggotry.

Lgbt should be shot in the streets

Were you molested? I think you were.

I was, maybe that's why I'm gay. Probably. Thank you for proving my point.

Point being "80% of homosexuals were molested when they were a child"

>Homosexuals make up 2% of the population and commit 45% of sexual assault against children.
source or bullshit, I'll wait
>The 1972 LGBT
2019, sorry you're that backwards you're stuck there
it's not facts, it's your dumb fantasies. you're reeeing about a strip tease that didn't happen and you know it didn't, now you're just throwing more dumb shit to try and deflect from that.
>The prevalence of sexual assault against people who identify as Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual in the United States
why would you post that? Did you miss the huge AGAINST in the title?

80% of the homosexuals in that study. It just means that, it's not a global thing, it doesn't mean literally 80% of homosexuals in the world have been abused as a child. Also the study doesn't even imply that child abuse and sexual orientation are related.

It's time to stop repressing the sexualities and socialization of children!
Ageism is bigotry!

>Thank you for proving my point.
what point was that? or is this just something you've heard someone say and you're trying it out? because usually you have to make a point first snowflake

I'm a liberal. I'm not okay with any person exposing themselves to children.

Let me make this clear. I disagree that any person should be allowed to do that regardless of whether or not they're wearing a dress, have a penis, or don't have a penis.

I see what you are trying to do. I was providing context. You didn't address the point I made. Why is it okay to take kids to a celebration of homosexuality but not to a celebration of female power?

We are not OK with this

According to a case study on 50,000 adult lesbians by Restored Hope international over 90% of adult lesbians only grew up to be lesbian due to being taken to be molested by a man as small girls, often by an adult lesbian or even their own sick ass parent!
This is the sick truth of how lesbians increase their numbers!

>This is the sick truth of how lesbians increase their numbers!

Same for gay men. It all started with molestation, but it's a part of being gay for some men. They like rent boys and naturally the rent boys turn gay and continue the cycle.

Anyone who sends their kud to "Drag Queen Story Hour" deserves what they get. Fuck these people.

>celebration of female power
literally no one believes this so don't even try tard. men go to strip clubs to look specifically at naked women, it's what they paid for. comparing that to a public pride event is so horribly disingenuous it could only be done by the exceptionally triggered.

Why do you think all liberals are okay with it? Is it because you're a raging moron?

>Pass user since 2012

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>Restored Hope international
kek Restored Hope international are a bunch of conversion therapy god bothering inbreds. What the fuck do they know about anything? Sure there's no agenda or anything.

Fuck off you moron, the point is this sick pervert get's his rocks off to this shit. He still has a firehose stuffed in there.

Again, no real counter agruement. Gay men go to pride events to see other gay men and trannies. It's a celebration of sexuality. So why take kids? Are they part of that sexuality? What about child drag acts, why are they a part of pride?