Would you go gay for a cute trap bf?
Would you go gay for a cute trap bf?
How cute?
Only if we take turns fucking each other in the ass.
About this much.
my man
Yes. If this actually is your trap bf then go for it.
Sadly no, I'm too autistic for other human beings to like me.
No, but I would go gay for some macho piece of shit who I can rely on
Sounds like you're already gay. I only go gay for traps.
im not usually into men
but if theyre cute then i dont mind
I'm definatly gay, but me and my boyfriend do that, hes more of a twink than a trap tho.
>me and my boyfriend have gay sex
i dont know why you felt like posting this but ok
Why not?
I think I'm curious cus I would be down for someone who could be a good role model and very supportive.
He's propably not gay. You're acting like being gay is a decition.
No but a guy I work with is fucking a dude turned girl. They act like a normal couple but I think the dude dosent know it's a trap
Everyone thinks they're straight, until they realise no man is 100% straight.
The trap would have to be gorgeous with a feminine body and voice, and have a great looking cock. Anything masculine or guy looking other than her cock and I'm out.
Only to get close enough to them to hurt them
their cocks are usually tiny
Trap != HRT Tranny
ik but this still applies
As long as they're cute, who cares?
No, because men are better.
Doesn't matter as long as it is good looking cock
>trap would have to be gorgeous with a feminine body and voice
See, no one is born gay
male women master race
Every masculine man needs a feminine man to love.
But what about women?
What about em?
if it works well i might even make him my husband
Maybe for her
I can't support anyone who promotes religion.
Tell me what you'd do to me
Kik guatebandito
wouldnt stop being straight for
already am a fucking booftie so sure
if they were indistinguishable from an actual woman, except for the feminine penor, then yes
They are too cute to be women.
thats how the trapdar works
if they melt your heart then theyre a man
faggots as far as the eye can see
being gay is fun you should try it sometime
+ you get to enjoy pretty rainbows
Hell is going to be less entertaining
Heroin is also fun, so is genocide
but being gay isnt bad for you
Neither is genocide unless the capitalist pigs from Burgerland decide to ruin all the fun
>capitalist pigs
russia hated the nazis too
Only because we tried to invade them. Do you think Stalin would have cared an inkling for a few degenerates?
Oh I've done this already !
oh look, the eurofag is too busy taking dicks up his ass and sucking cocks to do anything about the destruction of his culture and national identity
fucking non white traps is okay because you cant have kids anyway
Was it good?
All is good.
The more darkies the elites import the higher the election rates of NatSoc parties get. The militias are primed and ready and the public destruction of our cultural heritage is forcing the true sons of Germany to dive deeper and deeper into the glory of our past.
This time we wont even need to burn the Reichstag to get the public on our side. In the end we will persevere and this new conflict will help us to get rid of the weak blood as well as Subhuman morality and ethics.
Glorie dem Vaterland!
Fuck man, I want you guys to be a beacon of liberty and equality, not become a despotic shithole under military dictatorship. Fuck sakes Germany, you don't have to swing between the two extremes of depravity. There's a goddamn middle ground you crazy bastards.
europe is for fags
israel forever
No such thing.
I'm straight, so traps just look like men to me.
[Salutes in Burger]
>traps just look like men to me
how do you tell the difference before its too late and youre already hooked?
I spit on your middle ground and what you think.
Stop being so homo and go back to God.
I don't give a fuck nazi shithead, you can suck as many cocks as OP apparently does
but god wont cuddle me at night
hmm, if only there was this thing that God intended men to cuddle with, hmm, oh yeah it's called a WIFE
there arent enough women that look like traps out there
What is that body type called anyway?
no frens, i wouldnt. but i respect and value your opinion if you do
It's called a man's butt, we already have words for men and women, you don't need to invent new ones.
i would eat the trap booty ngl
i hope he would do the same to me
I want a trap bf but the import tax on traps is too high in Israel.
Keep crying faggot, Israel will stay uncucked.
I will order traps from Russia and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
if it has a hole i stick my dick in it
damn you globalism!
You offer them citizenship and they eat it up like it's cum.
Stop intentionally undermining your society desu
But I want all the traps for myself.
You're supposed to be a man and help your society grow and prosper, not a soy boy fag lord who competes with his neighbors to see who can be the biggest sissy boy cocksucker.
But where's the fun in that?
is this trap harem 2?
whats next? are you going to tell him to get a job?
Is this the cutest?
I would do big gay to this person.
It's a tie between him and Little_Paradise.
already have. dated for over a year. sad to see him go now i'm like 90% gay.
Did he kill himself??
It never actually happened
user can never get a gf/bf because all anons are autistic.
what about an autistic trap bf?
Yes. Just give me one.
No i'm not gay