Would you have sex with a girl who has had sex with dogs?

Would you have sex with a girl who has had sex with dogs?

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Yes. In fact it'd be a turn on

Who dat

This 100%

Sex? Yeah, sure.

Date? Never

I would immediately marry her.

Aspen Ladd

Are you suggestomg that girl in pic fucks her dog?

I would drink every drop of dogcum from her pussy.

if you want to have sex with a white chick, you basically would have to. 90% of white females who own dogs have been fucked by them

from bestiality to cuckoldry

reddit is >>> way

men are dogs

Nah, I just want to have fun without morals holding me back. Enjoy living with your friends and family controlling your mind. X

I wouldn't have sex with anyone else

Actually I know 2 black girls that have dogs to eat their pussy.

I kinda figured this.

Only if she has small tits.

>I come to this website because I'm scared to be myself on reddit

Imagine my disappointment when I got stuck with one of the 10%
She'll let them lick but that's all

Yes, but not that one. She's ugly af.

yeah, and I fucked 90% of your moms

How the fuck else would I find a girl willing to touch my penis?

>Would you have sex with a girl who has had sex with dogs?
And would you have sex with a girl who has had sex with niggers?

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Dogs are fine, but bestiality is crossing the line.

A dog is one thing but monkey's? That's a hard no from me.


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What is the reddit even?

I'd fuck a bitch like that. Probably the girl too.

No but I would have sex with the dog

jesus fuck i just want to run my hands through the fur of that incredibly sexy GSD

why do we have to hide from society, it's not fair

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>clean coal is a dirty lie

No because the only girls who fuck their dogs are white girls and I would never wanna fuck a garbage white bitch in the first place and if she also fucked a dog then she's a degenerate, disgusting whore as well

From what I can tell, nearly all white girls with dogs have let them eat their pussy. Very few for the actual penetration


That's why everyone who hasn't been here forever is here hth

Sure why not.

Yes. This is simple science

like everyone else she fucked, shell just lie about it

My ex used to fuck her dog. It's hot when it knots but doesn't last very long.

have done

does everyone know it, or is it a secret that she fucks dogs?

Why just white? Most beast porn comes from asia or south america. I'd say its just any girl with a good sized dog

I'd sooner fuck a dogfucker than a Boomerfucker, and sooner a Boomerfucker than a niggerfucker.

To fuck a nigger means you must be attracted to there niggerisums so no ... simply too far


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Dogs, absolutely would marry but not touching a mud shark

There’s way more jav beast stuff

no, but i'd fuck the dog

the lucky quads have spoken

Probably not

>Licked from asshole to pussy every time she's horny and alone
You bet.

>boomer fucker
Youd rather fuck a dog than someone who fucks boomers. No wonder zoomers are so pathetic, boomers are fucking all their grills.

Sagely quads of truth and wisdom.


Common root. I think we may have something here...

Depends on the dogs, but the girl in OP's pic looks so manly I'd be more worried about gay-shame regret than anything else.

But hegre is a softcore site. In fact most of the guys are soft when they're posing with the women, so they probably use gay males.

This has been written about in at least one scientific study. The 90 percent is an average. It is higher for large breeds of dog, like a German shepherd, and lower for small breeds. If the girl has one of those purse dogs, she probably has not had sex with it.

Talking about girls to date, not porn actors.

Quads is wasted on human garbage like you.

Link the study, science nerd

Looking for it. Give me a minute.

scientific study about dog fucking. 90% average... Yeah right. Maybe some survey among the 50 members of a bestiality forum.

I think the actual real number is closer to 10%, but that is still enough that it should be easy to find your dream girlfriend if you play your cards right

only before she gets dog fucked
>no sloppy doggy seconds for me, I'm the alpha male


dogs >>>> niggers tbh

I presume that a genuinely shocking number of women have either done this or considered doing this. I would probably never even know that it happened.

Fucking her in the ass with a condom, sure. As long as she doesn't touch me and her mouth/face comes nowhere near me.

out of my last 5 gfs 4 were into the idea

I had one girl I dated drop some very, very vague hints that this might be something she was into. At one point she made a crack about being told "no donkeys in the bedroom" by her parents while she was watching the family farm. It could have been a reference to my dick because we had joked about it being big, or it could have just been an awkward joke because she was like that, but it made me wonder.

She looks like her parents had sex with dogs.

Dated a girl who told me a mutual co-worker revealed to her that she would let her dog lick her. Many months later, after a breakup, I began a (loose) relationship with the co-worker (she had an older sugar daddy). She tells me the girl I'd dated let her dog hump her. Both gals were pretty highly educated.

i wish there were more young white girls from 1st world countries doing it, it's so fucking hot when an actually attractive girl is doing it. on a side note i wish the horse loads weren't always fake too

wish i had parents like that

my dad found my dog porn collection back in the late 90s and completely flipped his shit

so her family just accepted it? what a fucked up thing to say,this is why liberal's shouldnt have children

I bet her family introduced her to it

If it doesn't last long when he knots her, your girl must be loose as hell. That's the whole purpose of the knot, to lock the dog in there.

it doesn't really get stuck in human vaginas unless the girl clenches and tries to keep it in there.. most dogs get a bit skittish and jump off when they orgasm

if it gets stuck in your butt you're going along for the ride though

Must be fucking small breeds then.

that's fuckin disgusting, no way

I'd rather fuck a girl who had sex with a dog than a girl who had sex with a nigger.

Probably. I know one that is jot as hell.Done it in her teen age. Pic related. Name Mona. Age 31

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dude i'd have sex with a fucking cantaloupe if i had one

a woman in ireland met up with a guy to fuck his german shepard and died because it turned out she was allergic to dog semen. imagine her family at the funeral.

Wouldnt date but would fuck a girl like that. My girlfriends sisters into it, I found out during a deep and meaningful with her ex when he was drunk and they were still together. Their family doesn't have a dog though, afaik she hasnt actually done it

We need that story in full I think.

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shitty situation for everyone involved

none of the news articles ever went into detail about what happened to the dog, i hope he wasn't put down :(

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My sister fucks our dog. Wouldn't touch her with a 10ft pole.

Or a 6in one. Either way: no.

Well she is your sister so dog fucker or not, that may not be your thing.

she had small kids, imagine all your friends finding out she died due to ingesting dog semen

Where's your source on that, lad

Yep. Done it many times.
I've also had sex with dogs, and dp'd a girl with a dog.

been there, done that

Who is that??

"Hey Margaret"
-Cheech and Chong


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Have any more with dogs of her?

Doubtful, since even the ones posted here are shopped.
Poor guy must've had his feelings hurt hard by her.

Absolutely this. Girls like that are freaky as fuck. And they let you cum inside. I’ve watched a cute teen get knotted and I was diamonds the whole time,

Dogs, yes.

Nigs, no.