I need some gun advice Sup Forums

I need some gun advice Sup Forums

I am from Europe and so certain kinds of guns are very expensive... once I get a license I want to purchase a rifle but I can’t seem to decide between buying an M16/M4 style rifle in “5.56“ or “.223”.

What is the difference?
What one is better?

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>What one is better?

any gun is good enough to kill your self.

I don’t plan on using it to kill myself

You can use either in a gun built for 556 but not the other way around.

Would using a .223 round in a 5.56 gun be as effective as using it in a .223 gun?

Which purpose?

Go to /k/

Mainly target shooting but I will hunt with it if I’m allowed.
I’m not sure what kind of animals are available to hunt but it’ll most likely be deer.


>I am from Europe and so certain kinds of guns are very expensive
Easy faggot, since they're that expensive, turn to the balck market and fuck the licence, it will be costing you about the same, maybe even less compared to an armory in a big city.

I don't know for sure, but it's lower pressure. I just know it will work plus 5.56 has the advantage of using milsurp ammo. I believe .223 is better for accuracy if that's what you want. Not an expert, ask /k/.

Wrong board, hoss.

No thanks, I don’t break the law.
An unlicensed gun is of no use to me.

wait faggot.. where in Europe except Switzerland can you own an automatic rifle, permit or no permit?? Also where in fuck's name can you hunt with a assault rifle???

buy 5,56, cuz that can shoot .223 as well, but not the other way around
also european here

It’s not going to be automatic but I’m sure in most countries in Europe if you have the correct license you can own automatic rifles.
I have no idea where you can hunt with an assault rifle.

also, why didn't OP go to /k/ ?

If it's not automatic you can buy and mp5 in Italy, i saw many on range...
I would check hunting limitation on ammo before buying anything..

I didn’t even notice /k/ existed also this is Sup Forums so I thought I’d make a bit of a random thread.

this is correct!
Yes, but using .223 would just be cheaper to shoot. If you needed it to be more effective you would just use 5.56 nato ammo.

just asking where because i have seen the requirements for a AR licence in France, Germany, the NL and others and it's basically made to be impossible to get, let alone a permit for a full auto rifle. Italy is indeed a notable exception but that's bound to change as weel Also the hunting laws in most EU countries will forbid you to hunt with that thing. To take the Swiss example, the most leniant country when it comes to guns in western europe, as far as i know at least, even military reserve officers are faced with random house visits by the police to control their firearmsa nd this gets painful when you own an unmodified assault rifle of sub-mg. They'll check when your weapon has last fired, will run through all logs available to them to know even how many bullets were fired etc.

doing the board a favour, not yourself.

who the fuck goes to anywhere other than Sup Forums?

Same shit just different pressures.

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1. /k/
2. .223/5.56 is the same thing. I doubt many guns will be built .223 specifically and won't handle 5.56 because of the slight difference and lawsuits that would follow
3. Your ammo is going to be .223. Unless you're even more retarded and are going to buy green tip 5.56 to plink with
4. The platform is over rated. Get yourself some euro milsurp that us americans fudd over daily.

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you are obviously not an old fag.

>old fag
you're obviously our newest member user, welcome to faggothood

kek, I've been on here since January 2004

this isn't ylyl faggot... jan 2004, boy you where what? 5 years old? looooooololol 5 years old max i mean
thanks for the keks

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Not the dude you’re replying to but did you seriously just spell it “where”

yeh i did, sorry, no EN_US fag here, shit happens, sorry i triggered your adhd but the subject matter of this post is entirely something else user ;)

I was 20 years old
I was also still in the infantry at that time


you're a navy seal right?
also proof, you have one minute faggot

dropping wisdom

I went for the HK MR223. Fantastic rifle. It's pretty expensive though.

Exactly this

just what i thought, hey reddfag, how's your first day on Sup Forums so far?

I duno, I don't visit plebbit
you also need to tune your trolling, you suck.