You have 10 SECONDS to name a better cookie than Peanut Butter.
You have 10 SECONDS to name a better cookie than Peanut Butter
maple syrup cookies or oreo cookies
literally any other cookie peanut butter tastes like shit
Monster Cookies
Chocolate chip.
I add chocolate chips to my peanut butter cookies
>7 posts
We have way more than 10 seconds, nigger.
raisin oatmeal
Good god... that looks almost exactly like Indian diarrhea, except for those chunky bits... no... wait... that looks exactly like Indian diarrhea.
Also possible Indian diarrhea is a better flavor than peanut butter.
Peanut butter and weed.
literally anything but peanut butter, i like to call it poopnut butter because it looks like skeet and diarrhea mixed together to get that color and texture
Fuck you to be picking on the Indians. If you come to my country we would fuck you up until you having the shitting also.
Chocolate chip
i once had an indian gf, nice booty and tits, and she ended up cheating on me.
Peabutt Nutter is the best
Domino cookies
You probably didn't read the instruction manual properly. If the air coming out doesn't smell like curry, it means you have installed your IGF upside down. Although they will continue to function, when installed upside down the sensors can not "see" the module that is plugging into them, and as a result the IGF may accept an incompatible module, resulting in system corruption. Usually a reboot is required, followed by a reorientation.
interesting, her queefs did not smell like curry, maybe she was installed upside down
Nope. My oatmeal cranberry white chocolate cookies are better. Sorry.
Try to do a better job of installing the next one. Or just use one of the disposable models, because this does cut down the chances of a malfunction causing you trouble later on.