What are the odds she does buttstuff?
What are the odds she does buttstuff?
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Considering rape. 100%.
Her uncle or dad probably did some buttstuff on her.
with a face like that, she has to
Pretty good. Most liberty loving women love to be fucked in all of their holes.
Just not by incel Sup Forumstards.
Ha, yeah she probably thinks sucking dick is sodomy and wants to preserve her precious flower for the richest bidder like her bible study taught her to.
You must live in an echo chamber.
I've found conservative girls to be just as, if not more willing to try all sorts of stuff in bed.
Granted, I haven't messed with any religious girls, but liberty loving atheists are great.
Who is this??
she's an ugly (literal) jew though... just disgusting.
she shits her pants, its most likely that her sphincter is completely gone
She's so fucking ugly, post more pics of her and lets just analyze why shes so ugly
I’m glad you enjoy fucking boot licking fascist whores, I guess. Here’s your (You).
>swn use your balls for target practice and make you her eunuch foot maintenance servant
Gun owners and people who believe individuals should be left to live how they choose are "fascist?"
because they don't give away their property like a good communist
>lib logic
Depends on what flavor of nutty subgroup she belongs to.
Evangelical? She did buttstuff to remain pure for marriage.
Mormon? No, she just fucked. Maybe did butt stuff.
Not deep into religion? About 50/50 she's at least tried it.
when i see that face i know i don't want to see that ass
what's the matter user, been on a ship in the middle of the ocean for a year with your hands cut off so you can't masturbate or is it your eyes?
I heard she shit herself at a frat party. Anyone got pics?
that gun is probably a sex toy in disguise. or both a sex toy and a gun.
Or, it is just a gun.
Man, some of you folks have some deep seated issues when it comes to the kind of tools and hobbies other folks have.
If she's Christian too I believe we have to go with 100%
Better question would be what're the odds she's fucked her own family
no its definitely a dildo
>some of you folks have some deep seated issues
where do you think you are?
>What are the odds she does buttstuff?
She's a gun-carrying redneck so she would have done buttstuff with her brothers, cousins and father to avoid unwanted pregnancy
I fucking wish
>Come and take it
Wouldn’t even be within 5 feet of this man faced creature
I'm on a mild-mannered image board, of course.
no one posting the pic of her shitting herself?
im surprised
probably doesn't care where she puts her dick
High. She fucks niggers.
Why woukd anyone wanna? She's actually really fucking ugly. For some reason the blue eyes and angel hair fools everyone into thinking she's hot. But, man is she ugly irl.
Brown immigrant detected
lmao she wouldnt even give you a 2nd look
The one you're thinking is a fake
beautiful toenail
i kiss
she cute
I'd say between 0-100%
>with you? 0%
Holy fuck imagine the milk production!
Me too, but her personality is so dull and irredeemable.
You would be surprised how many women do.
And how many need to use the alcohol or drug excuse to do it.
>What are the odds she does buttstuff?
My wife has DD tits.
Milk production was so-so.
Quit ruining my fantasy. Gun Goddess will produce a gallon per day.
Yeah, I bet she's into pegging.
>Pass user since 2012