War Criminal.
War Criminal
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Shut up nigger
Keep talking, nigger.
Can't commit a war crime if you don't know what the button does
>Autistic screeching
No matter what that guy does you're going to cry about it good. Unfortunately for you you have over 5 years to go.
Being a mentally ill emotionally dysregulated gender-confused self-loathing libtard is no way to go through life.
how? which war?
He WILL BE JAILED when no longer in office
prove it
The crimes you commit as President and the protection afforded to you no longer applies when you become at citizen again
>Hurr Durr he was not exonerated by russiagate
We'll see what happens January 20 2025 when he gives the office over to Ivanka
what crimes has he committed? like actual crimes that he's been convicted of, not the imaginary ones that the dems keep crying about.
That dumb cunt doesn't even understand what 'complicit' means no less run a country
Barack Obama has killed 800 civilians with drone strikes
is that what got him the nobel peace prize?
>actual crimes that he's been convicted of
According to the DOJ, a sitting president cannot be charged with any crime. Dumbfuck.
My sides
Do you own research you lazy fuck, not everything will be spoon fed like your pampered ass is accustomed to Republicuck.
So no crimes then faggot
>You're an idiot you don't watch CNN and MSNBC
well, you're the one that claimed he was guilty of crimes. you should get help.
Clinging to an ancient meaningless video like the last Rat on a sinking ship.
It is illegal to talk a third party into removing their defenses before a major attack your'e aware of under the faith of your protection. The US/Kurdish agreement to remove the fortifications along the turkish border to be replaced and manned by US troops instead is completely illegal. There is only one country who has put people to death for this, it's the US. So who wants to measure our the rope?
Guilty and convicted are not the same brainstem. And I was not that poster.
"b-b-but I don't wanna be in Turkey, let them all die!" - President Dumbfuck Asshole Trump
I mean he took out the leader of ISIS, so that's a huge win in my book -- he also did the Wall, removing Mexicans, and a number of other good things in his presidency that no other president has done.
So far I think I'll be voting for him in 2020 and give him another chance.
it used to be innocent until proven guilty, but now he's guilty of everything until the dems get proven wrong again and again.
Well, he green lighted the Kurds genocide, so I guess that could be a thing as well
As to Ukraine: Bribery, wire fraud, Abuse of power, conspiracy.
As to the Russia investigation: Obstruction of justice.
As to the Stormy Daniels payoff: campaign finance violations, conspiracy.
So not sure about war criminal, but definitely criminal.
>he also did the Wall
If only America would stay in the middle east then their would be peace.
Thats the joke other people want certain people to fight abd suppress opinions maby if we made the money off the oil but we dont take care of your own problems.
Innocent like OJ you mean.
seems like the point of it went way over your head anyway.
guilty of hurting your feelings at least
The left is literally so retarded that they can't meme.
And yet youre the bitch crying about how innocent dumpy is.
so based.
>samefagging your own posts
He's not a war criminal you fucking retarded faggot.
Coal for every
sure kid
we aren't at war with turkey
>Then the Republicucks went mysteriously silent
huh, but making a movie with all the details about the bin laden raid is ok?
>implying an article full of skepticism is worth anything
>People are still defending Trump after he shat on the military several times
If this was Obama, or any other democratic president, there would be so much talk about how "He doesn't respect the men and women fighting for our freedom!" but it's ok when Trump does it.
"It's raining so I'm gonna stay home lmao"
"Oops, I leaked some classified military information, silly old me"
Unironically fuck drumpf, what an absolute piece of shit.
sure, like every single us president
Nope, that was also irresponsible of the Obama administration.
Now, should Trump repeated that mistake, or work along a higher standard?
all US presidents since at least Kennedy have been war criminals
>he shat on the military several times
[citation needed]
"I like war heroes that weren't captured".
"We were WEAK before I got into office".
"Let me appoint all my shitbag Mar A logo friends to the VA".
not sure if you actually read that article the other poster linked, but its got this gem in it;
"There's always a risk in saying too much," Robert Spalding, an Air Force general who served on Trump's National Security Council, told The Washington Post.
"But the thing I liked was, there were no pictures, there was no specification of types of aircraft used. Everything I saw in terms of what was released was quite vague."
it's really just empty fearmongering as per the norm.
so, no actual citation then
Why is it that I just read through this whole thread and found nothing about any war crimes committed by the president? I'm inclined to think that you are lying.
>War Criminal.
Lol it almost makes him sound intelligent too.
More like complicit baboon really.
If you think Trump is not getting another 4 years you’re nuts! Biden isn’t gonna get the votes and Bernie will never get the nomination!
Unironically just go look through his twitter feed. He also leaked photos of a secret base, showing the faces of SEAL members. He also didn't show up for the WW1 memorial because it was raining.
Also all of what
said. If you really want me to sit here and find citations, we're gonna be here all fucking day. How anyone can still have their heads this far up their own ass, is beyond me.
I'll tell you what, if this thread is still up when I come home, I'll spoonfeed you some citations. You could also, like I just said, just look through his tweets. You could also use this new thing called "google" and find out things all by yourself!
So no citations then?
General Spalding isn't the only one to weigh in.
Trump also specified the number of helicopters the commandos used — eight — and reported that, upon landing, the commandos “blew holes into the side of the building, not wanting to go through the main door because that was booby-trapped.”
“Aircraft counts and means of conducting a breach are [tactics, techniques and procedures] that special operations forces have developed and learned the hard way,” said Robinson. “That wasn’t helpful to talk about.”
"The enemy sees the scene after, they’re on the ground, they see the breaching holes in building — but come on, let them figure it out on their own, don’t tell them," one of the former special operations commanders remarked.
“But they don’t need to know what we took out of there," said the former special operations commander.
Finally, when the helicopters carrying the commandos and their haul took off, they “took an identical route” back to friendly territory, Trump revealed.
That detail bothered the former military officials more than any of the others. “That’s the most worrisome," said Nagata. "The force is vulnerable throughout the operation, but arrival and departure by helicopter are very dangerous. For me, the idea that anyone would talk publicly about how we did the most dangerous part of the operation — the risks far outweigh the storytelling value.”
"I don’t know why the f--- he would say that, honestly,” fumed the other former special operations commander. “If we’re doing the same approaches and egresses, that can get helicopters shot down. It’s happened in Afghanistan.”
something would be better than nothing. i don't use twitter or watch political news. I'm just not going to take your word for it since I'm not an npc waiting to be told how to think. You made the claims, you fucking back it up.
anything to impress my russian bride so i dont get cucked and called shitpants when im golfing.
not sure why i should be so concerned about that. if the operation is already done, isn't it a bit late for it to be compromised now? seems to me like you're just fishing for things to bitch about.
>the operation is already done, isn't it a bit late for it to be compromised now?
It's about exposing details that can compromise future operations. Are you slow?
>seems to me like you're just fishing for things to bitch about.
It's not my opinion, it's that of actual servicemen.
can, maybe, might, possibly, etc etc.
That's not how facts work, snowflake.
And this. He seems to consider it a "cool" factor, rather than classified military intelligence.
>I got nothing
>google it
That's how the military works. They would rather not have a President blathering about covert missions like a 15 year old that just won his first vidya tournament. And this isn't the first time.
U.S. intelligence officials advised Israeli Mossad and other intelligence officials to "be careful" when transferring intelligence information to the Trump White House and administration until the possibility of Russian influence over Trump, suggested by Christopher Steele's report (commonly referred as the Trump–Russia dossier), has been fully investigated.[12] U.S. officials were concerned that the information, particularly about sensitive intelligence sources, could be passed to Russia and then to Iran.[13] Two Israeli intelligence officials confirmed privately that Trump's disclosure of the intelligence to Russia was "for us, our worst fears confirmed." They said the disclosure jeopardizes Israel's "arrangement with America which is unique to the world of intelligence sharing" and that Israeli officials were "boiling mad and demanding answers".[13][14]
The report was described as "shocking" and "horrifying" by some commentators and former U.S. intelligence officials.[15] According to current and former U.S. officials interviewed by ABC News, Trump's disclosure endangered the life of a spy placed by Israel in ISIL-held territory in Syria.[16] The classified information Trump shared came from a source described as the most valuable of any current sources on any current external plotting, according to The Wall Street Journal.[17]
you're still giving nothing but a bloatload of speculation here.
>U.S. officials were concerned that the information, particularly about sensitive intelligence sources, could be passed to Russia and then to Iran.
This is becoming more and more common with MSM.
>tv said it so true
Don't think you know what the word "research" means.
speculation based on what should be reasonable parameters for handling intelligence. A toddler can find his dad's gun and not shoot anything, but the fact he found the gun in the first is the alarming issue.
Or you can just just go around pretending everyone makes up shit to attack Trump with.
War Criminal and a Nigger
>The President becomes a risk to national security because he keeps talking about classified military intelligence like a housewife
>Israel, one of the closest allies the U.S has, is growing concerned, and U.S intelligence is telling them to be careful when passing on intel to Trump
Do you think the U.S intelligence service just randomly decided that Trump wasn't trustworthy? If he is openly talking about shit that he isn't supposed to talk about, then it is only a matter of "when", "if", "could" etc.
Bush invaded another country and over threw its government and replaced it with their own puppet. How come he wasn't called a war criminal?
speculation is neither fact nor news. that same speculation insisted trump had no chance of winning 2016. take your fearmongering elsewhere.
according to everything y'all have provided so far, he did not actually release any info that was classified. again, just clinging to petty things to bitch about.
Both the Pentagon and our Intelligence agencies have decided to keep Trump at a distance regarding intelligence precisely because of his own irresponsible handling. I doubt there's ever been a President in our history that was that manifestly incompetent to where our military has to work AROUND him.
>U.S intelligence service is warning allies that they need to be careful about Trump
>The pictures he posted of the SEAL members:
>High ranking people in the military are expressing their concern
This is just petty stuff, you're absolutely right. It's not like SEAL members are supposed to have concealed identities or anything.
sure. it's amazing how if he's as irresponsible as you're suggesting, then how come we haven't been victimized by it? even better, we haven't been in any wars during his presidency. incredible how that works.
>Christopher Steele's report
People are still unaware that was a Sup Forums shitpost adapted from a reddit fanfic sent to a former intelligence agen over twitter, kek.
[citation needed]
>then how come we haven't been victimized by it?
Because pretty much anyone Trump doesn't hire is competent.
> we haven't been in any wars during his presidenc
He was bombing syria without congressional approval and has added thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia over tensions with Iran he started.
Trump likes to act tough, but wars are complicated and often long. It's a silver lining to his laziness and disinterest in the political game, in spite of all the war mongers he hand picked for his cabinet.
Get whacked
bombing terrorists is not warfare. we were not at war with anyone.
Then neither was Obama.
Fuck all presidents
Fuck the USA
Obama is being accused of treason by a sitting president. But of course he's innocent of running a fake mob in the white house. A mob he could never afford or control. He's a fuckin piece of shit from Chicago, that's all that nigger is and will ever be.
Yeah try forcing whites to help a nigger from Chicago who's entire life goal was to organize gangs in communities and pretend to be some nigger OG in the senate and eventually in the white house. A fuckin joke.
You can’t be that stupid
stay mad europoor
>ITT Russian trolls and white incels getting triggered
Top kek