What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:



LOL anyone else love this show?

Wtf I hate McDonalds now

Sup Forums has 80 million viewers per day.

Yeah! It's really smart and intellectual, just like me! Have an upboat, fellow redditor

Why do redditors eat up blatant marketing so much?

what's good, NUGGA?

This shit is so fucking gay.

Wait... that business about the nugget sauce in the episode wasn't meant to be a promotion for McDonalds bringing it back in the first place?

Oh boy! Another thread where we talk about reddit! We really needed a new one.

do you wanna talk about mice?

It was meant for fat burgers to go: "Hey, I member that sauce!"

All you fattards read way too much into it.

We did it Reddit

It means they already settled everything before the product placement was on the show.

I love that mcdonalds has its own show now, before I had to put in the effort to finding something to watch while I eat now, my food comes with its own designated show, I hope other fast food franchises follow this trend.


hey guys, that titan of commerce is literally just like us!

Was it a Jewish conspiracy?

wow i love megacorporations now! so relatable, so me!

...I'm listening

why are they naming morty as jewish?




wtf i love international conglomerates now

Adventure Time for smart people

Even though there is no God, this episode almost made me believe, because it was so beautiful...

>Muh Nigga
>My Nigger

wtf I love McDonalds now.

Listen Morty we now *brp* *BRAAAAAAP* are owned by *parp* corporations, and youre gonna MCLOVE IT OK YOU LITTLE SHIT

you didnt know?

no never watched a second of this show

To make fun of faggots like you

thats good neither have i.
not being ironic either.

Fuck, this isn't good.

The coincidence detector does wonders

go back to

by propagating neo nazi ideas?


it's a tv show (and a very good one) so you can kys

it's a cartoon for the cartoon board FUCK OFF

no, I watched it on tv, so it belongs in the Sup Forums board.


someone explain this sauce thing to me please

that's like saying comics are lit

die die die >>Sup Forums cartoon

you don't want this great episode to be spoiled, so you better go watch it friend.

but comics are lit because you READ them.

You have no argument whatsoever. This belongs to Sup Forums.

did you even have to ask?

So this is how furries are born...

watch r and m

by making fun of them, morty isn't jewish.

>Rick (((and Morty)))

>we want the reddit consumer base

>Sup Forums has 80 million viewers per day.
it has like, 4, tops

>*BURPPP* God's not real Morty
>the redditor takes a step back from the laughter to remember that G*d is indeed an opioid for the masses
>Y-y-your parents are fucking idiots Morty every*URP*body is stupid except for me
>the redditor laughs at the joke but knows deep down that he and Rick are one in the same, misunderstood geniuses with no need for human companionship
>The redditor gets Rick's edgy sense of postmodern abstract humor and posts a detailed review of the episode praising it's artistic merits
>mmmm get schwifty
>the redditor's mind buckles beneath the weight of its own genius and he escapes into a state of intellectual nirvana

18 million per month according to Google Analytics.

Based McDonald's. They're definitely /ourfood/

Holy fuck I love huge corporations like McDonald's and JP Morgan now.



jesus fucking christ reddit wtf

Please step on my balls

>Anger is a Bift
wtf is a bift?


We're hitting critical levels of Reddit-posting soon. It should subside. I realize that by saying this out loud, I'm only further encouraging posting about it. Until then, I'll be on the ethereal plane.

Is this real?
>We would love to have Obama back
That's some top tier virtue signalling

no no no no no no

where should I pick up this show? Watched 5 mins of a random ep and it was all hurr random shit, now laugh goy

why would you ask such thing? you sound like you don't even want to watch it in the first place.

start at the source

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!

this "Pretend we are Reddit" threads always kill me.

Everybody remembers this lewd cabaret dancer mouse, but my real honey was always the mouse loli.

>seeking out a series to hate on
>projecting this hard

I'm open to new stuff, even if you say it is reddit tier entry level plebshit. It was a let down, I was expecting something funny, but maybe I'm not resonating with )))murrikan((( humor


There is a live action Mulan in the works


I've always been curious as to the type of people who post replies like this. However, since seeing My 600-lb life I've got a clearer picture in my mind.

I hope you die of a massive heart attack you pathetic waste of space

Lol this show is H*LLA FR**KIN' EPIC

Is this legitimate?

Answer me honestly.

It's real but McDonald's put out a statement shortly after that their twitter was 'hacked'

It was posted and almost immediately removed.

They were "hacked", but yes it went up

r/donald here btw

>yet another rick and morty thread
>same autistic fuck that complains that people dont take his cartoons seriosly
>op isn't even related to the show, just a twitter screencap
epic, simply epic. 4dewin

Guess you're a little bit mad-dit


Rick and Morty the Cartoon. Cartoon for adults! Cartoon :D

Ironic racist jokes are still racist. Save your "Sup Forums is satire guise!" bullshit for the judge once you get slappped with a hate speech charge, dickhead.

Rick specifically states Morty's name sounds like an old jewish man in the good memory parasites episode how are these people so autistic?

someones final day I see

im pretty sure they erased that bit from their minds. it was potentially problematic and conflicting with their reddit beliefs.

if Rick were to be featured dancing over a pile of emaciated dead jews they would go automatically blind for the duration of that segment.


Why? I don't think it was the Rick & Morty thing, I think it was "McNugga" sounds to much like "nigga". It's the first thing I thought when I read it.

Literally all me

yes please

How bout the beginning you mongoloid