Key takeaway from the Turkish coup

If you are not prepared to shoot at approaching Islamic terrorist sympathizers on the street, you will be killed and your coup has failed.

P.S. the complete absence of women in Turkey in the coup (on either side) is interesting.

Honestly an event like this I can see being very damaging to the country even if it failed, I expect we'll be seeing more out of Turkey soon assuming this is even over (conflicting reports).

Also probably not a good idea to fire on civilians as you're advocating.

>P.S. the complete absence of women in Turkey in the coup (on either side) is interesting
They were expecting real violence. Women don't want that privilege

>Also probably not a good idea to fire on civilians as you're advocating.
It is the only way to stage a coup. You need to do crowd control. Napoleon used artillery on the crowd and managed to control the situation. If you don't, then the crowd will think they can win.

If I was a Turkish soldier, I would be very angry about the way those soldiers were treated by that mob of savages on the bridge. Killed by your own people! If the rest of the military hit the streets, they will be out for blood.

Civilians can be government agents too.

This. Whiff of grapeshot, you only have power as an army if you are willing to use it.


Certainly I think it would be acceptable if you actually publically announced a curfew or some such and stated anyone outside would be considered an enemy combatant.

I mean they took over the CNN right? It's not like they didn't have a chance to announce their intent.

They needed to have Erdogan killed or arrested, all the major buildings and news outlets in control before Erdogans supporters knew what was happening, They failed to do that, so the coup failed.


>I mean they took over the CNN right? It's not like they didn't have a chance to announce their intent.
Did you see the mob lynching the soldiers at CNN Turkey?

Yes, they had a chance and they actually DID announce the curfew... but the Islamists ignored it and took to the street as a mob.

>>This country thinks it can join the EU

They did announce a curfew. Erdogan and the police told people to defy it. They lacked the mettle to enforce their curfew.

>W-We a-are yuropean i-i swear to Allah

It's a disaster from an economic point of view, Tourism is very important in Turkey, they already had shrinking numbers because of all the bombings and Erdogans war with the PKK, I seriously doubt this failed coup will help to turn that trend around.

>Also probably not a good idea to fire on civilians as you're advocating.

Fuck them. Not even a day earlier we say a guy mow down 84 civvies on his own, and where was the outrage? No, just more of them mealymouthed bullshit we've been getting for years. So why is it acceptable when a muslim terrorist does it, but not a secular revolutionary?

Shoot the scum in the streets. That's what they support, and that's what they ought to get.

My mistake, I must admit I haven't followed this with much scrutiny, too many happenings for me to care about some sandniggers.

I can only conclude they should have enforced their control with extreme prejudice and you're correct.

It's ok we had so many happenings. It'll actually be nice if it gets boring for a while.

>P.S. the complete absence of women in Turkey in the coup (on either side) is interesting.

They would get gang raped. We are talking about Muslims here.

I think we've allbeen played by this 'coup'

>They would get gang raped. We are talking about Muslims here.

They probably would.

This world remains a men's world. Feminists are BTFO.

>tfw the sonic boom was not caused by a jet but by koksal baba moving at incredibly hihg speeds

Majority of soldiers were probably not even aware about them being part of the coup. They were told that it's was training or some shit like that. Of course they were not prepared to shoot civilians.

On the absence of women.

It shows how the fenale electorate, which votes heavily Left, is worthless once it comes down to a clash of force.

Only men matter. Only the amount of men you can mobilise, either in the army, police, or as a civilian mob, who are willing to fight, matter.

If an army coup were launched in a European country, the Right would win against the Left by default. Because the Left electorally depend on the female vote, and women coubt for nothing if politics comes down to a clash of force.

The Right, which dominate the Male electorate, particularly the Male working class electorate (aka non-numales), would easily outnumber the Left and win the battle of the streets in a coup situation.

Funny how the west supports the Turkish government "democratically elected". Ukraine didn't get the same treatment.

Christ that's a little heavy. Never heard of soft power?

Damn its a long time ago I heard the sound of a G3

>If an army coup were launched in a European country, the Right would win against the Left by default. Because the Left electorally depend on the female vote, and women coubt for nothing if politics comes down to a clash of force.

I think you have a point.

Turk women don't exist.
Turk roaches are A-Sexual and pop out of the ground.

soft power means fuck nothing in real shtf situations

The result

Fucking knew Baba Köksal was behind this shit.

do not hesitate
when the horde approaches waste the motherfuckers

>Napoleon used artillery on the crowd and managed to control the situation.

That was 200 years ago on dirty peasants. Even if turks are below average human, they are still smart enough today to not support a power which shoots them if its opposed.

I see a lot of soft power squished on the side of the road there m8

"Soft power" in a clash of force means men, and only men, willing to act as a mob and sacrifice themselves to storm positions held by other men. Again, women, and the Left voting female electorate, count for nothing when politics is settled by force: only men, dominated by the Right, count.

>If an army coup were launched in a European country, the Right would win against the Left by default. Because the Left electorally depend on the female vote, and women coubt for nothing if politics comes down to a clash of force.


Revolutionaries should NEVER try to make women a main point in the revolution, even under national socialism, women had no position seizing power.

Wow that one guy at the end was fucked up

you can still launch tear gas and use flash bangs against civis.

What does it tell us about the state of secularism in Turkey that the people act like this in defence of their PM

Is Ataturk's legacy kill?

Which is why all Euros should be raising political consciousness in the Army and Police and preparing them for the necessity of Armed Men taking power from the Left-Wing Female electorate soon, to save your nations from their suicidal female madness of pathelogical altrusim.

kinda true. russians and kurds both used women fighers. looking at number it's only about 20-30% difference between cucked me and women.

>the complete absence of women in Turkey in the coup (on either side) is interesting.

implying glorious turkish mothers didn't fight for democracy

No idea about Russians, but Kurds most certainly don't use women 'fighters'.

The women you see waving a gun around are 6 mile behind the front line arsing around with photography crews for propaganda purposes, Kurds have been very effective at their online propaganda.

When you see Kurdish women going street to street, clearing buildings, stepping on mines and getting 7.62 to the chest when they open an occupied door, then they'll be involved in the fighting.


It shows a lot about those who partook in the coup and their reluctance to harm their fellow Turks, as their focus was on the government not the people. However it's pretty much as you say OP, these people are those who support the the despot and Islamist/Islamist supporter that is Erdogan and his fellow party members should not be shown mercy if this coup was to succeed or have a bigger impact than it did.

Leftist policies have practically made certain that there will be bloodshed across Europe. I pity the fools that stand with the invaders. Traitors are hated by all.

The sweet, short grumble.
Hope we can shoot some rounds together sometime in the bleak near future, Jorunn.
Till then, take care.

How did Sam al Haydn manage to drive that truck full of grenades and ice cream all the way from Nice ?

Thanks for the advice Australia.

You should know better.

From the Austrian election.
The Right dominate the rational male electorate.
The Left depend on the irrational female electorate.

If it came down to a class of force, all the Left's women would be useless, and the Right would dominate the coup and street.

The same is true in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Look at the gender split for thr Hard-Right Party. Men support it strongly, only women give the Left their electoral advantage, and women count for nothing in a coup/clash of force.

>Turk women don't exist.
but that's why cock craving white sissy faggits like you exist for :^)

Hofer would win the street battle in Austria.

Women do not count in a clash of force. Nu-male cucks do not count. The electoral base of the European Left therefore, does not count and can not put any one useful onto the streets.

Working men, willing to form mobs and fight, count. Policemen willing to fight count. Army men willing to dight count.

>tfw you'ill never be part of the Red Army Faction
Why even live tbqh

Look at the gender divide in Germany.

Look at all the men the AfD could turn out into the streets as a fighting mob. Look at all the women the cuck parties would have to leave at home.

Lesson from Turkey: Women who vote Left do not count if politics is decided by force.