Will somebody ever call Negan out for his leaning?

Will somebody ever call Negan out for his leaning?

Reminds me of press x to Shaun

he's not leaning he just has intense vertigo from an inner ear infection, also makes his hearing a little bad so he feels awkward interacting with people, sometimes he stands too close.

He's pelvic thrusting at his bitch Eugene.

>when you try to do anime poses in the mirror

Haha look at Cia in the back.

Anyone else started leaning like Negan just to impress the girls?

>on a packed train
>girl with huge bag tries to get on
>give her the ol' mean lean
>her bag fits perfectly past the curvature of my flexible spine
>we exchange a glance
>she smiles
>wink at her like just Negan would
>her eyes widen not knowing what to expect next
>look down at her shoes and mumble "I just gave you the old mean lean!"
>she squeezes past an elderly couple and moves to the other end of the carriage


ayyy lmao

I keep adding all these little things to my day-to-day life like, Negan's leaning, Delaney's hmmming, Sopranos' doublefinger point, etc.

When people see me doing that kind of stuff look at me funny but I'm positive it's because they are confused with my extremely alpha attitude.

does he know about Sup Forums?


>"we are the walking dead"
>show goes on for 6 more seasons

this show is too deep for me

This is like the 6th time he does the power stance, I bet he does

He's never done it before that episode retard

>It's a hothead gets rekt episode

Dr. Porter, I'm Saviors.

I can't tell what's real and what's a shop anymore.

I adopt the CIA stance all the time. It makes me look like an autistic retard but it comforts me in a strange way

1 + 2 = " like 6 times"?

>"He's never done it before that episode retard"
>Evansposter in charge of not being a faggot

Literally filler the character.

>Hey, it's been two whole weeks since Negan showed up and harassed people. But RDM is costing us too much so let's call Backup Negan.

you know that's steven ogg, aka Trevor from GTA V, right?

he's the mall cop from Dawn of the Dead

>Sopranos' doublefinger point
it's how italians call you a cuck with body language you dumb piece of shit

Did Dwight switch sides again?

Why did 'Neg bargain with the trash heap people instead of making them join his communist society?

This guy has a fantastic physique

Even Normies notice his stance.

>the ol' mean lean

i guess we have another celebrity who comes here

I've been calling cucks in Italian finger language for a long time, then

I don't understand why everyone acts like Negan is immortal or bullet proof.

SHoot him. Just kill him, and bam, you are the new leader. It's just un-realistic that some leader would act like that and never be killed. Especially in a apaloplytic world. It's just written like some edgy teen fantasy or something. REason why i don't watch this dumb show

>Bargain with them so they turn on Rick
>Afterwards tell them they have to give you half their shit or you'll kill them