Any european here?

Any european here?

Are Portuguese as conservative as they pretend to be in /luso/?

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It's all bullshit. They're butthurt because the government is leftist and if the current leftist coalition lasts more than two terms the right will go extinct in our country. They're so desperate they even had a guy trying the same rhetoric as Trump (but against gypsies) and even though everyone hates the fuck out of gypsies he still lost to the communists.

You see an over representation of portuguese rightists/conservatives online for the same reason as everywhere else: they're a bunch of pathetic losers irl who claim all their lives' problems are due to some variable out of their control that is being rigged against them due to a vast conspiracy custom-made to fuck with them specifically.

That's sad. I thought you were really right wing.

os ciganos precisam de ser erradicados tho

Also, obviously they're overreacting and the right won't die. The current president is from the right and he's a dodgy fucker who's spent literally two decades as a tv pundit, talking about literally everything, both rebuilding his public image after a political career that was nothing but losses and building a good connection with the media. Both were important to winning the presidential election (as well as the fact Antonio Guterres decided to run for secretary-general of the UN, he literally waited for Guterres to make his announcement before he himself announcing he was running for president of Portugal) and he's now pretending to be best bros with the leftist government while waiting for the right opportunity to fuck them over.

All the exacerbate conservative rhetoric you see on the internet is a minority that has no voice in real life because the left has all the political power and influence in the west.
It's really sad.


For reference, I have no idea how the portuguese act in the general because generals are fucking cancer and I have enough self-respect not to browse them.

most people under 25 are leftist or PC obsessed cunts

Never take generals to represent flags on Sup Forums in general, let alone the general population of a country.

If it's anything like Norgetråden, it is 4-8 people talking to each other in an echo chamber day in and day out. I assume it's the same for the majority of the nation specific threads except for perhaps the major ones.

Your place is in Cuba, n korea or venezuela, but essencially out of the glorious portuguese land.
commie vote is falling since the 80's... leftards only grow cause of non-european immigrant influx and gibs low iq parasites. They are destroying all the west, for some reason far right wing is growing.

depends on subject and region and family/social strata

rich kids (and uni students from social sciences all around the cunt) are carbon copies from elsewhere in europe (they even talk about subjects that are not a thing here).
everyone else doesn't speak too much about politics since it's frowned upon to share your opinions publicly (in private is a whole diferent mater). Those who do it either are clueless or they have something to gain from it (i.e campaigners, caciques, lobyists, wannabe politicians, etc).

generalizing we are left-to-center in economic maters and inveterate moralists with relativistic positions regarding social issues.

that's not true, PCP has been in decline but BE has been reaping the young voters ever since catarina martins got the leadership.
Immigrants don't really vote, but those who do, go for PS
Most votes for BE come from protest voting (as seen blantantly in 2011)
Also our right-wing is non-existant at the moment (and has not existed since 1979, I think, dunno when they dissolved) and there are no signs it's going to change anytime soon, it would be too risky for them to come out yet (the constitution fucks them over if they try anything without large support)

>that's not true, PCP has been in decline but BE has been reaping the young voters ever since catarina martins got the leadership.

read what i've wrote, i said pcp vote is falling, not Be, Be growth comes because of protst vote i agree with you there, and also minorities.... minorities vote for all the left, that's why they are mass legalizing them. Basically they are faking the democracy, that will lead to caos, because portuguese, swedes and french, also brits are being replaced in their own homelands, that will extreme the positions, and you will see wwii and spanish civil war once again

>explain the situation from an objective, apolitical standpoint
>get called a commie

Back to your trash general with you.

>minorities vote for all the left, that's why they are mass legalizing them
nay, that's what NOL folk likes to think, but it's not as true as they wished

Hell, PS itself was responsible for many cases of no nationality in portugal. As complicated it is to understand this, PSD has done far more for immigrant legalization than PS ever did. It's counter-intuitive but ultimately true.
Monhé did change things though, he has opened ways for africans from CPLP to become portuguese citizens with some ease, but this is recent and very interesting considering their positions.

Finaly, what happens elsewhere in europe is of no concern to us, if they crash and burn, all the better for our interests. I think you forgot we are currently chained to germany and are a de-facto protectorate of them - if we are to ever recover, we need germany to fuck off
and defaulting IS NOT an option, defaulting would leave us right in the commies' hands


>They're butthurt because the government is leftist and if the current leftist coalition lasts more than two terms the right will go extinct in our country. They're so desperate they even had a guy trying the same rhetoric as Trump (but against gypsies) and even though everyone hates the fuck out of gypsies he still lost to the communists.
this is honestly the dumbest reading of portuguese politics i've ever heard in my entire life, you have to be congratulated.

are you by any chance an 18 year old communications major?

everyone in this shithole board is an ugly, dumb, social reject, regardless of nationality or political affiliation


That's completely not the point. the point is there isn't any right seriously in portugal. the problem is our government is run by masons since 1911 and it created a culture of corruption, giving important positions to friends and cousins who are clearly not qualified to manage a state, and politicians going into politics for profit and not for love of people and country.

And people who opose this are labled as extremists because there hasn't been a true "right" wing party in portugal since 1974. And If you oppose the government, whatever it is, you are obviously a Fascist.

boas primo

| >an objective, apolitical standpoint
Good bait still since you got an user triggered in > everyone hates the fuck out of gypsies
True and well deserved btw.
You must understand part of PT anons come for as well.
People vote Centre-Left and Left, and Extreme-Left due to economical reasons including the gibsmedats and populist statement about the gibs. The main Centre-Right party has lost major electorate and doesn't have a course currently and leadership is currently being disputed due to weak results in local elections in 1st October 2017. We also don't know or the party doesn't know how to brings their idea to the people while the centre-left party - social-democracy party in latinist society promises gibsmedats and wage rises for public sector..

>nay, that's what NOL folk likes to think, but it's not as true as they wished

This is the truth, there are even some studies regarding this kind of stuff, usually in the usa, but also here in europe, minorities tend to vote left, because, it opens the doors for them.

>As complicated it is to understand this, PSD has done far more for immigrant legalization than PS ever did

This is also false. They both agree in the opened borders policy,but PS has done much more, than Psd in that chapter, the first nationality laws were done in 2006 by ps, where sons, of immigrants could reclaimg portuguese citizenship, just go read them. This is a act of treason, and our ancestors would never ever tolerate this.

Finaly, what happens elsewhere in europe is of no concern to us, if they crash and burn, all the better for our interests.

Nop, what happenes in the rest of europe has an impact in Portugal for obvious reasons, first because we are all europeans, second because of schengen.

>triggered loser's retort is calling me someone who has a major at the ripe young age of 18

I don't know why I bother. The thread got raided by general tards who refreshed the catalog and saw their flag in a thread. You can safely disregard every portuguese post after