I'm an atheist! Debate me!
Come at me Sup Forumsro!
I'm an atheist! Debate me!
Come at me Sup Forumsro!
You still live your mom
Hane you ever worn that shirt out in public?
Differentiate Atheism and Agnosticism.
>You still live your mom
i still live my mom?
Everything vibrates nothing is at rest. Angels are said to be creatures of pure light. Humans are electrical creatures. Humans can only percieve .000035% of the electromagnetic spectrum that which all of existense exists within through our 5 senses.
Could it be that angels/spirits/jinns are electrical beings that exist in the 99.99% of existense right next to our cell phone and wifi waves? Since everything exists in the emf spectrum
I literally only own about 16 of that shirt and matching pants and that's all i wear/
Nicee one...Elon Musky..
An atheist is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief that a god or gods exist.
And agnostic is an atheist who doesn't realize they're an atheist lol
But seriously. Agnostics maintain that it is impossible to know one way or another if a god exists and i agree. But the fact is that if you don't hold a belief that a god exists then you're an atheist. In that case, an agnostic atheist which is the only reasonable sort of atheist to be.
Well i guess it's possible lol
Atheist? The cardinal would like to have a word with you.
Agnostics should just claim hermeticist.
Hermeticism teaches you that your personal relationship to existencr is your religion and that religion without science is blind
what do you do when you die?
Psh, what's it loaded with? Jesus?
you spelled 'autist' wrong
Does my lack of spirituality threaten you? If not then why do you attack?
Your heart gets weighrd against a feather and weight is built from regrets and pain.
Anything that weighs more than the feather gets eaten by an alligator monster
nigga you high
Hide. On November 4th a leaker will dump all internettraffic since 2013, a 100% copy of xkeyscore for everyone. The purge USA only November 4th staring at Keyne Wests house. Run
I'm guessing decompose
Nothing in the world can grow without a seed. I just wonder after the big band where did all the original seeds come from for all the plant and trees in the world. And did all creatures come from the primordial uzz and not only that but they all came out with a Male and a female that have to plant seed inside to grow. That's a whole lot of everything just happening just right if god didn't make it
>big band
which one? Glenn Miller? Stan Kenton?
Yes it's a mystery. But not knowing the answer does not give us sufficient reason to decide that a god is responsible
This old canard.
Were they killing in the name of atheism? No, they were killing for political control.
>Were they killing in the name of atheism? No, they were killing for political control.
The official Soviet stance was anti-religious you muppet. The Soviet regime is the definition of militant atheism.
The cathedral in pic related was burned down on Stalin's direct orders.
>atheists never killed in the name of atheism
Great mastery of History you got there, burgerman. Pic related
What if i agree with you?
What's you mom look like?
Yeah, because religion means control is not solely in the hands of the state. No one ever killed for the belief that there is no god.
Do you see the difference?
Theres a big difference between agnostic and atheist,
Agnostics believe it cant be proven so they dont necessarily disbelieve god, but they dont believe, and there are some agnostic athiests, and there are agnostics of every religion
Athiests do not believe in god, just flat, do not
Whats the difference between believing in God and believing Santa honestly
Me: im pagan
Then i'd agree with you lol
More people have died because of religion than anything else in the world, thats a fucking fact, not an opinion, its a fucking plague
>Me: im pagan
do you wear goat leggings?
Pastafarianism for the win
You have no idea what paganism is
Least you could do is be educated
>No one ever killed for the belief that there is no god.
>lenin and stalin sending priests to gulags for being priests
I knew atheists are delusional, but to this degree? oof
You believe in God, and God is real, you go to heaven.
You don't believe in God, and God is real, you go to Hell.
You can believe God is a construct used to control the people. And you are correct most of the time because of religious corruption.
However, if you take the bible as philosophy; there is a lot of life lessons and wisdom in there even if you don't believe in God.
Proverbs is an excellent example of wisdom trying to passed down to the next generation so they don't make the same mistakes.
Your delusional, that was because they didnt preach his god
I dont give a flying fuck what anyone believes, but people use religion as an excuse to do ridiculous things, if half the people took a stippy step down of their high chair from being fed mashed bananas and thought a sec, they could realize that
>atheists burning churches
>killing clergymen
>imprisoning the devout
>lmao atheists dindu nuffin u r dumb
Only on rare occasion has that happened, and 9 times out of ten it wasnt an athiest, it just got pinned on atheists to make the public hate them, Christians are really good at thay. besides, thats not what im here to argue for, im arguing religion as a whole, including atheism or not, is why most people have died in history
Also idk what you mean imprisoning the devout bc athiests have never had control of government in any way
You are misinformed my good sir
Literally ignoring facts.
As we all know the leadership of the Soviet Union were devout, religious folk who persecuted the dindu nuffin peaceful atheists.
Wise Sayings About Fools From The Bible
>Just as snow should not fall in summer, nor rain at harvest time, so people should not honor a fool.
>You have to whip a horse, you have to put a bridle on a mule, and you have to beat a fool.
>A fool trying to say something wise is like a crippled person trying to walk.
>A fool trying to say something wise is like a drunk trying to pick a thorn out of his hand.
>Like a dog that returns to its vomit, a fool does the same foolish things again and again.
what do you enjoy about being an atheist?
>Theres a big difference between agnostic and atheist,
There really isn't.
If you lack a belief in a god then you're an atheist. No two ways about it.
If you maintain that it can't be known or that it's uncertain but don't hold a positive belief that a god exists then you're still an atheist.
An agnostic atheist.
>what do you enjoy about being an atheist?
Well...nothing in particular. I enjoy my life same as anyone else. The fact that i'm an atheist doesn't really enter into it.
Why do you advertise the fact that you're n atheist? Are you just a dick trolling for arguments irl?
Of course it's possible but we have the ability to detect almost all ossihlr wavelengths of EMR and haven't seen anything that would indicate your hypothesis.
Can't believe what you don't find believable. How come you don't believe in the powers of unending reencarnation as given by Krishna? And yes the bible has some good morals and proverbs, doesn't mean it's a book of fact though.
do you believe that we are living in a simulation as some atheists do?
>i'm an atheist, debate me
Gosh. I wonder what i might be hoping for with that kind of advertisement...
lol come on, dude.
is there a religion that shocks you more than any others?
I bet you get all the bitches wet with that shirt
The atheist ones, anyway lol
Where was your god in Armenia?
Where was you god in World War I?
Where was your god in the Rape of Nanking or Berlin? In Hiroshima? In Poland?
Where was your god in Rwanda?
Where was your god in Cambodia, where babies where bashed against a tree?
Where is your god when children starve to death, without even the slightest chance in life?
Where is your god when Narcos kidnap 100 people and make them fight like gladiators?
...are you asking me that or making a point to theists?
If God exists, then he created you and everything you're arguing to disprove him. As none of those arguments could exist without him, you've just proven, irrefutably, that God exists. Bitch what now?
Saying bad stuff happens places didn't disprove God, just that bad shit happens. Get gud fag
Someone/thing would first have to have made said simulation, effectively making them God or Gods
>Bitch what now?
lol easy
IF god exists.
>As none of those arguments could exist without him
This is retarded user
Have fun when you die and go to banworld
Ain't no one gonna have fun when they die because there is no life after death,
Not that, that's necessarily an atheistic point of view lol