Pic and timestamp for proof

Pic and timestamp for proof

I was raped tonight at a haloween party (femanon/cumdumpster), the guy put xanax in my drink and fucked my while I slept in my own bed. I am on the pill but he did not use a condom and came inside me.

what are the odds I have herpes or syphilis or something?

do i have to go to the doc with no symptoms?

also how many men would do this?

please note that i live in Australia so the time zones are different

Attached: DSC_394.jpg (1987x1490, 141K)

How about go to the fucking police?

>pic says july

I hope you did get raped you dumb faggot

Why do you look so cheerful if you were just raped?

Yeah.. 6 years ago..
Dont you ever get tired of posting this dumbass shit?

It's true its July in australia

Attention whore go call the police if you want something done about it

The timestamp is so wrong, try better next time plz. And why do you do this you pathetic person?

July 13th? Um cunt wrong date

let's see creampied pussy

OP just kill yourself you dumb asshole


Gay thread

Serious question, why post shit like this when it’s obvs not real. Like what’s the point

Halloween Is over in about 13 minutes in Australia

Because he has nothing going on in his life except this shitty site, and you replied.

>The timestamp is so wrong, try better next time plz.
>July 13th? Um cunt wrong date
It's actually spring time in Australia right now, do you guys not know how the southern hemisphere works? read a fucking book

I looked it up, its definitely not july in australia

Report it to the police you fuckin stupid, they'll take care of everything

I got a fetish for this but would never act on it cause I'm not an utter piece of shit, if I'm banging someone who's into yeah it's diamonds


I live in Australia you stupid cunt it’s definitely not July

I live in New Zeland and it's July here

can confirm OP checks out

July 13th wasn't even a Friday in 2019.

>July 13th wasn't even a Friday in 2019.
That's the current date in Australia user, and it's spring there

How the fuck do you guys not know who tomboy-chan is? She stuffed many things in her pooper for us.

>I live in Australia you stupid cunt it’s definitely not July
check again faggot, and watch out for dingos getting your baby


>let's see creampied pussy
rude bro she just got raped

I would fake being preggors and get half his paychecks for life. Never have to work again. Jeff Bezo had a one night stand and ended up losing 68 billion dollars to his ex wife. Instant Billionaire without working for it other than spreading legs.

So are you mad because he roofied you so you couldn't enjoy it?

Yeah, it may be spring, but July is summer. Everyone knows this!

you're a fucking retard, she wanted it.

July is winter in Australia actually

I thougt it is spring?

Are you guys seriously still spreading that Australia rumor? It's undoubtedly fictional just like Wyoming. Stop falling for Jewish map tricks.

go get checked
go to the police if you haven't showered if you wanna report him
a lot of desperate people would like to do this. A lot wouldn't have the gut to, so, a small percentage would actually do it.
Also, wtf, is that a troll or something ?

It's the same with Bielefeld for the germans.

I remember

Attached: 614950490.jpg (768x1024, 125K)

Attached: tomboynew1.jpg (1080x1080, 281K)

Precisely. I'm not sure who is behind all these absurd rumors of strange places but I blame the blacks and Jews.
>and the Mexicans too

Oh nice, she got skinny again. She had gotten a bit chunky for a while there.

Checked, when your balls deep it's hard to pull out, take it as a compliment.


That shit is so fucking dumb. They need to fix that shit. How can a whore get billions for just spreading her legs?

July.... right....

Attached: 2019-10-31 09.33.31.png (438x366, 41K)

you felt the need to research that?


rape thread

>aus fag reporting
it's the first of november right now don't tell us what season or date it is when you don't live here cunt.
fuck you americunts are lost first you need guns to protect yourself which is a fuckign delusion because we belt people with milk crates, our fists and legit anything we can get our hands on if need be and now you're trying to tell us how the weather is meant to be.
fuck just nuke yourselves and do the world a favor.

So it’s pretty hot down there then?

the weather is nothing short of erratic in aus It can be freezing fucking cold 1 one day then 34 the next but it hasn't been that hot here just yet it was 36 degrees the other day and its not even summer.
