I've been a die-hard conservative for most of my life. My boy is 7 years old. I took a shower with him this morning. He told me my penis made him feel weird and he got an erection from just looking at it. I cannot deal with the idea that my son is gay. The fact he's so young makes me think there's still time but I never felt that way when I was his age. I'm worried to God that it's never going to change for him. I don't think I would be able to cope emotionally. It's not something I was built for as a person. I'm even thinking the insane and unimaginable thought of leaving them. Both him and my wife.
I've been a die-hard conservative for most of my life. My boy is 7 years old. I took a shower with him this morning...
Well I guess ask yourself if you believe in family or not. If you don't, then leave. If you do then stay.
That's really all there is to it
quit showering with your 7 y/o you fag
Ok faggot
I’m not a leftie cuckold but if he truly is gay, user, and he doesn’t grow out of it, then you still need to be there for him as a father figure. Without a dad to guide and defend him the kid is gonna grow up getting raped by priests and druggies and shit like that
Pedo! Mods mods mods
See if he wants to touch it
Beat the fucker..
I was beaten with a belt and I turned out ok..
Though not all parents take the initiative
Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Godtard’s boy is a faggot. Are you questioning your magic, invisible, floating faggot’s perfect plan? Maybe it’s time for you to come out of the closet champ. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.....
we found the beta, neckbeard atheist fag.
Firstly quit showering with your son, secondly do not panic he is too young i remember we used to say some gay shit too when we were 7
I showered myself at 7, why the fuck u be in the shower with him? I think your the one with issues buddy
maybe he is just bisexual? just because he has an erection doesnt mean he is gay. It doesnt even mean he is bisexual, maybe he is just coming into a curious phase, that doesnt mean hes turning gay. I'd really suggest you not to enforce things on him, if you try he might hate you for his entire life, worse, he might actually become gay, kinda lieka self fullfilling prophecy, you believe he is gay and your behaviour fucks with him so much he decides to like his own gender more than the other
tl;dr don't worry dude.
Any normal 7 year old doesn't know what an erection is.
Clear your browser history and don't let him use your computer you faggot.
Haha, still think abortion is bad fagdad?
Maybe i was a weird 7 y/o then lol
This guy has a priest’s cock in his mouth right now. And he LOVES it.
oh ye besides that your son is coming into an age wher ehe should learn to shower himself, not with his dad. Tbh i never showered with my dad, as far as i remember my mom did most of the showering/bathing. (and no she didnt bath with me lol, she was outside and watched me and my brother. (but when i went to primary school i was showering already on my own, probably even before that)
Dude kids experiment with their sexuality gender has nothing to do with it and it doesn't matter if you are his dad most kids have never even seen a naked body at that point it's natural but if it bothers you dont shower with him anymore you fucking faggot
Hit him often, so he stops associating men with pleasure
Tell him his feelings are unnatural and train him by showing him straight and gay porn, if he gets a boner from gay porn hit him, if he gets hard from straight porn tell him you love him and are proud of him, also buy him a gift
10 years later, boy hates his father+ associates hate with gay porn = he becomes hate, he becomes gay. Worst advice ever. or intentional? maybe ur just one of the mk ultra fags here.
Dude, if you love your son you shoulf accept him, no matter what their sexuality is. For the love of god, explain to him that his feeling are valid, let him know that you love him, no matter what happens.
Be a good father and give your son the love he deserves. If you try to change him it will only cause him pain.
Why tf are you showering with your son OP???
White people are weird af yall
meh there are some limits, i'd never eve rlet my kid go through a gender chang eop, its the same shit as breast enlargement. Everyone who is not satisfied with their body is mentally ill, they try to cover up their identity issues and weaknesses with the identification of the other gender, instead on working on themselfes. Not saying there are real gay people out there, but this 100% encouraging behaviour is as stupid as completely discouraging children. You need to find a health balance, teach your son how to deal with his fate of beeing a man, not how to be one, thats a path someone has to find on his own
No, being trans isn't a mental illness.
Should you let a 11 y/o have plastic seurgery? No
Should you give them puberty blockers, if they don't feel comfortable im their gender? Yes.
Puberty blockers have almost no downsides, (they can lower carmon in your body, but just drink some milk and you'll be fine). When one gets off them they'll develop normaly and if a person does decide they want to continue their transition, they can do so much easier than if they went through puberty of the gender with witch they don't identify.
christ conservatives have gotten fucked up since donald trump got elected
go figure why people hate bible thumpers
Things that never happened for $800 please alex
Smack the gay out of him. Simple. Take his ass out of school and homeschool away from the faggots.
Kid sees penis
Kid feels weird
Kid things of big titties to take his mind off of it
Kid gets boner
Statistically, I'd say this is more likely than that your kid is gay. Stop taking showers with him and don't worry about it.
Maybe just kill the little guy. For sure not gay that way
fucking piece of shit, it is a mental illness, just because you read fucking books about psychatry(or psychopatry, how to brainwash humans as i like to refer to it) does not mean you are capable of understanding how the human mind works. Kids are the result of their environment and are from birth on part of the fate their biology gave them, if you do teach them that they can choose, they'll choose the easier side, the same as children would go for choclate than for broccoli. Its so fucked up to think that way. Really. I'd refer to people like you even worse than mentally retarded, you are actually perpetrating a hidden genocide onto these people. Theres a reason suicide rates in the transgender community is so high. Fuck i hate libtards. And im not a trumtard or somwhat im in the center, and fuck i find this way disgusting. There are gay people, and i don't have an issue with it, i have an issue with the way our society embraces homosexuality on a whole new level. If you can't teach your kid how to deal with its fate of existence, then it'll easily fall for this propaganda and you deserve it to be taken out of th egenetic pool by this trans generational genocide.
>society embraces homosexuality
No it doesn't, it's legal to be fired for being LGBTQ+ in 28 states in the US
>ThE LibTaRdS ArE cOmEInG To TaKe OuR cHiLdReN
Don't you get tier of being a living caricature?
>just because you read books...
You should try to read some yourself. It might help you to stop being a pice of shit.
lol you tell me to read books to understand the human mind, you are a walking joke. You have no idea, you are a disappointment for all living creatures in this world, theres no point to argue with somone who isn't willing to see. I'm sorry for your kids.
Its what my dad did and now im married with two kids so i know it works
No, the human mind is too complex for you to understand fully. You should read a book so that you learn how to put together an actual sentence.
I hope english isn't your firat language, you're half literate.
Thats why you project it onto me(the believe you think i believe i know it) i never said i know how it works, this is the difference you are full of shit, im not.