I fucking hate americans so much. They are so dumb and IGNORANT it hurts

I fucking hate americans so much. They are so dumb and IGNORANT it hurts.
>Be average brainlet american
>Use completely retarded unit system
>Don't know basic physics, don't even know how to convert units
>Hurr durr metric sucks
>Have over 10% niggers and tons of spics on top of it
>Race mixing is the norm
>Literal ghettos ruled by gangs in a """first world country"""
>Hurr durr europe is an islamic shithole
>Every retard owns multiple guns
>Mass shootings every other week
>Hurrr durr europeans cant defend themselves because they have no guns

Attached: fat-dumb-and-ugly-9781451603903_lg.jpg (350x350, 51K)

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OP copes by trolling.

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The most average, yes..

Even in Halloween they are completely obsessed with us

You need a fucking social life mate.

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You watch too much TV OP

Top Zoz™

You can't go 10 minutes without thinking about sucking American dick

I see you're enjoying that Israeli dick-ride, cunts

Israel can get fucked. Being American doesn't mean you're Zionist.

Did you notice how you brought up something unrelated to your seething?

You have l i t e r a l l y n o t h i n g you can say to make Americans hate themselves.

Fuck off and die

> I literally cannot tell the difference between american politicians and the american people
Politicians are beholden to monied interests, so they suck isreal's dick
You think I care about some jews who have literally done nothing for me

Can't admit that you're a slave to Israeli cock

Look at the wittle woropean, isnt he so cute! Look at him bark! WHOS A GOOD BOY? WHOS A GOOD BOY!
God admit, he shit on the floor again, Sarah the stupid fucking dog shit on the floor again, I guess we have to clean it up because he's a stupid fucking dog that is a retard

You hate us cause you ain't us.

Your own citizens hate your country

We have the most powerful military in the world, made the atom bomb, we invented Microwaves, Chemotherapy, The internet, and even the first fucking PC's
> Brainlet Americans
ok retard

Imagine thinking being born in a certain country makes you different or special to anyone else. What a weird existence that must be for you.

>he's a stupid fucking dog that is a retard

ITT triggered americunts

op is clearly trolling but is still 100% correct

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euroniggers have no guns, so it's true, euronigger. what are you gonna do when a pack of mohammed comes down on your ass with torches and pitchforks and all the other crude melee instruments you euroniggers use as weapons? anyway, all that other shit is basically true except that freedom units dont need to be converted when you live in freedomland.

75% of American adults are overweight, half are obese.

Only 15% of American adults read at least one book a year.

Could go on, but you get the point.

America is only great due to their awesome military, and a few people that aren't black.


stop paying attention and it won't bother you so much.

You cannot even reason with them because entire nation is a giant dunning-krugger effect that is spanning over everything. See how you compare to other countries I don't need to convince you of anything just look it up yourselves. Ignorance is bliss.

don't you have a brexit to worry about?

Well if you listen to the liberals. They hate everything. I don't see to many people leaving this god forsaking county. I see a lot worthless dregs that sell children to get in.