I would pay her my entire savings and emergency fund to sniff her ass
I would pay her my entire savings and emergency fund to sniff her ass
that's a damn good question
i understand you
post more belle pls
$47 seems a bit high
Multiply that by about 1000
answer this, bitch
Because i want to?
that doesn't answer why
i would pay to see how she really is like.
who is her friends? what does she likes? what kind of food does she likes? i want to know what she is thinking about on the sleepless nights.
i mean she is a human being like me, she have feelings and thoughts. i really want to get to know her. not in a creepy way, just... want to know the real her.
DM her on social media or drop a donation on twitch telling her that. She prolly would if the money is right and you arent completely hideous
Her DMs are closed. But hey, Belle, if you're reading this, post a status update that just says "Ok" and we will work something out
i wonder who si taking all her photos
does she have a family?
Is she back yet or is she kill?
She records them as a video and selects the shots she wants to show. Instathots have been doing this for almost a decade now.