Ain't nobody missing Obama

Ain't nobody missing Obama

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Pretty much once a week, I think "Damn, Barak isn't in office anymore"

If he had said or done half the things trump has there would have been actual lynch mobs

as the god of dubs, i concur

fuck that nigger
no you're full a shit you retarded libcuck

I miss not hearing about the president every fucking day

Obama who?

Obama said and did stupid shit constantly. The only difference is that the jew media is balls deep in the DNC's ass so you hardly heard about it.

i miss saying
"thank obama"
im gonna say
thank u cristofer

Nobody ever talks about him.
He was a shoehorned nobody parroting the lines fed to him. Also married to a gorilla.

Very true.

need moar obamski imo... best react pres EVER!

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Not entirely true. I miss the kill list and the drone strikes on americans and also small children.

It was really fun to show leftists how much of a warhawk he was and how George Bush was basically nothing in comparison to Obama in terms of blood shed

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Witnessed, double dubs wouldn’t lie

i miss when politics was actually about policy

I definitely prefer not having the president not shoved in my face everyday

Name one thing.

You must be very, very, very, very old.

Only one?

blackmailing a foreign country to smear a political opponent.

how the fuck..?

No I just live in Canada

Hell, at this point I'm missing Bush. Either one.

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Bush was more likeable but did way more to fuck the world and our economy than the current president. I’m not a huge fan of trump but he is better than Bush jr. Cheney might have been a better Oval Office occupant

Go to bed Brennan you're drunk

I miss Obama.
It was nice to hear someone talk about America without it sounding like a 3rd grade classroom.

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Well since that isn't what happened except in lefta-fairy tale world, try again.

yeah putting a retarded nigger with an IQ of 85 makes us seem so smart

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>9th grade
He was so erudite.

>my hannity-fairy tale world beats your lefta-fairy tale world

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>He was so erudite.
Um, compared to the other presidents, yes he was.
>expecting info comprehension from a conservative


why u wuold miss cancer?

>but Trump!
You were bragging about Obama's vocabulary, which is barely high school level. Trump is irrelevant. You're the one who fails at reading comprehension.

I miss watching my 401k just stagnate. Never really going up much more than inflation.
Christ, now with Trump I'm afraid to open my statement. My 401k has almost tripled since he took office. I'm not sure my heart can take these gains.


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Except it did happen and there is evidence to prove it. Not Fox news spin, bullshit evidence. Actual written evidence and witnesses that will hold up in a court during impeachment hearings. But go ahead and accuse me of living in a bubble

aint nobody gonna miss trump either,u mad faggot?

>calls people libcucks

>even though he voted for a president who's as big of a libcuck as the people he calls libcucks

cry more trumpshit

its always entertaining when people bring up conservatives and trump.its almost like there proving foreigners right when they call americans stupid.donald trump is hated by conservatives.those red hat morons arent conservatives

Uh huh
Sure it will.
Whoooosh. The sound of the left wishcasting themselves into a frenzy.

Keep dreaming

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Wow are you deluded

Certainly not you Yuri.

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>.donald trump is hated by conservatives
ie; (You)...(not a conservative).







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Not even the user you’re replying to. You just that dumb you’re making me step in.

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the deluded ones are people who think you confederate flag waving hillbillys are gonna win your civil war when trump gets impeached or loses the 2020 election

Lets not pretend. It's mostly already come out and when it's made clear it happened you'll switch over to "yeah so what, everybody does it!!"

>not a conservative

nope,but if you didnt notice.he lost his own party the house majority.there is no reason for a conservative to like donald trump,he's a degenerate from a democrat maga hat wearing hillbillys dont understand why nobody likes you and why you lost the midterms

I just want to know how restricting immigration particularly Mexican immigration, would lead to an increase in national debt.

You’re dumb nigga x 2

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the irony of donald trump tweeting about things hurting the republican agenda,when he destroyed the republican party along with his redneck idiot supporters

Aug 2016


Ivy league Republicans.
Home of the first Never Trumpers


...oh God my sides

Soo...he was behind all that...?

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switch out the word ''all'' for ''of''

Not even close.
They got nothing and know it.
It's all just show.
Wait until the real criminal investigation comes out.
The squealing will be elegant.

ps. It's not against Trump

Lost the midterms?
Republicans picked up 2 more senate seats.
The senate was the Dems holy grail, and they lost ground.

The Dems had no real chance in the Senate, the the right seats weren't up for grabs. But otherwise, you're correct. The Dems made some minor gains in the House, but opposition party usually does better than that in the midterms.

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I'd hardly call anyone who considers any type of a McCain, Ryan or Romney pukes conservative, or for that matter Republican.
The left misses that ilk of traitors because they show weakness and bent over and spread em for the media.
Fuck that.

Conservatives actually handled having a black president with class. I didn’t expect it and it made me respect them. Liberals acting like crybaby’s over trump is lame as fuck.

Ease up on the hate bro. Name calling isn’t going to change anyone’s mind, which should be the point of talking politics.

Yeah, sure kid.

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How's that voter fraud panel coming?

He already won re-election.
Deep down you know it too.
And it's eating you like cancer.

..and it makes me smile

I'll ask Chuck and Nancy.
Although I think they will come up short again and Trump will still win.

Why not the shuttered kobach panel


if only bait like this wasn't written by a russian agent it would be so cool gosh