Watch British shows

>watch British shows
>start to practice my English accent with American girls
>they say I sound weird

Why would you even try to get a British accents? A Mexican with a British accent is laughable.

>5'5" Danny Trejo looking dude wanders over to you
>asks you if you're looking for a cheeky shag
>polishes monocle while waiting for your response

vocaroo it



>oi nobhead! u geddin on me tits, yeh!? i'll bash ye fookin ead in I sware on me mum

>Trying to obtain a British accent
Why in the hell would you want to sound effeminate and gay? Just sound like an American, you're right next door.
>American girls say I sound weird
A Mexican accent mixed with a UK one. Mate, you do sound weird.

American English has a higher pitch though. Sounds like a child talking.


higher pitch in customer service/retail, sure

I agree. I've spent some time in Finland and Germany for a couple of years now and the thing I hate most about American English is the upward inflection. It's annoying having every sentence a question along with speaking out of their nose. I have a southern accent, and it is much more smooth than what you here on tv.

I am on my phone...spellcheck

>I hate most about American English is the upward inflection.

if you're on NPR, a basic bitch, or from the West Coast

omg like literally totally so true who the frig would wanna sound like an briddish dude like omg like they sound do doopin' effeminate and gay like rilly

Disgusting valley girl speak.

I refuse to believe even a faintest suggestion, that an esteemed individual, such as The Honourable Jacob Rees-Mogg, would be engaging in a conversation on this particular forum.

Does that annoy the British? Our 'ds'


not really, it's more of a funny quirk

Because is the original