Indonesian Muslims

Q for Sup Forums - why is it you never see much trouble in Indonesia?

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. But there is very little terrorism in the region and the people there seem to be thriving.

Is it because they are a different sect of Islam?
Is it because they are not in an oil-rich region?
Is it because they are far removed from israel and Saudi Arabia?
Is it because the West has no financial or strategic reason to stir up trouble there?

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Southeast Asians are mostly useless due to their part nigger genetics

They don't do much of anything.

But they are still better than the full on niggers in Papua New Guinea

The chink minority SJW'ed us, the muslim majority in the 50s
We multiculture now

hello Malay-bro.
Is this a place where multi-culti is actually working?

Because Islam itself only slightly fucks people up.

In reality genetics matter more. Human populations vary greatly and populations that are more violent and stupid on average are predisposed to adopting Islam.

I read that Islam was brought to the region by Sufi scholars. That is quite different from the Sunni sect. Maybe that has something to do with it?

They like us cus we helped them out in the 60s.

Also watch this movie on Netflix OP, it'll tell you a bit about the country

Chinamen dominate the region, muslims fear the chinamen

lol what that's not true. They slaughter alternative religious groups in their own land. That's the reason they are a majority.

Their way To practice the religion evolved over time.
They still use islamic court and laws evolve like any juridic system. Like ours if you except they use quran instead of a constitution.
Whenever the others are more into fundamentalism and return To the roots.

Not really. Yeah Malaysia is a multicultural nation. You would think that we all sing kumbaya around the campfire because you don't hear anything bad about race relations here on US media, but that's just not true. There is a strong racial tension amongst Malaysians especially in West Malaysia. It's uncommon for the Malays to mingle around Chinese people or with Indians and vice versa. The average Malaysian Chinese is not even fluent in Malay. This tension is further inflamed by the fact that the Malay majority has special privileges compared to other groups. This is not a joke, Malay privileges is literally in our constitution. It's called ketuanan Melayu. Don't even get me started on Islam in Malaysia. US liberals are not doing the liberals in our country any favors by siding with Islam. WTF is wrong with them..fucking hell.

There were racial tensions a couple of decades ago, but now multiculturalism is forced into our minds from young. Malays are hardly a problem since most of them are actually moderate mudslimes, and they get what's coming to them when they do typical shitskin things.

I'm glad to hear an inside perspective, Malay-bro.

I don't side with anyone who puts religion above governance. Liberals in the US at least tend to have a blind spot for reality when it comes to Islam and nonwhites. They honestly see just what they want to and ignore the rest.

Because Indonesia is a Muslim majority. Attacks don't get reported as terrorist attacks but just domestic crimes. Their more hardline terroristic people go to the Philippines to fuck-up our south.

Yeah I hear about that shit there. Is Subic Bay still open or did our navy gtfo?

> Is Subic Bay still open or did our navy gtfo?
Subic bay is safe. Your navy got out more than 30 years ago.

They have terror attacks, they don'tmake headlines in your country because the people have no idea the country exist.


There is a lot of Islamic bullshit that happens in Indonesia and Malaysia that the average US citizen doesn't know about. In Malaysia Islamic history is a mandatory subject. And there is no freedom of religion here. Once you convert to Islam it is near impossible to convert back. If you're Malay. It is in the constitution that you are born Muslim and can never convert out of Islam.

Listen all Indonesians want do is make shirts and shoes for USA.
China is the problem in SE Asia, and the only problem

After a coup attempt and an anti-communist purge in 1965 it was basically illegal to be atheist or of a religion other than the 6 officially recognized ones (two of which were Protestantism and Catholicism). Which resulted in mass conversions to Christianity, especially among the Chinese. So today there are like 10% Christians in Indonesia.

Well yeah because to be a Malay you need to be Islam, if you're not then you're nothing I guess. But then again alot of my muslim friends still going around drunk, fuck bitches and half of em fuck man too

Lived in Indonesia for a while, the majority of the Islamic population in Indonesia are just overall mellow in their Islamic views. There's a mix of all kinds of cultures and religions and people basically let everyone do and think whatever the fuck they want, since they're collectivistic and submissive.

There's a few Shariah strict parts in Indonesia tho, such as Banda Aceh. Also, I've heard stories of Shariah "police" raiding clubs in Jakarta, but I've never actually noticed.

Would I have a good time moving to Jakarta to do tech work? I'm white

>Is it because they are a different sect of Islam?
yes, they are not Wahabbist scum like in the middle east

>Is it because they are not in an oil-rich region?
no, they have a lot of oil

>Is it because they are far removed from israel and Saudi Arabia?

>Is it because the West has no financial or strategic reason to stir up trouble there?

You will be swimming in bitches m8.

But then again, there is no average looking girl in Indonesia, its either a solid 10/10 or maybe 8/10 or 0.1/10

Definitely. Prepare to pose for pictures with teenage girls all the time.

Because they're not arabs.