Japanese defending Trump

Japanese defending Trump

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Why are women dressed like a men ? Disgusting, women should have their own dress code, more feminine

because east asians are ugly

God what a horrible fucking life

Trump's daughter came to Japan primarily and probably this is what she demanded

this is just their security detail

Oh fuck off shitty zainichi.

Don't come here

t.netouyo in korea

T.zainichi shithole

Ppl u hate always being netouyo

The korea hatred movement in Japan caused by zainichi which I 'd say 7 (zainichi):3( koreans) ratio.

Japanese girls should dress like that

fuck off takeshi

almost nobody dresses in their country's traditional garb anymore
festival qts are enough and they aren't going away anytime soon (I hope)

More prude version


Away from the degenerate look, women in OP pic look fine.

wearing trouser is easy to move mode okay?

Skirt is easier than trouser, ok kissama ?


Women who wear trousers should be raped and killed.
