Is Luke the strongest Jedi ever?

Is Luke the strongest Jedi ever?


I think he was at least up there in the EU for whatever that counts for (nothing). It's strange to say that considering how over the top every non-live action movie jedi is though

That's impossible.

Only a woman can be the strongest, well maybe if he is secretly transgender?


Nope. Rey is/will be.

Revan was the strongest Jedi ever.

I haven't touched the MMO, so I have no idea what they've done with those characters, but the exile was probably supposed to be stronger as a jedi, just less talented in pretty much every non-force related way

Was starkiller ever canon?

No, it's Sheev, Lucas said so himself. Although he's not really a jedi but whatever.

Not stronger but she would have beaten Revan in a fight due to her disconnection from the force.


He's not even the best drummer in the jizz-wailers.

Nevermind then

he's not even a jedi. he had a week of training from a dying jedi who spent 30 years in exile.

This is the only correct answer.

They underestimate his power

He is only a Jedi, like his father before him.

Yoda was one of greatest maters that ever were, and he said that Luke will become a Jedi after he confronts Vader. Luke passed his trial and was a Jedi since then


He underestimated the higher ground.

remember vaders display of power in R1?`

multiply that by 10 and you'll get an idea of what they will do to luke in the next one.

Starkiller was canon, until Lucas fucked off the expanded universe and said nothing but the movies and the clone wars series is canon now.

Disney wants us to think, that Rey actually is